Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Count me in on that :)

As a question to throw out there....What would be some of the kickass storylines you would like to see Emily in?
That she is kidnapped and that she's going to fight back to those bad criminals :lol: Would be fun if they are men :lol: Well, we could see that Calleigh is a really tough girl :D That woman had a gun to her head :eek: Vote for Calleigh, toughest character of CSI:Miami :D :lol:
You got my vote for a kidnap Calleigh storyline. I would love to see a storyline where she gets stalked and I mean really stalked not like in Body Count b/c that doesn't count as stalking.

Maybe the stalker starts sending her letters and flowers etc...and at first she doesn't take him seriously b/c she is like 'I can take care of myself' and nobody knows about it except maybe one person ( don't know who that would be) and then maybe she gets kidnapped or if she is involved with someone the stalker goes after them and she goes all 'I am woman with a gun don't mess with anyone I care about' and kicks some stalker ass!!

How does that sound? :lol:
delkolover said:
You got my vote for a kidnap Calleigh storyline. I would love to see a storyline where she gets stalked and I mean really stalked not like in Body Count b/c that doesn't count as stalking.

Maybe the stalker starts sending her letters and flowers etc...and at first she doesn't take him seriously b/c she is like 'I can take care of myself'
I have an alibi. :rolleyes:
Dynamo1 said:
delkolover said:
You got my vote for a kidnap Calleigh storyline. I would love to see a storyline where she gets stalked and I mean really stalked not like in Body Count b/c that doesn't count as stalking.

Maybe the stalker starts sending her letters and flowers etc...and at first she doesn't take him seriously b/c she is like 'I can take care of myself'
I have an alibi. :rolleyes:

:lol: I don't. I've been caught with the hands in the cookie jar, it seems. :lol:
You know what Calleigh, I have the sudden urge to touch your Emily.:lol:
Pleas don't take that really wrong. If ya know what I mean.:rolleyes:
xanessa said:
You know what Calleigh, I have the sudden urge to touch your Emily.:lol:
Pleas don't take that really wrong. If ya know what I mean.:rolleyes:

:lol: I fully understand the urgency, don't worry. :lol: Everyone should have an Emily, but (un)luckily she's one in the world. I hope she'll soon leave us a heir, though, cause one is way too little. :)
And you can call me Luna, btw. ;)
Aw, I watched Cop Killer yesterday and I love how tough Calleigh is to that smug PR mom... Besides she looks gorgeous in light blue. :eek:
The scene when she sits all alone in the interrogation room was beautiful... There was some kind of sad atmosphere in there. *huggles Cal*
I watched Bunk last night and absolutely loved the clips she had in her hair...they made her look sooo cute. I also love her attitude with the garderner who is the sex offender...he is so trying to get a rise out of her and she is like 'whatever' scum! :)
From last night's episode 'Internal Affairs':


The prettiness! Awww! :)
Got about 30 more HERE!
she is looking Hot in those pictures, she get prettyr when she getting older. She is so God dawn cute. NO wonder i love her so much, i wish i was a beauty like her.

I love her on this picture:(i haven't seen it yet she is pretty in it):
(credit emilyprocter.de)
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