Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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I think happy Calleigh will come back soon,,,
And we already have our happy Emily right? :rolleyes:
I saw a few parts from season 5 and Calleigh has a lot more smiles there then season 4, So I think happy Calleigh is coming back! (Happy Calleigh returns :) Yay!)
^I agree..She is just really good when she is happy and she is smiling :)..OK,when she is angry is really great too and I personally enjoy it ,but happy Calleigh IS good! :lol: :D
Aww, she DOES deserve a little romance in her life.. I think she should get married with someone at the end of S6 OR have children :lol: Okay, just kidding. I just hope she's going to have a date with someone.. :devil:
PungoXmyXdarling said:
Aww, she DOES deserve a little romance in her life..
I just hope she's going to have a date with someone.. :devil:

Yeah, two guys immediately jump into my head - hehe...
But perhaps we will get soon a chance to see a date or a new love for Calleigh. I mean, the writers are always bringing up situations where Jake's presence is needed (I know, some of you don't like him, I just wanted to state it ;) )
I just don't see her with Jake at this point in her life. I could see where she might have liked him when she was younger and less mature but now that she is grown up, and it looks like he is the same person (which she pointed out in "Going Under"), I can't see her having a long term relationship with him. Now Eric, on the other hand is antoher story. :D

If we can't have happy Calleigh on the show then a happy Emily is fine by me!
I agree too. It is time to have happy Calleigh back.
CSI Ali, what episode is the clip in your banner from? It is starting to annoy me, because i can't figure out which episode it is from.
ok...so I was watching Season 1's 14 Epi "Force Entry", and I saw lotsa Calleigh lovely moments...

-the eyes bewildered look :eek: of her after Alexx said "I'm gonna need my saw and the microwave". Kinda remind me of Ryan's "Alexx... He has no head. Where's his head?" look. ;)

-the captivating smile on her face when she and Eric went to the painter's club, after the club owners Jarod Parker and Michael Guerro introduces themselves.

and the best of all, that last part when she and Eric was interrogating the suspect Vincent Graziano, anybody find her voice particulary sexy here?

especially this part:
Calleigh:...you may be a lawyer, but I am a CSI. A damn good one.*smile*
OMG :eek:...I swear I could have listen to that tone to sleep, everynight, and have good dreams. Frankly, I don't even mind being a suspect, if she could say that in that tone to me, personally of course. :D
CSI_Willows said:
I can be her suspect anytime she want :lol: Just kidding :p

I can be her suspect anytime she wants, and I'm not kidding. :eek:
If she spoke to me the way she spoke to Mr Lawyer, I swear, I wouldn't give it a second thought and jump her right in the interrogation room. :p

I love her sassy attitude when she says that... CSIs aren't supposed to be so sexy when they interview a suspect, but I'm glad she doesn't seem to know. :lol:
I can be her suspect anytime she wants, and I'm not kidding.

You crack me up, Lunsie, I swear! :lol: I kept my mouth shut this time, but I can count on you, jumping in and spread the Emily-Love :lol:

But I think that's one fav quote and scene from all of us, yeah, Calleigh kicks asses in a sexy hot way and even me could imagine to be her suspect when she treats me this way :lol:
ok...so we all don't mind being her suspects? ;) there must be a damn long queue of people waiting to be one then...maybe our next thread title could be: Re: Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Making drooling Calleighians queuing up to be a suspect!' or Re: Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Can't seem to get rid of drooling suspects!' :lol:

and you are right Luna, "CSIs aren't supposed to be so sexy when they interview a suspect, but I'm glad she doesn't seem to know." I am also glad she totally have no idea about it, so we can all continue to watch, drool, watch, drool... :D

Here's another fun one from the same epi:
Alexx : *casually* I had to micro a hand just last week. Only way we could get the evidence out.
Eric : *casually* Oop, let'er rip.
Calleigh : *horrified :eek:,but still smiling* Wait!(ohhh...that cute facial expression was another priceless masterpiece) Y'all are acting like this is no big deal. That's someone's hand.*exclaim, exclaim*
Alexx : *casually*Calleigh you've picked up body parts before.
Calleigh ::eek:Yeah, but I've never microwave one and it...sort of freaks me out that y'all have.
"Yeah, but I've never microwave one..."<---our dear Calleigh...so serious, yet funny and adorable. Don't think we get to see this side of Calleigh that often, classic! :lol:
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