Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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i haven't been in this thread for some time *hides in shame* but now i looked through all your pics and they are so amazing !! really thanks for posting !!
and thanks for the new pic luna i like the hair she looks like a goddess
From 'Backstabbers':


Oh.... and everyone, prepare for something big tonight! Muahahahaaaaa!
OMG, in that pic she looks unbelievably wonderful... Just... I don't even have the words to explain. I've always though she looks gorgeous in red, and that shirt is perfect (lovely boobsies view :p).

*yearns for the Big Thing*

P.S. Leels, do you by chance happen to have any news about the photoshoot Emily took with Jon and Caruso in Marie Claire? You're the one who always gets this stuff. :D
Aw, Luna, this "old" pic will never lose it's gorgeousness, I could look at it forever! And her hair! :eek:
Leela - I guess you picked the best scene with the best "insight" :lol: ; thank you for sharing! *mops the floor from Lunas drool* ;) And now I know why it's evil_leela: no more hints what we will expect from you? Not a little, tiny hint???!! Don't do this to me! *cries* :D
Emily looks more than gorgeous when she's wearing something read. It's just the perfect color for her. Really lovely. Can't wait for more caps from that episode! Thanks hun! ;)

P.S. Leels, do you by chance happen to have any news about the photoshoot Emily took with Jon and Caruso in Marie Claire? You're the one who always gets this stuff.

Did I miss something?? New photoshoot?? Ohhh why does Germany suck that much? :lol:
sienna, are you all right? sienna? sienna? Do we need a house call from a regular physician or do we need Alexx?

Well, I have got to tell you, Emily looked better than Teri Hatcher back then and even more so now. (There goes my membership in the Teri Hatcher fan club.)
Yay for the new layout! That was the secret! *slaps myself* Could have known it... :p
Happy Aniversary to you both, Leels and Jules, for another year of beautiful emilyciousness news ( :eek: ) and wonderful pics, articles etc...

P.S.: hihi... "BIO/FILMOgraphy" *lol* and another *lol* for the new icon! :D
Hehe thanks guys! Glad you like it! :)

Here's two more caps from 'Backstabbers':



She was so cute with Emma, wasn't she?? *sighs*

...oh and yes, Vera, YOU could've known it!! :p
Oh, Leela how you spoil us. You really do. I love the new layout it all...emily. Which..it was before. But you get what I mean, I think. lol.

And how much do I love your avvie? Teehee. That was my favorite scene in last nights episode.
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