In any case, the storyline and the outcome were so predictable, that I only have one word to describe the episode: BORING!!![/QUOTE]
So i only know what you guys tell me. I think that Emily was complaining in one interview that they make her work too hard, that last season was too difficult. This in addition to the fact that she is trying for a baby may be the reasons to cut down her screen time.
Anyway, next week is a hiphugger episode! I hope, anyway, otherwise these whole last season wouldn't make sense...so far nothing interesting happened between them and we are already half way through the season...:scream:[/QUOTE]
Sory, can't have it both ways. As a single female that has been forced to take up the slack for pregnant and parental co-workers at the expense of my own life...sorry, doesn't wash with me. Not married and not saddled with a child...hello, I still have my own life. I've logged too many un-appreciated hours at the happenstance of coworkers that have children and then I found grief at the hands of employers that begrudge me time off to care for a terminally ill parent. At this point in my life and having to deal with what I have to deal with....pregnancy and the trying of thereof is a personal issue and not to be brought into the workplace. Sorry, it's a choice issue and not a demand one.
Believe it or not, but I am a Democrat.. Just, don't bother bringing up pregnancy and employment to me unless you want me to beat you into the ground off list. Emily is no exception right now, even as much as I adore her. I'd give my right arm to have her job. And I love the one I'm in. But I would love to be a popular working actor in LA instead of working for the Chicago CPS. I know I make a difference and that's something, but it's not my heart's desire. From her interviews on the subject....she's a goner forever as an actor. Is anyone here willing to just have dvd's from the past to remind them of what could have been? Are we just that complacent? Can we all just settle? She has too much talent to stop now.
Sorry, Florry if I got too personal again. TDB. I just hate to see someone with so much talent so underused and with so much promise just possibly...don't lie and think she won't, disappear from her fandom just because she wants kids. Sorry,. work in Special Ed and...really, the care that Hollywood kids get is beyond the stratosphere where ordinary public school students get. Red carpet treatment and all that. She'd be an idiot, which I know she's not, to insist anything more comfortable/ IEP directed for her child...but would she be working in media at all? Fans, you love her, but are you willing to lose her forever after Miami? Think about it. I'm not. Selfish, yes, but when you choose to live your life in the limelight, you lose a lot of personal freedom.> So, I'm of the opinion that if she chooses to have a child at her age and some thing goes wrong, it's just like my job. You still need to come to work and produce. If you can't, then, quit. Too damn bad. You have people counting on you and you can no longer produce. Then you need to go away until you can. Year is held for you. Longer and you go looking. A.J. Cook did it on Criminal Minds and even closer, Anna Belnap did on CSI:New York. My informed opinion. Flame me if you must, but do take it off list so that we can have a full heated discussion and not bore anyone else.