EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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Of all of the CSI shows, I only know of three steamy, sexually charged scenes that involved a central cast member or two central cast members together.
One was of Stella on CSI-NY, in bed with boyfriend, who later went nuts and she later shot to death in self defense. The other was of Warwick on CSI-LV who was having a one night stand. This was the episode where the murdered girl's body was put in his car. It wasn't a very explicit scene but it really did not have to be.

The only scene that I know of with two main cast members together is Danny and Lindsay on CSI-NY. It was the first night they spent together.

I am definitely of the mind that on these shows we'll see only one pair-up per show at a time. There has been Grissom/Sara and Danny/Lindsay but the Miami pair up has yet to happen. :(

Of all the CSI franchise CSI-Miami is likely the most sexually suggestive. It's everywhere on that show. The whole show has its premise taking place in steamy Miami, a city known for its spicy Latino flavor. Girls in bathing suits, guys on the beach, cheating spouses, and a devastingly good looking group of CSIs just round it out. Does anyone remember the episode from season 4 with the three woman who came to Miami on a "wives' weekend" and all had their try with the towel boy? In CSI-LV, many of the crimes seem to take place in the midst of the dark seediness of the Las Vegas underbelly. With CSI Miami everything occurs out in the open of the Florida sunshine. It is a definite contrast.:evil:

My opinion is that if Eric and Natalia do reunite they likely will shoot one seriously steamy scene. Eva has done a number of such scenes from her AMC days. I don't know if AR has done any like that but there is always a first time. Knowing what I know about CSI Miami, such a scene may likely "push the envelope" as the saying goes. I also tend to think that if they do such a scene that it will herald that Eric and Nat are together for good.

Well, that's how I see it anyway. Chime in if you like!
I also tend to think that if they do such a scene that it will herald that Eric and Nat are together for good.

Ya think? Seriously though, if TPTB ever do something like that, I swear I will faint. And possibly watch the action and munch on popcorn after I recover. I do like the idea of a confrontation in the locker room though... as long as they don't get caught by the all-seeing and all-knowing H or anyone else. Hmm, I'm thinking of sneaking in a few video cams and get the whole thing on tape. Wanna watch it with me guys? I'll provide all necessary junk food and I think I can get some Midori... I'm legal here in Canada.
Here's my take. Let's say Eric and Nat do reestablish their relationship. Only this time they get it right and their relationship becomes committed and destined for the long-term. Maybe TPTB will do something along the lines of what was done with Grissom and Sara.

Grissom and Sara did wind up getting exposed but that in itself did not end the relationship. It was when Sara began to get stresse due to the violent nature of her job that caused her to leave. The relationship survived over a couple of seasons. I tend to think that Natalia and Eric will stay together.

There would be a few great ways to close out the series.
-A series finale where Eric and Nat get married
-Eric and Nat get married secretly but continue to work together in spite of the department policy. They are outed on the very last episode.
-Eric and Nat marry secretly and Natalia becomes pregnant. The series finale ends with the birth.

One could probably do even more but I think that's a good start!!
Does anyone remember the episode from season 4 with the three woman who came to Miami on a "wives' weekend" and all had their try with the towel boy?

"Three Way"... yep, I remember that one. That was the one where Delko got caught with the rolling papers in his kit. :lol:

In Miami's case, I really wanna see two couples get it on. Eden and Cake. :lol: But, I really wanna see Ryan and Valera getting it on together too... mostly just cause I wanna see shirtless Ryan (and don't want to see him with anyone but Valera lol). :drool: come to think of it... we've never had shirtless Greg on LV either, but I have seen pics of Eric in other things minus the shirt... and I liked what I saw. :D I'm sure I would with Ryan/Jon too. Oh and I really wanna see shirtless Johnny too... though I'm sure I've seen that before in some of his movies. Don't think he was shirtless in Empire Records though... sadly. :lol:

As for Adam doing steamy scenes, I'm not 100% sure, but I kind think he might have done one with Katherine Hiegl in Roswell... cause their characters did end up marrying each other. And the WB/UPN was not as shy about showing those kinds of scenes as CBS apparently is. :lol: And yeah, that scene with Warrick/Joanna was very steamy. I thought it was actually in his mind until that one mob guy said "she slept with a cop". :lol: and I thank god we never had to see steamy scenes with Gil/Sara... I think that would have really bothered me. :lol: I think it was more effective that it was more on the subtle side with only the one kiss in her last eppy.

