Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Yes I was sad to see the hypnotoad go to but look what we get instead!! HMMMM green apples :lol: If green apples make me look that good, keep the doctor away and give a smile like that I am going to invest in whatever company makes granny apples!! :p

Futurama kicks ass!! Animation Domination people. Watch it. Laugh at it. Love it.
Not Rio, going under. Ali that icon is scary after a few times. :lol: And Sabz you hit 100! Good.

I would pay lots for those apples too!
Lovely picture, she looks beautiful *muses awhile* I ate an apple like that today :D I'm off in a minute to take a look at that toothpaste add *is dazzled by emily's beautiful smile*

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo
I like green apples *whistles* And Emily :D The toothpaste ad cracks you really up, I wonder how many times Emily had to do that scene from your icon Ali :lol:
Thankx guys for all those nice pics of Emily! Now we all can have good dreams just by looking at them! :lol:

CSI_Ali said:
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away and helps you look like that, then I need to get my ass down to the shops right now!
If Emily's the doctor, I could make myself fall sick (by reading The Idiot Guides to Fake Sickness in order to see your pretty doc :D) everyday just to see that smile. geezz! :p Am sure my blood pressure will shot up if she's the one checking it, and if she's using the stethoscope to listen to my heart beat, it would be so abnormal, she would have to send me to ER immediately :lol:
CSI_Ali said:
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away and helps you look like that, then I need to get my ass down to the shops right now!

How come I eat tons of green apples and still don't even remotely look as beautiful as her? :mad: Life is unfair, really. :rolleyes: I lover and yet hate for being so pretty (if that makes sense).
Anyways, since someone already mentioned toothpastes and stuff like that, I think I've never seen anyone brushing their teeth in such a lovely way... :lol:


*stares at tiara in awe*
I started using the Colgate Max Fresh just because she endorsed it. I stopped using after the commericals stopped airing. They need to get her back, damn it. She needs to do more... But not so much she is overburdened, ya know. I love her on Miami but I wish I could see her more places.

During the repeats I feel as though I'm going through Calleigh withdrawls. Granted, I could watch DVDs and her movies, but I wish there was there was newer stuff around.

Like a good move where she's lead. Oh, I would die.

Ah, a girl can dream.

jue said:
If Emily's the doctor, I could make myself fall sick (by reading The Idiot Guides to Fake Sickness in order to see your pretty doc :D

Dude, if Emily was my doctor I'd raid Calleigh's gun rack and do a 50 Cent on myself just for the attention. Seriously, what's a couple of through and throughs matter when you're being looked after by that? Multiply that by making Adam Rodriguez the nurse in charge of my bed baths and I'm never leaving that damn hospital again! :D

I've always used Colgate. I knew they'd repay me for my loyalty one day, and they came up trumps with that commercial. I don't think we ever had the paste with mini breath strips over here though. :(
ya know I want to look that good brushing my teeth!! Seriously, could the woman be any more beautiful just b/c she is brushing her teeth?

Colgate sooooo needs to bring those commercials back or make nee ones...I would buy stock in the toothpaste then! :lol:

P.S. Ali....I hope I didn't offend with the whole 'uber dork' thing?
No veto, Luna, beautiful picture...hach...
Now for Calleigh :D

C stands for Charmingly, D is for Droll :D (sorry, didn't find s/th better *hides* )

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