Well...the thing is...Eric NEVER said it WAS or WASN'T what Stetler was thinking about them. Rick immediately started to confront him on the topic of the lab policy & no dating; Eric then thought he was referring to Calleigh & Jake, saying to take it up with them.
Stetler responded with : "I was talking about you & Boa Vista... but thanks" . So, really Stetler never got a strait answer from Eric at all about his relationship with Natalia, which could lead to him still thinking they're an item!!
Almost the entire lab knew of EDeN's relationship, so Im sure Stetler knows also, he's a nosy butt
Nat's shooting. See, I always see LOTS of foreshadowing with TPTB. A lot of times it's very subtle & you have to read between the lines, but it's there. In this case with Nat I really don't know for sure, since obviously it's a fairly new story with her. Still, I saw it as something "added" to what TPTB have been playing on the past season, which has just been her & her shooting issues.
I don't know, but to me, it seems like a story they were going with ...s.l.o.w.l.y. I might add...so I wouldn't be surprised if her shooting issue (in any way shape or form) isn't brought up again.
Plus because of what she said to Horatio about it. Everyone else shoots people ALL THE TIME, yet the ONE time Natalia finally does & TPTB make a big to-do about her
aplogizing for what she did, & then H saying
you feared for your life, that's all they get...something to that effect.
Anyway *shakes head* back to EDeN!!! I think it would be really nice to see them talk about the situation since Eric made that little comment about the bad guys getting what they deserved. If Nat's actions are brought into question, I could see Eric backing her up. Then I could see Stetler just assuming that Eric is defending her because he thinks they're "together".....ohh what a tangled web I weave:lol: So much could come out of that sort of scenario!!! I'd love Stetler if he threw it all out on the table for them!!!