Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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I absolutely love that episode...and the look on Eric's face when she says she is "freaked out that they have" is soo cute. I love Alexx's nonchalance about getting her saw and the microwave...it's classic!

I miss the Calleigh of Season 1 & 2 and damn it I want her back!! :p
Yeah, i loved that ep too! We're still behind here.... just finished season 4 (oh how I weeped), and season 5 doesnt start here till tater on in the year, like April or something. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I hope Calleigh finds her Happy Calleigh side again, but by the sounds of it from you guys I may have to wait a while. :( At least Emily is happy! :D

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo
Yeah, we have to wait for season 5, too tigger_willows (also from Germany??)

Okay, guys, seriously: after you came up with the microwaved hand quote I couldn't help but thinking the WHOLE day of that scene - AND THE MICROWAVED HAND! :p No dinner for me today! :lol:
Hey, can we find some more weird/cute/ass kicking/sexy/morbid quotes? C'mon, I know you can! (I'm not good at such things, so I will just read ;) )
Vera, I bet you were already anticipating I would meddle at this point, weren't you? :lol:

One of the hottest quotes for Calleigh is from Kill Zone:

H: "So what do you get when a six-foot tall man lays down with a three-foot long rifle?"
Calleigh: "Hot flashes. But that's just me."

Now, just replace the "six-foot tall man" with "5'3-foot tall woman" and you get the same answer from me. :devil:
Haha, yeah, you were right, Luna! :p
And such a hilarious quote! "Hot flashes" :lol: That's the Calleigh I'm missing (I have to rewatch the epis in english, German translation sucks s/t)
No, not from Germany cinegirl but you're not far off! UK actually!

I love that quote _Calleigh_ , and I have a feeling that my answer would be the same to your question too :lol: :p

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo
Season 5 is also not in Holland :( I love Calleigh/Emily quotes :D I'll ad some other ones :)

Alexx:"Aren't you supposed to be off this case?"
Calleigh:"Jones got the report. Can't help it if I can read upside down."

^ From the episode Freaks and Tweaks.

My favourite Calleigh quote:
Horatio:"... a present for you from Alexx."
Calleigh:"Nasal mucus. And it isn't even my birthday."

^From the episode Camp Fear :)
CSI_Willows said:
Alexx:"Aren't you supposed to be off this case?"
Calleigh:"Jones got the report. Can't help it if I can read upside down."

That is the contrary, actually... Calleigh says the first and Alexx the second. :)

This one was so damn ass-kicking:

"You know, Hagen, not only did I graduate from the same academy as you, but I'm a Southern woman and all that implies, and I don't know why you have so little confidence in my ability to protect myself."
Oh yes the line from Body Count is awesome b/c Calleigh is definately the type of woman not let any man try and protect her....well except maybe Eric :D I think she would totally be ok with him showing the concern Hagen did...at least I like to think so!! :lol:

I totally love that episode b/c Calleigh kicks ass and it totally shows the strength and compitence of her character...they need more storylines like that for Emily
Woops, sorry guys *shame on me* :lol: Emily is one of the actresses who can act like the best in a kickass storyline :D We need more kickass storylines! :p
delkolover said:
Oh yes the line from Body Count is awesome b/c Calleigh is definately the type of woman not let any man try and protect her....well except maybe Eric :D I think she would totally be ok with him showing the concern Hagen did...at least I like to think so!! :lol:

Not sure if you meant that in a shipperish type way or not, but please be mindful of the proper place for ship discussions. ;)
No I didn't mean it in a shipper way...although you are right it could be taken that way but I meant it in a platonic way. I don't think she would have minded it as much if it were Eric.

Apologies if it came across as shippy!
CSI_Willows said:
Woops, sorry guys *shame on me* :lol: Emily is one of the actresses who can act like the best in a kickass storyline :D We need more kickass storylines! :p

We really do!
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