Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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cinegirl said:
(no romantic feelings, but wait for Lunsie :D )

*jumps in* Anyone mentioned romantic feelings towards Emilycious? :p Vera, of course that was you! :lol:

Yep, I adore Emily, and when I saw adore her I mean it litterally. She's beautiful and sexy, and has a really hot body, but she also has such a friendly and funny... Not to mention how cute she is. I love her voice and her accent, and I would kill to have eyes like hers (mine are light blue, but green is way prettier).

Calleigh... Well, she rocks, that's it. She's tough and frail, as only a woman can be. She's technically perfect, but not 100% invincible. Besides, is there anything more enticing than a hot sassy ass-kicking blonde with a gun? :devil:

And welcome Sabz! ;)
Emily is a beautiful and smart woman and I don't think it is weird for one woman to say another woman is beautiful or hot. It is the reason that women in general strive to be or look like a gorgeous celebrity! Of course I definately wouldn't mind being blonde and beautiful with amazing green eyes and of course those legs!! :D

I think what draws me to Calleigh is that she is a beautiful strong willed woman in a man's world. She is tough yet soft and can do her job with the same tenacity and determination a man can. She is definately someone to look up to. And Emily portrays that very well on screen.
Well I am female and I am soo not gay, but I was just downstairs watching Emily and I was looking at how beautiful she is!!! I think she is hooooot!!!
-Happy New Year everyone!!!-

What I like the most about Emily, (exept her looks of course)Is her sence of Humor,, she always make me laugh.
And she doesn't is like other celebs, that's what I like too, because she is herself! (Go Emily!) :lol:

And I like the most about Calleigh that she is a hot and sexy cop in a guys world. And like many others say: She really kicks butt! :devil:

-Tonight CSI: Miami in Holland!- ;)
hehe, that's just why I like Emily 2: She is herself and she's not another diva ;)

Calleigh has a great sense of humor, I always love her quotes :lol: "I can't help it. It’s in my DNA. I’m naturally curious." A quote from the episode Blood Brothers :p
Thats my favorite Calleigh quote. I say it all the time. I think I love it because she's all bubbly and stuff. I dunno it was just cute at the time when she said it. Makes me miss how things used to be on the show.
They've definately made Calleigh into a harder person. And what I mean by that is the bubbliness (is that even a word?!) has disappeared. She's become more mature and serious and for that matter they all have. There is nothing wrong with that but I miss her little happy bubbly comments cuz some scenes just scream for them!
Oh yeah i miss that too.. she was very happy and smiling all the time now she is the tough business woman...
I mean it's good for the job .. but for herself i don't know... it seems like she lost a bit of her happiness what is really understandable after everything that happened (Speed, Hagen, her Dad's drinking problems ...)
i miss the bubbliness too(hehe i don't think it's a word but i know what you mean and i like it :p)
Sure she's been down, but in S5 there are episodes where she is like so happy and smiling :D I don't really like Calleigh angry, there are so many accidents happened with her (like in Going Under) and oh I'm so tired >.<
She certainly had her fill of angst and crap over the past couple of seasons. As much as I love it, I'd like to see her happy for a while. It's about time she has something good happen to her.
No doubt she deserves to smile at something other than a joke or for catching a bad guy. She deserves a little romance with someone other than who is only interested in himself or his career....anyone guess who that is??!! :D
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