EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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Ok, Im all for the Kaya appearance & KARU's (above) "scenario" there, I just have one thing to tweak a little..the part where he says he hasn't found the right one yet. NO NO NO...he HAS found the right one!!!

He should look at Natalia & stutter saying.. "uh..Uncle Eric is waiting for the right time" & then the little girl says "well, Aunt Natty wants you real bad, so now is the time"!!!! :lol: Then he'll choke!!!:guffaw:

A little sidenote here: I imagine Nat's nieces being toddler age, or younger, only because she made the comment about the little shoe device in 'Born to kill'. Any child over 5 isn't going to have that attached to thier shoelaces.
Eric's ...Im guessing older but not real sure why, I just do, & he is supposed to be the youngest which I think is soo off!! Marisol was born in 1978 (it's what the headstone says), she would just have turned 30 this year...there is absolutely no way Eric is only in his late 20's!!
Do we have to do the homework for TPTB here, or what?!?!:wtf:
Yeah, I think TPTB changed his age at some point. I think originally he wasn't supposed to be the baby with three older sisters, but then Marisol did call him "little brother" once, so... it's weird. Maybe he's only a year younger than Marisol. So, that would make him 29 this year. That's still a bit of a stretch though. They should have made Marisol's year of birth 76 and Eric's 78. I could believe him to be 30, but younger is pushing it. I'm sure he's older than that IRL. If Eric's only 29, Ryan's gotta be like 26-27 cause surely he's younger than Eric. Calleigh's gotta be older than Eric than if Eric is only 29. Surely Calleigh's at least 30-31. I have the ages of the LV characters, but I don't think we've ever gotten the ages to the other characters from the other CSI shows. :lol: Did they ever show Speed's headstone?
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He should look at Natalia & stutter saying.. "uh..Uncle Eric is waiting for the right time" & then the little girl says "well, Aunt Natty wants you real bad, so now is the time"!!!! :lol: Then he'll choke!!!:guffaw:


That would be hilarious! He'd probably be flustered and wondering if Natalia heard them... I like the idea of Eric's niece playing matchmaker. We need more scenarios! Got any ideas guys?
We need more scenarios! Got any ideas guys?

I like the idea of the rest of the team playing matchmakers. Ryan and Jake are good at undercover operations. Horatio and Alexx (cause she still comes by to see her friends) recruit Ryan, Jake, Calleigh, Valera, etc... to help Eden realize they belong together. :) I don't know exactly how they'd go about doing it. I guess they could do what's been suggested about Gil/Cath. Lock them in a room together. :lol:
Horatio and Alexx (cause she still comes by to see her friends) recruit Ryan, Jake, Calleigh, Valera, etc... to help Eden realize they belong together.

Yeah, it looks like it's gonna be a whole team effort... though I like the idea of locking them in a closet. I'm thinking all the sexual tension will mount to something pretty spectacular! Though the guys would probably be scarred for life...
Ya know, guys, I honestly don't think EDeN would need the whole gang to make them realize they belong together. In all reality (of a tvshow:rolleyes:)..it really shouldn't take much but a few great moments & some reconnecting for these 2 to get it back together!!!!:thumbsup:

Im all for locking them in the closet, though:devil:
Let's see...for some reason I had this thought the other day when I was thinking about Halloween (a ways away - I know). So, how about a Halloween Miami epi where the case involves a murder in a haunted house. Not a real haunted house, the made up ones that people pay to walk through.

Natalia & Eric go to investigate. I could see them walking through this thing dark, pulling back cobwebs & them both getting a little freaked out over it. Natalia would be one step behind him the whole time, practically joined at his hip...thier flashlights oddly go out. *snickers*:devil:

Then they'd get caught in some sort of trap & end up locked in the closet that way!! I'd laugh my a$$ off, it would be so comical!!

