EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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Oh I'll gladly give it a whack! It's time for that bullet to shift a little...preferably out of that section of his brain that seems to be blocking his memory of previous events prior to his shooting.:rolleyes:
Eric needs to open up to Natalia about the depth of his feelings for her, and how he needs her. I want him to tell her. No more stalling.
*hugs KIANE* So glad you popped in.:)

I think they BOTH need too!!!! Natalia has alot of explaining to do as well. I honestly feel like after Nick showed up that Eric knew Natalia was in a confused situation, & then she kinda withdrew herself from Eric.

In "internal affairs" Im pretty sure that word got around that Natalia had been in Nick's bed (it spreads like wildfire), so I can only imagine that Eric took that as his answer to where he stood with her.
At that point, he may have simply thought it was completely over for the two of them because she was now mourning her ex-husband's death.

That's why I'd like to see Natalia showing some deeper feelings for Eric this time around. I would love to see how he would react if he discovered that the girl he wanted all along was falling in love with him.
Personally...I think she will...if she hasn't already.;)
she's also gotten her gun permit, she's a full fledge CSI...NOW is the time to really move her on. In the direction of one Mr. Eric Delko!!!:D

That is definitely the direction she should be going in... I mean, she's already turned her life around from after she divorced Nick. She's a different person now... strong, self-assured and skilled. All that's missing is Eric! By the way, I'm all for whacking Eric... that bullet has caused enough trouble. And of course, those two need to have a serious talk... they can't keep dancing around the issue. Hmm, maybe we should lock them in the closet and have them let it all out!
She's a different person now... strong, self-assured and skilled. All that's missing is Eric!


She's developed more now. She wouldn't be going back to him for reasons of security...although, I'm pretty sure he will always be a knight in shining armour in her eyes;)

Plus, it's very important that he knows her past. Eric knows how sticky the abuse subject is for her & she wouldn't likely talk to just any man about that!! He knows her better than anyone else in the lab!!

He's been her personal side-kick since day 1!! She just doesn't interact the same with the others as she does with Eric. It's all in the way she talks to him...her smile, her tone, her eye contact...there's a distinct difference there, it speaks volumes!
He's been her personal side-kick since day 1!!

I would love to see Eric as Natalia's personal sidekick! I can imagine her as this intelligent kickass woman with him as the forensic-savvy man standing by her side as they fight crime. Though I think that partner would be a better word. After all, Natalia is his equal, no arguing about that!
Well, by personal side-kick, I meant more that he's been the one there for her on a personal level (in one way or another) & the one who tends to come to her aid in emotional situations, whether it be a serious situation or not..he is always there or saying something about it. (Darkroom & Burned for example)

No arguments from me though..I do agree she is his equal!:)
Well, by personal side-kick, I meant more that he's been the one there for her on a personal level

Whoops, sorry about the misunderstanding. I just had this mental image of Eric being Natalia's sidekick and things just took off from there. But you're right, Eric seems to be the one person who is constantly there for her. Even if he does seem abrasive to her in some situations, he's still letting her know about his honest opinion. Personally, I think that's good because they can't agree on everything.
^^^No biggie! ^^^

I can't really recall any major moment where he disagreed with her though, aside from a few times where she would suspect someone as the killer & he would think otherwise. I never thought he came off as rude about it though.

They won't always agree on everything...it's completely normal to have different opinions. What I like about them is that they can disagree over those little things & it not be made a big deal of. He doesn't rub it in her face that she's wrong, & she doesn't push it with him either.

On one hand, I'd love to see some angst between them, on the other I like that the relationship (romantic or not) has stayed strong & they don't fight. If anything, I think it would be good to see them argue a little over the subject of a person who goes back to abusive husbands.

I'd like to see him have a pissy approach to it (like it being a case or something) & Natalia understands where the woman is coming from, but Eric doesn't, & questions or remarks about her own decision with Nick. Maybe that would resurface things a little & get it out in the open!!! IT NEEDS TO BE DEALT WITH!!

Of course then they kiss & make up at the end though, ya know.:p

There's a little piece of this song from Staind (love them) that reminds me of that timeframe combined with Eric's injury.;)

"I sit here lost inside my head, remembering everything you said, the silence gets us no where, gets us no where, way too fast"
If anything, I think it would be good to see them argue a little over the subject of a person who goes back to abusive husbands.

I think they'll have plenty to say about that... they can't keep quiet about that issue though. It's bound to come up in on of their cases. I don't want it to be totally angsty though. There's room for a couple of EDeN moments.
You would think they would! I don't know how many times I've seen cases on TV, like 48 hours & Snapped :)p) where there's stories about battered wives killing husbands & all that. The plots in this show have changed so much though. Is it just me or has it become all about weapons for these people?!! they even used the weapon story when Eric was shot. Damn...move on to something new...please!!:rolleyes:

They could easily get away with a story like that if Carmen came back into the picure. Her & Eric's lawsuit being a subplot & then the main plot be about spousal abuse. It'd parallel nicely, & I'd love to see Natalia sink her teeth into a case like that!!;)

I'd like to see Nat all pissed off & wrestle some jerk to the ground or elbow him in the nose!! She needs to kick some ass along with everyone else,
then Eric can mend her wounds with a little TLC :p.....and whatever else he wants to do to ease her pain:devil:
I'd like to see Nat all pissed off & wrestle some jerk to the ground or elbow him in the nose!! She needs to kick some ass along with everyone else,
then Eric can mend her wounds with a little TLC :p.....and whatever else he wants to do to ease her pain:devil:

Yes! That's what I'm talking about. We know that she has a black belt in karate, but we never see her kick any ass... I would love to see scissor-kick a bad guy or something like that. Honestly, TPTB don't give Natalia enough credit... she's perfectly capable of defending herself. Though I would like to see Eric and Natalia kick ass together! And then afterwards, treat each other's wounds and squabble a little about who kicked the most ass... and maybe kiss each other's boo-boos. Is that too much to ask?
Nat has a black belt in Karate?!?! I don't remember hearing anything about that.

Still, Im sure after her ordeal with Nick she had to have learned some way of protecting herself. Im all for the ass-kicking & kissing each others boo-boos. No- I don't think it's too much to ask!!! :p

I'd also like to throw in that they are at a scene dodging bullets, a fire, a car, whatever, & Eric is forced to throw Natalia on the ground to save her!!!....and then of course she lands right on top of him face to face!!!;)
What I think Karu meant to say was that Eva has trained in Tae Kwon Doe. I'm not sure what level she has reached but I have read it a number of times as well. It's actually a good way to stay in shape.
Ok, that makes more sense. I knew Eva was into Tai-kwan-doe (however you spell it-whatever) but I hadn't recalled Natalia having any sort of martial arts training.
I do remember hearing that Togo said that he thought TPTB should make Natalia be a kungfoo expert, or something like that.

All the same...she needs to be kicking some bad-man boody, black belt or not!!! Maybe Eric needs to show her some techniques. I could see her throwing him down & pinning him ...Im sure he would enjoy it:devil:
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