-Eric and Nat get married secretly but continue to work together in spite of the department policy.

I'm actually working on a Rave fic sorta like this. If you want, I could throw Eden into the mix as well and then parallel how both relationships are eventually outed. I might throw Cake in there too. :lol: If only I could think of a title for the fic that would go along with three secret marriages... :lol: "Three Marriages and a...." ??? :lol:
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Just my 2 cents here.
I do agree with Doublehelix, that these CSI shows will only have one couple each among main characters. I tend to look at it differently though when said Miami doesn't have one. In my eyes, they actually do...that couple being EDeN!!!

At the time of the relationship, she wasn't part of the main cast yet, however TPTB already had the intentions of keeping her & weeding her into the main cast. When you're a "newbie", whether intention is to become a regular or not, you don't go strait to the opening credits, you have to go through the first season scattered about It was every intention for TPTB to make her a main character, that was Ann Donahue's reason why she was the mole...to get her out of cold cases & into being a CSI trainee.

That being said...I absolutely consider them to be the ONLY Miami couple to have been there & done it between main characters!!

Now as to the "sex" issue....Miami has yet to put forth any bedroom scenes, but it's all too obvious our duo here have engaged in this matter...& more than once!!

Will they push the envelope? Most likely!! As Doublehelix so brillaintly put it ...Miami is the sexy one of the CSI sisters & they love that Latino angle also!!

The way I see it is that out of all these characters on this show.... Eric & Natalia are most defintily the characters who "fit" the love stories. It's in Eva's nature to work the love related stories given what she has under her acting belt.
Both characters have the presence of being the ones who look for love, & want it. Unlike our other characters who seem to only nick the surface of it & then need a break.
Natalia has been married, indicating that she is the type of woman who wanted a stable relationship & start a family. Eric's whole image has revolved around his "love" for the opposite gender. Thier both very fitting for the part, don't you think??;)

I do believe, no matter what, that thier relationship is something that will always sit within thier characters together. Thier interaction will always be different. They'll never have the "just friends, forget the past" sort of relationship. I don't believe that for a second...this isn't a soap opera where the love stories shift & bounce from one character to another. There was a bigger reason for EDeN becoming what they are!!
relationship & start a family. Eric's whole image has revolved around his "love" for the opposite gender. Thier both very fitting for the part, don't you think??;)

Now that you mention it, it doesn make sense. It seems to me that both characters are growing towards a point where they can meet without all the drama that's associated with them. I just hope that TPTB are willing to guide EDeN in that direction because I think that's what they were lacking when the got together the first time. They didn't have such a strong foundation and I think that contributed to the separation. I think that once they get past that, there's great potential for them as a couple.
I tend to think that when TPTB had the two together back in season 4, it was a sort of "test fit" for the two character and for EL and AR. I think TPTB wanted to see what kind of on screen chemistry the two have, how do they look on screen together, are they a sexy couple (like they truly need to ask), are they convincing, and so forth. Once they had their answers they'd break them up for awhile for some character development.

Now, that we've gotten that development, the stage will be set. And this time around, as Karu says, we'll have a good foundation for the two to reuinite.
I agree. It seems like the timing was perfect for a big obstacle when Nick resurfaced. It gave them "the big kicker" & split them up (sorta) without having to make them be mad at each other or break up over something that was a big deal between them. That sort of "ending" to thier relationship left the doors wide open!!

To me his return was what put a damper on things & brought the relationship to a hault. Nick was a person who needed to be out of the picture, & Natalia needed to grow as a CSI & get him out of her mind for good. That's what's been going on since his death. He's out of her life now, there's no reason why she couldn't completely fall for Eric now!!!!

Everything else is already set , as Doublehelix noted...it's already ALL there...the attraction...the "like you more than a friend"....lord knows there was plenty of heat...& the caring was always there, too & still is....they just need to be drawn back to each other - plain & simple.;)

NOTE TO TPTB: there are many, many ways to go about doing this!!!!!!!

