EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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I don't know if that will be her big arc, but I have a feeling that issue will be looked into. It may turn into something bigger later or something else happen with her out in the field & then it get's investigated.
I don't see it going away really, unless it was just a little foreshadowing of whats to come with her & her shooting abilities.
..and yes...the whole deal with Stetler last season thinking her & Eric are still an item makes me very, very, curious!! I for one hope Stetler "goes there" again!!!:p
I don't see it going away really, unless it was just a little foreshadowing of whats to come with her & her shooting abilities.

I dunno... TPTB aren't really too big into foreshadowing. But they should look into it 'cause it would be more interesting for us to see where a particular scenario will go. I personally would love to see a continuation of the gun arc... that way we can see Natalia kick more ass!

..and yes...the whole deal with Stetler last season thinking her & Eric are still an item makes me very, very, curious!! I for one hope Stetler "goes there" again!!!:p

Me too. He only confronted Eric and I would love to see him ask Natalia... 'cause I don't think he believed Eric.
Well...the thing is...Eric NEVER said it WAS or WASN'T what Stetler was thinking about them. Rick immediately started to confront him on the topic of the lab policy & no dating; Eric then thought he was referring to Calleigh & Jake, saying to take it up with them.
Stetler responded with : "I was talking about you & Boa Vista... but thanks" . So, really Stetler never got a strait answer from Eric at all about his relationship with Natalia, which could lead to him still thinking they're an item!!
Almost the entire lab knew of EDeN's relationship, so Im sure Stetler knows also, he's a nosy butt:p


Nat's shooting. See, I always see LOTS of foreshadowing with TPTB. A lot of times it's very subtle & you have to read between the lines, but it's there. In this case with Nat I really don't know for sure, since obviously it's a fairly new story with her. Still, I saw it as something "added" to what TPTB have been playing on the past season, which has just been her & her shooting issues.
I don't know, but to me, it seems like a story they were going with ...s.l.o.w.l.y. I might add...so I wouldn't be surprised if her shooting issue (in any way shape or form) isn't brought up again.

Plus because of what she said to Horatio about it. Everyone else shoots people ALL THE TIME, yet the ONE time Natalia finally does & TPTB make a big to-do about her aplogizing for what she did, & then H saying you feared for your life, that's all they get...something to that effect.

Anyway *shakes head* back to EDeN!!! I think it would be really nice to see them talk about the situation since Eric made that little comment about the bad guys getting what they deserved. If Nat's actions are brought into question, I could see Eric backing her up. Then I could see Stetler just assuming that Eric is defending her because he thinks they're "together".....ohh what a tangled web I weave:lol: So much could come out of that sort of scenario!!! I'd love Stetler if he threw it all out on the table for them!!!:p
Stetler responded with : "I was talking about you & Boa Vista... but thanks" . So, really Stetler never got a strait answer from Eric at all about his relationship with Natalia, which could lead to him still thinking they're an item!!

Oh yeah, how'd I miss that? But I would like to see him 'attempt' to get a straight answer from Eric 'cause the scene he witnessed just screams there's-something-going-on-with-those-two!

Everyone else shoots people ALL THE TIME, yet the ONE time Natalia finally does & TPTB make a big to-do about her aplogizing for what she did, & then H saying you feared for your life, that's all they get...something to that effect.

That makes sense... I don't see any other reason for TPTB to include that scene unless it's hinting at something later down the road. If it does happen, we all know that Eric's gonna have her back. That and he's gonna tease her about passing initiation and that she's part of the big boys club now!

P.S. I was just visiting the EDeN social group and I love the nickname you gave Natalia. 5-spice is awesome... it's totally exotic and very indicative of Eva's multiracial background. I wish TPTB would give us a clue about Natalia's background. She strikes me as the kind of person with an interesting and unusual backstory.
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Greetings folks! Sorry I have been a little quiet as of late. Some other issues prevailed.
Hmmmm. Stetler actually suspecting Eric and Nat never ceased their relationship. In trying to find out what is going on Stetler actually winds up bringing them closer together.

DAMN!! THAT IS A GREAT IDEA!!:drool::drool:

I have to admit, I like the sound of that. MJ is quite correct, Eric never did give Stetler a straight answer about him and Natalia. Eric only threw him off the trail. For all intensive purposes Stetler thinks they may still be seeing each other. That would make for a very interesting story line indeed.

Now, about Natalia's shooting. In the epi where Natalia has to draw down on that guy and she shoots him in the arm, my opinion is she showed surprising restraint. She would have been totally justified in killing the S.O.B. But she didn't. The perp was still alive to be questioned later.
I tend to think that Nat went from a lousy shot to a very proficient shot. At least Rich the shooting coach was good intstructor.

I would like to think that if an issue comes up about Natalia's use of force with a gun it will probably be in a situation like Calleigh ran into in "Stand Your Ground". Just say for argument's sake that Natalia has to use that gun again and this time she does wind up killing someone. Who knows maybe even to save a fellow CSI. Eric perhaps? As with any police shooting there is an investigation. Natalia starts to doubt herself but the other CSI stands firmly behind her.

