Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Those pictures are wicked awesome darkeyez; thank you so much for sharing. Emily is so gorgeous. She really should wear her hair like that at least once on the show.

At my job my co-worker and I were talking about girl-crushes, and Emily definitely came up on our list.

P.S. In one of the pictures, you can totally see the tape she used to keep her dress in place. Not that I was looking or anything...
lol me either :p

I didn't notice it, I still don't notice it and if I look long enough I probably wil see it, but I'm too tired and my eyes might pop out of my head if I do it now anyway lol :lol:
you're full of pictures today !!heh..thanks!..

love her smile,makeup and hair!..the dress is nice too,but you umm,have to be careful!! :lol: :)
That's soooooooo funny Athens! That's what I thought too! I wonder if stars have some sort of glue to keep everything in place when they move, cause you know.,......

One false move in that dress and you really risk stuff ummmmmmmm falling out.

I thought it was a gorgeous dress, a bit short maybe.

A bit longer and just a trifle bit less low cut !!!

But EP looks great!

and them heels!
I'd fall down just standing still in those :lol:
Ohhh lovely pictures ladies. I love that third piccie where she's looking up. Emily is definatley a very pretty woman. And that dress she wore at the PCA is really starting to grow on me. I think its very Emily.
I love those fake lashes she's wearing... I wish I could find such good ones around... Maybe I'll ask her to lend me hers. :p
She definitely looks stunning in that dress... She has a wonderful body (man, I want legs like hers). *sighs*

Oh, and happy birthday. speedmonkey2. ;)
I really have a picture day, Athens :lol: I think Emily looked hotter than hot :p And happy birthday speedmonkey2! :D Hope you have a great day :D
Congratulations Katie!

And awesome pics everyone. I could stare at her forever and ever and...well who couldn't? :lol:
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