In a way, I think the idea was to start them out with all the heat & sexuality because then it showed even more of what was there between them after they slowed it down, & stopped seeing each other sexually. It had a heavier impact later in epis like 'Collision' when we got to see that Eric was still crazy about her even though he wasn't getting sex from her & he showed a very caring & loveable side in that last scene. Even later in s5 when Nick showed up, they still weren't "getting it on" & he stuck by her through all that & showed concern for her. Like I said, much heavier impact I think!!;)
Even later in s5 when Nick showed up, they still weren't "getting it on" & he stuck by her through all that & showed concern for her. Like I said, much heavier impact I think!!;)

Yeah, it's much more impactful emotionally. By the way, I saw If Looks Could Kill last night, I as usual, I was psychoanalyzing EDeN's interaction. Eric is very protective of Natalia, don't you think? He stopped her from assaulting Nick (which I don't blame her for doing) because he didn't want her to get into trouble and he told Nick to scram without losing his cool. I found out that I really don't like the ex-husband... especially the part where he told Eric to run from her. I'm thinking that Eric knows her an awful lot better than Nick, am I right?
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I tend to think that Nick told Eric to run from Natalia for two reasons. 1) To mess with Eric's head and 2) In hopes of scaring Eric off so he could isolate Natalia from Eric.

I tend to think that Eric is simply a better man than Nick is, rather, was. I know TPTB can't go into every last detail on the lives of the characters, still it would have been kind of a study if we'd seen why Natalia's marriage to Nick went from a storybook love story to a horror show. What made Nick change?

Even in the wake of their break up Eric has been protective of Natalia. That's what give us optimism that the two will reconnect. I think now it is possible that we're going to see some role reversal. Natalia coming to support Eric rather than the other way around.
I watched it last night too, and the other night when it was on A&E. The more I watch it the more I absloutely HATE Nick Townsend!!! Who the hell says that stuff about thier wife????:evil:
I honestly think he said it to get under Eric's skin, it was right after Nick learned they had been together, so I always had the impression Nick was just trying to get Eric to get away from her 'cause he knew Eric was competition. I absolutely DO NOT think Eric took Nick's unkind words seriously though. If anything, Eric got to see for himself what kind of man Natalia had to deal with in her marriage.

Nick came off as very controlling also. That part in the lab when she's trying to make amends with him to keep her job, he makes a little comment about her acting civil & respecting him. It makes me sick everytime I see it. The Mother :censored: broke her arm, & did lord only knows what else to her & he's telling her to be civil?!?!
I would've shot his ass...plain & simple.

I agree, Eric's protective side came out in a huge way in that epi. Every time she turned around, he was there!!! To me, that was the highlights of the epi itself. What sucked was that I don't think she was fully aware that he was trying to help her. It seemed to confuse her when she found out he talked to Judge Chambers about her assaulting Nick, & then him telling her to leave the crime scene. I felt so sorry for her!! Too bad Eric didn't just throw Nick over that damn balcony & end it there:lol:

I always wondered if Nick thought she was too overly friendly towards men in general & that stirred up his abusive side, maybe he accused her of being unfaithful. Im sure TPTB will always leave that part a mystery. It would have been nice to get more background on what happened, but I guess the purpose was just to have him show up, be a jerk & then die...lame.

Seeing that epi just makes me want EDeN back together EVEN MORE cause Nick obviously treated her like crap... & Eric, was always good to her...he would never hurt her, & he cares so much about her. He could love her in a way that Nick was never capable of, & Natalia deserves that after the hell she went through.
Ya' hearin' me PTB?!?! ;)
Yeah, Nick was a jerk. No doubt about that. :lol: I was cheering Eric on in "Internal Affairs" when he went after Nick. :lol: I was so glad when they killed Nick off. :lol: But, I'm glad they didn't make Max or Nat the ones to kill him. :lol:
Nick simply crossed paths with a man who was desperate. That sealed his fate. It also gave Nat the chance to get him out of her system for good. She could truly move on with her life.
^^...and thank god they did!!

Now that Natalia has Nick out of the way...& for good, she's also gotten her gun permit, she's a full fledge CSI...NOW is the time to really move her on. In the direction of one Mr. Eric Delko!!!:D
I am in total agreement the only problem is that Mr. Delko's 'compass' isn't reading to well. Someone give it slap or something!
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