Could you imagine them stumbling over each other trying to get out of closet??:lol:

Natalia: Do something, Eric!!
Eric: What am I supposed to do? MAGIC?!
Natalia: Let me see if I can get the flashlight working...*reaches for it*
Eric: Um, that's not my flashlight, 'Talia

Maybe Frank would eventually figure out how to get them out....maybe.
Oh, & there's no reception in the house, so thier cell phones are out too!;)
Could you imagine them stumbling over each other trying to get out of closet??:lol:

Natalia: Do something, Eric!!
Eric: What am I supposed to do? MAGIC?!
Natalia: Let me see if I can get the flashlight working...*reaches for it*
Eric: Um, that's not my flashlight, 'Talia

That would be so perfect... Halloween is my favourite holiday. Hey, do you think they could be in costume? In Bones, Brennan and Booth dressed up as Wonder Woman and a squint. Any ideas on what their costumes should be? I vote for Dare Devil and Elektra 'cause red leather is hot and when you put that into the equation... :devil:
Well, I was just imagining them in the normal work clothes, but ok, I can roll with costumes:lol:

Hmmm...don't get me wrong, I like the red leather, but it's alot on Eric. Not so much on Nat, which is a good thing.;)

I think she'd look cute in a devil costume, a sexy one.:devil:
We need something with a little less clothing for Eric!! Tarzan??:drool:
:lol:Yeah, I can only imagine Natalia having fun with that!!!! :D
I still can see Eden dressed up as Aladdin and Jasmine. :lol: I can just see her in that blue outfit ... and I can see Eric fiddling with the Aladdin hat and complaining about how it won't stay on his head correctly. :lol:

Oh, MJ... that bowchickabowbow had me in stitches! :lol: I like the whole "that's not my flashlight" thing too. heheehee.

How about Eric dressed as Hercules (shirtless Hercules) or maybe they could dress as Sampson and Delilah. :lol:
and I can see Eric fiddling with the Aladdin hat and complaining about how it won't stay on his head correctly. :lol:

He would do that! He probably say that he looks like a dork in his costume and then glare at anyone who stares at Natalia. Though I don't think Natalia will agree with him on that!

Hmm, other costumes... dunno, for some reason, I see Eric as an ancient Egyptian pharaoh complete with gold headress, Egyptian kilt and metallic cuffs. I don't think he'll be a fan of the eyeliner and jewellery though! And before I forget, no shirt and of course, Natalia has to be his queen.
I don't know if I could see Eric as Alladin, unless he was going to a kids party or something.
I say maybe Eric's in his regular work clothes ,as is Natalia, but then OH DAMN THE LUCK, his shirt gets snagged on a nail & experiences some wardrobe malfunction!!!:drool:
What else ya' guys got?

I think we need to give Natalia something to work with here. Im all for continuity, so I'd like to see her have an accident with her shoulder again. Not the same as before, but this time say she's out in the field & hits the ground on the same shoulder & passes out from the pain...Eric of course comes to her rescue. hehe

ooohh, even better if she was trying to shoot a suspect when it happened & Eric would see her lying on the ground crunched over with a guy ready to shoot her....
what would he do? I'll let you guys "fanfic" this scenario out!!;)
Halloween, New Years, they're all good and fine. Personally I like to keep things simple for our duo.

A simple night out on the town. No costumes. Definite dancing involved, especially of the Latin style. They would stay away from the big, hip trendy clubs and go to smaller more intimate places. Or maybe even a party thrown my his or her friends. Eric would be in a dress shirt, white would be good but other colors are fine. Dress pants-black and well fit. Natalia, very simple, the all-purpose, always reliable, LBD=Little Black Dress. Oh yeah, and we can require at least one slow dance.

Nature will take care of the rest!!:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
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I did have the epi idea that they could be in the locker room after work; Natalia sees that Eric needs to get out & have some fun, so she invites him over to a little shin-dig she's throwing at her house (one without co-workers); the rest would be up to our crazy imaginations, but like Doublehelix said...nature would take it's course from there!!

Plus, she threw up those damn boundaries that one time, so she owes him an invite. ;)
Natalia: Let me see if I can get the flashlight working...*reaches for it*
Eric: Um, that's not my flashlight, 'Talia
Oh my God.

Oh. My. God.

Oh my freaking God.

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.

...Sorry. I just really want to see them get it on. It would be HOT.

And it's not like Miami has a problem with people having sex on the show.
And it's not like Miami has a problem with people having sex on the show.

Aside from Eric's little scene with that girl outside in that alley or behind that store or whatever (and possibly Natalia with ex hubby Nick, which I'm not positive they showed), have they shown any other main characters having sex? I missed a lot of Season One and Two eps... or some, so I could have missed this...

Or did you mean they show guest stars/victims having sex all the time... cause they do tend to do that a lot. :lol:
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