Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Hi guys *waves*

I've not been on here in ages *sobs* because my computer was being a dumbass!

Just wanna say hi to the_bullet_girl and welcome to the thread, its nice not to be the newbie anymore! That was a lovely picture of Emily you posted. And I agree, it is a little diificult to find pictures that haven't been posted here allready...although I don't think people mind to see especially gorgeous pictures of Emily again :lol:

Well hopefully these few pictures haven't been posted here yet, just a couple of little treats:

cute smirk

i have a picture exactly like this of me....., its well weird, cus my best mate took the picture of me before we saw it and then we did see it and it was like 'oh my god!', its like nearly the same picture (except that I don't have nearly as beautiful hair as Emily does *sighs*)

And finally, fantastic pictures from the photo shoot jue, I've seen a few of them before but none of that quality, they were lovely, I've snagged a few of them, and am trying (very unsuccessfully)to make a wallpaper *sighs*

Wow, that was a long post! I should be off now, I have a few other places on here to visit now my computer is behaving.

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo
glad you guys like the photoshoot! :) just happen to saw it during one of my net browsing moments ...EmilyDeGodness must have bless me to find it to be able to share wif you guys :D

Luna! Yes I do think the greenery around Emily really gives us a ...different her, not so much of the usual limelight in parties, but something more cute, more sensual, more nature...

yeah...and where's little wolfe? :eek: He should be beside her! :p

kasandra, you lucky girl! you dreamt of Emily! I've never dreamt of her before...k...that's not a surprise really, to think I've only started loving her and CaRWashin only 2 months ago...I will dream of her soon! :p

tigger_willows I agreed...it's kinda difficult to make those pics into wallpaper...I don't know for you, but those pics are so gorgeous & hig res, I am caught in dilemma whether to make Emily smaller to fit my screen, or just let it be (but my icons will kinda "destroy" her face) urggghhhh... :D
I don't think I've ever mentioned I love her, have I? *checks previous posts* Oh, well, I have... Only a gazillions times. :p
I heart her in this pic... She looks so naturally beautiful... It makes me think of Beautiful Love by The Afters (Katie, I owe you one for letting me know this song ;)): what a beautiful smile, can it stay for a while? (of course, Emily's smile is neversetting, to our delight :D)

Luns, you love her? Wow, I never would've guessed that. :lol: Join the club.

Where is everyone? I wanna share this beautiful pic with someone.

Oh My Gosh (I'm sorry I say that all the time but I try to let it sound just as cute as Emily let it sound) I don't think that will work ;)
But I looooove all the pic's you're send. They are almost to beautiful! I have to call Calleigh and let her arrest you. (MDPD you've been arrested for sending too beautiful piccies :cool:) And then we're all going to prison in Miami ;)
Ok, sorry I was talking dumb but I can't help it,, I am in a strange mood :p Maybe I should try to find a pic that is too beautiful, Maybe I get lifetime then *evil smile* :devil:
*runs away to find a beautiful pic, and to download The Afters - Beautiful love.. :devil:*

---------------------------- Later ----------------
I'm back!! You have to arrest me! ;) Just kidding

Wow, thanks for posting those pics. Luna, love the pic you posted. Em's smile is very lovely. :D
Same goes for your pic, Nikki. It's hippie-style!
Thanks Roos!

I've got a question, this season seems to be a good one for Calleigh. Angst, a potential boyfriend (I will not express my opinion on that. *looks at banner and icon* :rolleyes:)...but what do you want to see?

I heard some rumours about her father coming back and I really hope that happens. I always loved the scenes with her father.
Maartje, please refer to the Board Rules before discussing downloaded material.

Thanks. ;)

ETA: Dutchie, I hope Calleigh's father returns as well. It's always been great to see them interact, and they have such a wonderful chemistry. Plus, I'd like to find out what happened to her father after 'Under the Influence'. Did he ever quit drinking? Did Calleigh do anything more to help her father? So many unanswered questions.
We did see him in Recoil and he told Ryan he wouldn't be anywhere without Calleigh. At that time he was sober and playing the attorney. But yeah...so many ways to find out more about him. Plus I love to see family background.
:eek: How did I forget about 'Recoil'? :eek:

Thanks for the clarification on it. :D And I agree, I love to see their familial situations. Well, as long as it doesn't take too much away from the show. :p - I'd really love for Duke Duquesne to come back though, he just added so much to the show even if he was a secondary character.

I wonder if we'll get to see anything about Calleigh's mother. That might be neat.

Also, I've noticed Calleigh has lightened up quite a bit this season. Anyone else really happy about that? Has anyone not noticed a change? Do you think the writers will continue to go down the 'happy Calleigh' route?
Geni said:
Also, I've noticed Calleigh has lightened up quite a bit this season. Anyone else really happy about that? Has anyone not noticed a change? Do you think the writers will continue to go down the 'happy Calleigh' route?

I hope they will. Happy Calleigh is favorite Calleigh. Angst is lovely too, but I prefer Happy Calleigh over Sad Calleigh. And I hope the rumours about her father are true, that's all I can say. :D
I like happy Calleigh too. She's really been kicking butt this season. I'd love to see the Duke again as well. He's such a great character, and they have excellent chemistry together. Like Geni said, I'd like to see her mother as well, as she has been mentioned a few times. It could make for an interesting storyline :)
I like happy Calleigh as well, so I am hoping the writers will continue to go down that route. The woman has gone through so much, she really deserves to ba happy!

Speaking of Calleigh's family, I too would like to see her mother. Also, we've met one of Eric's sisters, so in turn, I'd also like to see one of Calleigh's brothers. :)
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