Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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ThumpyG42 said:
Wyoming said:
Am I the only person who wants to see these two hook up?! I think they are SO adorable together and I really wish that they would just get married already lol. I never put those two together, but he's hot and she's hot and you know what happens when you put two hot people together lol.

Guys...no 'real people' shipping, it's something we actively discourage here. As far as we know Emily already has a boyfriend, but more importantly, let's let the actors and actresses have their private lives, please.

Thank you. :)

She has a boyfriend? I thought she was married...

Yes i know! Some people love commenting on actor's and actresses love lives! Once your on a show that airs daily, people will make comments like that. It really ticks me off.
Welcome aboard, Diana and Hunter!
Always good to have some new addicted who wanna spread the emiliciousness (is this nearly a word?? Well, you get what I mean ;) )
And yep, Emily has a boyfriend (Lorenzo, right?) And for all other TV-/Not real life- ships just visit the Shipper Central ;)
^^The important thing is, we move on and keep spreading the Emily/Calleigh love. ;)

DianaRowen, welcome to the Emily thread. :D

Thanks for the link to the interview Jess, it's great to hear what Kenny had to say about Emily. :)
I just want to ask this, how did her nickname 'lambchop' begin with her father? Did Calleigh reveal something in the past that explains how she got that name? Because she brang it up for the first time (i think) in Dispo Day.
That woman should be in a colgate commercial or something with gorgeous smile!!

Oh on second thought, didn't she do a toothpaste commercial a long time ago? She should do a another one...I would kill to a have smile like that!
She has been in a Colgate commerical! :lol: Seriously, it's on Leela's site (emilyprocter.de). I laughed my ass off when I saw it.

'You're about to uncover some major freshness!' Long live the mini breath strips! :D :lol:
Hahaha! So you finally broke out of the Hypnotoad's err hypnosis, Ali? Yeah Emily can do such things... Even more mindslaving than Hypnotoad, isn't she? :p
I'd better shut up now.... and since you're Futurama-less now, I thought I'd use a Leela icon for me...
Yeahyeah back on topic!
Posted that pic on my board yesterday, thought I'd share with you as well:


Yay! Apples!
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away and helps you look like that, then I need to get my ass down to the shops right now!

I literally peed myself laughing for 20 minutes after making that GIF. I don't know why, it just cracks me up. :lol:

I can't believe I got rid of the Hypnotoad either! He meant so much to me, but Emily won me over with her minty freshness. She does do strange things to your mind, and to dogs noses, apparently ;).

Leela, your icon kicks ass! I really need to get Futurama on DVD sometime.
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