I like the sound of this!:):):):)
DAMN!! THAT IS A GREAT IDEA!!:drool::drool:

Glad you like it! We've been conspiring about using Stetler to get EDeN together for the past couple of hours and we're thinking of putting that plan into action, regardless of what TPTB might think. Do you want in on it doublehelix? We need more people to help carry it out and we need ideas from you.
Ya know that theory of yours about Nat shooting to kill to "save" a fellow CSI COULD very likely happen. Think about it! We have Eric who hid during the shootout...obviously by Nat's reaction in the finale, she was worried for him...SOOO, if a situation did occur with them both at a scene where there's gunfire & Eric freezes up or has some sort of "relapse", Natalia could bust in & save his hiney. Seriously...I could totally see her whipping out her gun all freaked out thinking Eric's gonna die, & she offs somebody. I would soooo love to see that!!!!:p


As for our dear Stetler..... any one of these scenarios could get him to speak up about EDeN's relationship!!! He BADLY needs to throw it in thier faces. I would absolutely love to know what either would say if they were just simply asked this one question...."what is your relationship with ?"
and then they say "we're colleagues" & then Stetler (oddly knowing all this info) be like... oh really...& then he just starts dishing out thier past ...EVERYTHING!!!! :lol: Damn, I want to see that!!!!

THEY SHOULD TAKE A LIE DETECTOR TEST!!!! Oooooohhh, Stetler could REALLY put them on the spot then;)
Q:: have you had sexual relations with Natalia Boa Vista??
Eric: uh...uh...
Q: Do you still feel the same for her?
Eric: uh...uh....uh
Q: Are you over her?
Eric:__/\/\__ /\/\/\/\/\/\_______

Eric:__/\/\__ /\/\/\/\/\/\_______

:lol: That's cute, MJ. Looks just like the lines on a lie detector test. Very creative!

:lol: I'd love for Stetler to question them about their relationship and for one of them to come back with "So what? What about your past relationship with fellow cop Yelina?" and then the other one would say "Don't be a hypocrite, Rick." :lol: That would rock!
Q:: have you had sexual relations with Natalia Boa Vista??
Eric: uh...uh...
Q: Do you still feel the same for her?
Eric: uh...uh....uh
Q: Are you over her?
Eric:__/\/\__ /\/\/\/\/\/\_______

Brilliant! I would love to see Eric sweating over the lie detector test... Stetler will be able to nail him for once. Hey, do you think we could sneak a camera into the room? I wanna watch this with you guys... I'll even make popcorn!

*:lol: *

He'll never hear the end of that then.. hell yeah, it'd totally rock... I really wanna see Eric and Natalia stick it to Stetler so badly! Think we could make it happen? If we could get Stetler to get EDeN to tell the truth about their relationship, then anything's possible...
Is Stetler even the one who makes up these rules?? Personally I would think Horatio would have a say in it, it is his team, & for that matter Horatio HAD to have known about Eric & Natalia & he hired Nat to be a CSI, so obviously he didn't see a problem with it. Maybe H was trying to keep them together...heehee;). Little matchmaker...we should get him involved too. I can gaurantee he'd throw Yelina in Rick's face, I can just hear him now, & I could see Horatio having a "heart -to -heart" with Eric or Nat about it. You just know he'd be a big ol' sap!!:p

piccie of the day...

ahhhwwww yes, 'Going Under'. It's on tonite on A&E by the way:D
Oh, I love the picture! Now where was I...

Horatio HAD to have known about Eric & Natalia & he hired Nat to be a CSI, so obviously he didn't see a problem with it. Maybe H was trying to keep them together...heehee;). Little matchmaker...we should get him involved too.

You maybe onto something there MJ... he cares about the both of them and he hates Rick's guts so he'd be killing two birds with one stone. I love it! It's all very diabolical... we definitely need to recruit him, sunglasses and all. Hey, do you think we could get Alexx involved too? She and Horatio make a good team and I can totally see her fussing over Eric and Natalia.
Well Alexx knows all too well about EDeN also (uh..see Payback;)). I think she was the first to actually see it, so yeah, she'd be good too, unfortunatly she's with the "living" now, so probably no such luck!

I think H could handle Stetler on his own anyway.:D

What would actually be pretty interesting is to see Stetler really getting nosy & questioning Ryan or Calleigh about EDeN!!!!! UH YEAH!....WOULD LOVE to see the reaction THEN!
Seriously...give me a break here, PTB, the entire department knows about EDeN, it's no shock here...there's no need to try avoiding it, cause that just isn't going to happen....NO WAY AROUND IT!!!:cool:
unfortunatly she's with the "living" now, so probably no such luck!

Actually, Horatio did say that the door was open for her anytime, so I say we bring her back for a visit. After all, she needs to check up on the kids from time to time!

What would actually be pretty interesting is to see Stetler really getting nosy & questioning Ryan or Calleigh about EDeN!!!!!

*snickers* There's no escaping from that! I would love to see Stetler go after Calleigh and Ryan about EDeN... I wonder what they'd have to say? Word travels around the lab fast and I'd love to see the reactions when Eric and Natalia eventually hear about it!


Hmm. 5-Spice Boa Vista. You know, that does sort of have a ring to it.

I would love to see Eric call her that on the show. I can just imagine Natalia telling a curious Eric about her background and then a couple of days later, the lab hears him yell, "Hey! Ms. 5-Spice Boa Vista! What about my results?"
Thanks to DOUBLEHELIX & MIAMIROCKS for sharing the csimag news!!!!:)

"Natalia has remained "close" to Delko since the mole incident";)

..& this unanswered question in the sidebar....:D:D:D:D:D "is there a reunion in the cards?" (If that isn't a bit of a *hint-hint-wink-wink* I don't know what is:p)

OH HELL YES!!!!!.....BRING IT ON PTB,!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: **does an EDeN happy dance**

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