Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Happy Calleigh is the best Calleigh you can have :p And as you said SincerelyInDenial, I like to see some brothers :p Maybe they are as hot as Calleigh *whistles* :lol:
*lurks back in*

Oh, I absoultley love Kenwall Duquesne. I thought that was a great storyline for Calleigh. Kenwall's just...awesome. He's one of my favorite secondary characters. I'd have to agree with speedcochrane on seeing Calleigh's mother. Did she take her husband back? What's Calleigh's relationship with her mother? So many possiblities.

I like to see some brothers
Ya know I'd like to see some brothers to. And if there hot then thats an added bonus.

But I on the other hand haven't heared anything about Kenwall returning this season but thats just because I'm trying to stay away from spoilers this season. If its going to suck I would atleast like to be suprised lol.

But hmm...now I feel like going to watch all of the Daddy Duquesne eppies.
I am with you..happy Calleigh is the best Calleigh..But when she is a bit angry she is great too! :lol: ;)..

anyone from her family would be great..brother-mother...An episode Cal family centric would be interesting :)..But no much drama please!happy Calleigh best Calleigh! :rolleyes:
I want happy Calleigh too but I much prefer ACTION Calleigh. It just seems that the men in the show have all the fun with the action...we know she can kick butt so let's see her do it and of course be happy about it :p
I'd love to see more of her past... About her mother and family and her story with Jake. I'm really eager to know how they got together and then broke up (though, according to Going Under, I have my ideas :rolleyes:). Let's wait for the next 'Going' episode, maybe Jake will be back... That seems to be the magic word to see him appear. :lol:
I emailed Core Miller and he emailed be back and said that Jake will be back in episode 12 which titled 'Internal Affairs.' so maybe we will learn more about Jake and Calleigh's history. I'm interested in their backstory but I am still an E/C shipper so I'm hoping it doesn't go any furhter than that or at least not show us.
i don't like jake, he's not right for calleigh. I don't trust him, plus he has really no chemistry with calleigh- coming from a carwash fan
*high-fives Raven* Same here girl, same here. I watched that scene in Going Going Gone when she gets shot, and when she pulls that bullet out of her vest, she says: 'I will deal with you later'. And not in a playing kind of way. I was thinking: 'and she's supposed to like him? Then why didn't she thank him?' Any views on this, maybe from people who do like Jake? ('cause I obviously don't :rolleyes:)

Internal affairs? Oh boy... :eek:
Dutchie said:
Any views on this, maybe from people who do like Jake?

*meddles* Here it comes the CaRWash Jake-liking view. :D
Imho, the rage in her when she told him that was, of course, due the fact he had disobeyed her orders, but I think she was also very mad at him cause he had risked his life so irresponsibly (she had kevlar, he didn't). Above all, she was furious because she had to recognize to herself she probably would have had some more trouble without him.
I'm mostly a CaRWasher, so it stings to admit Calleigh has a great chemistry with Jake, and I'm not only speaking of the sex appeal... Whatever has been between them in the past is obviously still there, under a bunch of misunderstandings and regrets.
She definitely likes Jake, and it's particularly clear in their last scene in Going Going Gone... That was a total two-sided explicit flirt. :rolleyes:
I always wondered, who was higher ranked Calleigh or Speed?

Cause now after speed died :
Speed was ranked higher than Calleigh. He was a level three, and Calleigh was a level two. Since he died, it hasn't been mentioned if there was any promotion, so we can assume Calleigh is still a level two unless said otherwise. However, she is ranked higher than Eric and Ryan, so she would be next in line to take charge when Horatio isn't there. - As seen in 'Rio'.

Hope that helps somewhat. :)
Old pic, neverendind hotness.

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