Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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^^thanks!..She was really cute and nice! :D..

..So what 2007 will bring?>-something that has to do with Emily/Calleigh? :p
thanks, Love the first one!
I dont know what would happen. Maybe she'll get married.(with me?)
Nah that wont happen..
We'll see
Wow,,, long time no see,,,
Great, great, great pic's.. here is a little christmas present (I know it is a little bit late)


Gotta go now,,
Everyone a very happy 2007 with lots of Emily hotness ;)

I noticed that - finally - I have ALL Charriol ads at home now! Woot! I scanned them and will add them to the gallery tomorrow! :)
But here's one already: CLICK!
I need your help guys. I am looking for a specific Emily cap. I can't remember what show it was from *ellen maybe* where she was wearing a crown. If anyone knows where I can get this pics please let me know!
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