Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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speedmonkey2 said:
But did it bother anyone else how her hair was up and then it was down then it was up and then down again?

Yeah that was kinda weird. I think they have like polaroids for those things...to have a continuity in every episode. If this episode would be a movie...her hair up/down thingy would be one of those movie mistakes. :lol:
BulletGrrrl said:
All 75 Caps are now up at our gallery. Be sure to check them out. Emily looked gorgeous as always!


I have just had a look at the gallery and I'm inclined to agree, she looks gorgeous :D :p

I'm just watching CSI at the moment WOOT! But eugh, there's maggots. No Emily yet though. :(

Just a few picies I thought I'd add though.....ooo ooo ooo there she is, and in a lovely red shirt,:D anyways back to these pictures
pretty emily

my two favourite csi girls

i love her jacket in this

okay, so i'm going to watch the rest of csi, and emily/calleigh shhoting her guns

laters, tigger_willows xoxo
oooooh crazy....big gun shot out and a nice view of calleigh's ass *swoon* I'm gonna have to find out which episode its in so i can find some nice screen caps of it.

tigger_willows xoxo
Errm..... actually I don't....
I don't even know which episode you're talking about. ;)
But I refuse to make ass-caps anyway... :p
Well I discovered which episode was on last night, it was called "free fall" so I'm now off to look for screen caps, yay! *dances off jauntily*

laters, tigger_willows xoxo
Leela said:
But I refuse to make ass-caps anyway... :p

You're such a good girl... :lol: If you won't, I'll make caps. ;)

Speaking of Emily's ass (seriously), I must admit I used to like it better back in the other seasons... In S5 she's thinner and her butt has become kind of flat... Me wants her curves back! I mean, I still like her, cause I usually have a weakness for skinny women, but Emily's an exception. :(

Anyways, here's some major cuteness, freshly capped from Come As You Are. :D

Someone asked for a Free Fall butt cap? click here...

What? *grins innocently* :devil:

I dunno, her getting skinnier hasn't really caught my eye yet, but I'm sure it will once I start paying attention to it. Which I think I will now. :rolleyes:

*wants come as you are*
thanks for the caps!! :D

^eeehm!..interesting! :lol:

Only one time I saw that she may be thinner than before and that in some pictures I've seen about a month ago I think in one of her appearances[with the light blue dress!]I think it was on the 100th episode celebration but I am not really sure! :)But from what I've seen in episodes she seems healthy so is ok! :)
*holds up hand* That would be me. I did have a look for one, but I couldn't find one as good as that. Thank you muchly Dutchie....ooo that almost rhymes, he he he!

laters, tigger_willows xoxo
athens said:
I am not really sure! :)But from what I've seen in episodes she seems healthy so is ok! :)

That was it, and yes, she's indeed healthy, and still looking extremly hot and all (as I said a gazillion times, she'd look hot even if she weighted a thousand pounds :lol:), but I still miss her gorgeous curves. :rolleyes:
*pokes head in* I hate to intrude...

_Calleigh_ said: but I still miss her gorgeous curves.

I actually was discussing this issue with my mother on Monday and discussed how we noticed that Emily has lost a few pounds, but it's not so dramatic that one would be alarmed about her health. But I do agree on one thing - no matter what her size is, she will always be absolutely gorgeous. *is envious*

And this is kind of random, but it is Emily related. I was leaving from an interview today and I happened to pass by Bloomingdale's (major high-end/upscale retail store in the US) when I almost had a heart attack - there was a billboard that featured Emily for Charriol.

They should put a warning sign by the billboard because it may distract drivers and cause accidents!
SincerelyInDenial said:

They should put a warning sign by the billboard because it may distract drivers and cause accidents!

They sould have Emily billboards in Holland! (next to my house of course :p ;))
They should put an Emily billboard up in my room (if the wall was large enough). I once saw a CSI (LV) billboard when I went back for my high school reunion a couple of years ago. It wouldn't fit in my car.
They should put Emily in my room. Period. :p
Those Charriol billboards are gorgeous... But I've always had the impression that Charriol is sponsoring Emily rather than the contrary... Honestly, who notices the jewels if Emily's in the picture? :rolleyes:

I mean, look: what else do you see apart from a hot blondie and *cough* another couple of nice things? :p

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