Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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The picture is really, really stunning and classy. But w00t, Em has become very skinny. She still looks great though.
I don't think she's too skinny... She's just thinner than a couple of years ago, and it shows, expecially looking at the 100th Episode Party pics. Curves or not, though, Emily is love. :)
Emily Is love!.. I don't know ,I just want to believe that she was and still is healthy and with the right weight ;)!..Pictures don't always say the truth!..Anyway! :D..Emily is love ..

I was watching some season4 episodes -finally for the first time-and I have to say the woman is FANTASTIC! :)
Great pic Leela, thanks for sharing. :)

I have a question, what was y'alls favorite Calleigh character episode? Examples of that would be 'The Best Defense', 'Under The Influence', etc. Also, why was it your favorite and what else would you like to see happen for Calleigh?
My fav Calleigh ep is probably Body Count. I think it's one of the few episodes where we get to see what she could do if she were the boss (i.e. great things).
I also love Under The Influence for its tense atmosphere... It shows she's very strong, but not unbreakable, and I also like the way she deals with the newbie who has been assigned her father's case (aka Ryan :p).
Last but not least, Going Under. I simply adore it, with all the angst and the tension betwen her and Jake. Great ep, imho.
Hmm...favorite Calleigh episode. This is kinda hard because I have about three. lol. But I'm going to have to say any episode that involved her father (yes I know thats not just one but I can't choose!). I really thought that that story line had a lot of potential. And showed the emotional side of Calleigh that we rarely get to see. So out of that storyline I'd have to go and say The Best Defense. I loved it when Hagen picked up her dad and she unbuckles his seat belt and says "A little to much continplation". And I loved how she was all worried about her dad. I would love to see more of that storyline.

I also liked Going Under. This storyline has potential to show us some of Calleigh's past and I think that would be very interesting.
^^ I loved 'Body Count'. It really was the first time we got to see Calleigh alone on a case (pretty much), and the tension between her and Hagen was great! Also, I love how it (Calleigh/Hagen tension) continued in 'The Best Defense'. That was one of my favorite Calleigh episodes, because she just rocked. :D

I agree with Katie, that 'Going Under' has a lot of potential to get into Calleigh's past. I'd like to know more about her relationship with her mother, as well as her father. I'd also like to find out more about her relationship with Jake, and why it ended. (Well, I'd like some more specifics anyway. :p) We know very little about Calleigh's past, so it would be great to see some more on that.

Plus, it was great to see Calleigh in the opening teaser. Very intense scene, and Emily pulled it off wonderfully. :)
I'd like to see more interaction between Calleigh and her father. That storyline has great potential, imo. Body Count and Under the Influence were my favorite Calleigh episodes. Although, I have been known to change my mind frequently :)
It's magic...Emily went out again. *does a happy dance*
So Santa really got my letter and I guess this a pre xmas gift for me and all Emily Fans.

Emily @ The VH1 Big in 2006 Awards

OMG, beautiful picture. Loved that smile and her eyes are amazing. But damn, how much color can you put on your eyes before they're to heavy to stay open? But what do I care? She looks amazing like that :D
Thanks for finding those pics all the time.
I really needed something beautiful on a day like today... Getting Emily, I got beauty for every other bad day in my life. :)
Ohhh, Bulletgrrl that is a lovely picture. I think she looks gorgeous. And no doubt considering this is Emily her outfit is probably awesome. Thanks for posting it.
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