Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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did anyone else notice a ring on Emily's ring finger? I know people where rings nowadays where a ringon that finger either way but to me it look suspciously like an engagement ring...Am I imagining things or is/was it really there?
I don't think it's an engagment ring. She wears rings all the time. And always different ones. Sometimes on the left sometimes on the right.
It's really not a big deal.
Of course not. ;) It's probably just a normal ring, and if it's not we'll find out through an interview sooner or later.

She looks gorgeous in that black dress. I don't know how much more I'm gonna say this: she looks gorgeous in everything. (The first one to say she looks gorgeous in nothing too will get a smack to the head. :p Yes I heard that one coming. :lol:)
Oh, damn, I always tell her not to wear my ring in public... She's so stubborn... Never listens to me. :rolleyes:

Well, okay, now you all know. Emily and I are engaged. Isn't my fiancée stunningly beautiful? :p

Oh, man I hate my t.v. It was crystal clear for 3 hours. And then the awards came on and it cut out. I saw the first 5 minutes of it I believe and then it cut out. So I didn't get to see Emily. *sighs* I swear someone hates me.
That's my fave photoshoot! She looks so gorgeous... All the green around lits up her eyes so well... *melts+drools*

:lol: Yep, jue... If only she were lying on a bed with Ryan. :rolleyes: *tries to tame CaRWash heart*
Love that photoshoot. Em looks so pretty & gorgeous.

Poor monkey! If I only knew it was on.. I have VH1 too..
Those are such gorgeous photos; thanks for sharing jue. I hadn't seen them (or well the whole lot of them) 'til now.

Random,but I had the oddest dream about Emily last night. I work at the holiday shift Bath & Body Works and in my dream, she came into the store to purchase some stuff. I was trying not to pass out while ringing her purchases when all of a sudden I blurted out 'Emily!!'. She smiled, and said hi - but then insisted that I called her "Em-Em". Only my co-worker came by and said "Oh, like the candy?" and before either one of us could react, I woke up. Weird, haha.
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