EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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I would freak out if anything happened to her & TPTB had him do nothing! It would be ridiculous anyway, considering (a) it's his ex-girlfriend, & (b) he was all over her rubbing her arms & hugging her when all she did was pop a shoulder out of place, so if worse came to worse for Nat, I would expect for him to show something....& as I said before I think that's why they don't give her any drama - it's like they can't do it without Eric. ;)
Quite honestly if that is the case then I don't want her to go through anything yet because if something ever did happen to her I'd definitly want Eric there for her, & right now he's blind as a bat.... but methinks in time, & when he's not a "head case", he's going to open up his eyeballs.

She is still a part of his life whether he-- or should I say TPTB-- acknowledges it or not.
Exactly what peeves me, my dear. If anyone needs to acknowledge it, it's TPTB because they ARE the ones who wrote them to be a canon couple!! There was no "we are just friends, or aren't we" - it was clearer than day, & even clearer that thier relationship did not end - it just kinda stopped WHEN he so convienantly was shot in the head & she took time to mourn her loss. Sorry, but that aint over to me, never will be! ;)

We've all commented on how grounded & comfortable he is around Natalia, but have you all noticed that when it comes to being physical & being comfortable it's also when he's with Natalia?! I think about how close he stands with her, & he's held her hand, he's hugged her (full frontal caressing the arm & rubbing her back), numerous times he's gotten right in her face or in her neck when talking with her - his physical contact with her comes very natural, & it's not akward for him to do these things to her...he actually shows that. :)
but have you all noticed that when it comes to being physical & being comfortable it's also when he's with Natalia?!

Oh good, I wasn't the only one who noticed... he doesn't have a second thought when he's physically interacting with her and he's genuinely happy around her. Which is another reason he should hang out with her more often 'cause she's just so mellow and it's having a good effect on Eric.
It does have a good effect on him, which is one of the many reasons why I don't get hung up on these 2 being over. I'm quite sure there would be some hostile attitudes flying around between the 2 ex's if tptb wanted it that way. Something tells me there is a reason why they chose to keep them close & caring for each other.

I miss these days!!


This is what it looks like when a guy likes a girl more than a friend & the girl likes the guy more than a friend!!!!!!!!!!
Something tells me there is a reason why they chose to keep them close & caring for each other.
You may be onto something there... I always did wonder why those two don't seem like two typical exes. I'm glad that TPTB decided not to go down that typical route, but there should at least be some interaction 'cause there's no reason for them to stay away from each other.
Well, Im glad they didn't either but it's still rather telling, I think, that they chose not too. I mean, they managed to show the stress between her & Ryan over the mole drama immediately after it happened. If they had wanted to play EDeN as "over" then we would've seen them (especially THEM) acting that way towards each other instead of being all flirty in 'Going Under', & all the other nice scenes we've had since.

Nothing can compare to how they were in season 4, but still we've had a few good telling scenes that's enough to say that they are still rather close.
Seriously, I couldn't imagine anyone else but Eric be the one to pop her shoulder back into place & hug her while the pain eases - there isn't anyone else who's that close to her except for Eric. Even if it wasn't meant to be a romantic hug, it was still very physical, & not a very typical gesture for 2 ex-lovers to share. ;)

They may not have had much here recently, except for her showing concern, & the cute baby stuff; but Miami tends to work that way & I do think when the time is right we'll see these 2 again. :)
Seriously, I couldn't imagine anyone else but Eric be the one to pop her shoulder back into place & hug her while the pain eases - there isn't anyone else who's that close to her except for Eric.

Now I've got that image stuck in my head... but seriously, I would like to see that happen one of these days 'cause they both need some physical contact once in a while. *pokes TPTB* Don't separate them just 'cause you're giving Eric a new love interest. They can still work together and have friendly banter... at least give us that much for now.
Mmm, screw that. If TPTB can't fix this & do what they originally intended to do with EDeN then I'd rather not even see Natalia on this show. Sounds terrible, I know, but they don't give her squat to play with & Eva is a great actress....she can do so much more than this garbage, & so can the character. What's the point in her character if they can't use her for all she's worth?!

If I have to watch them pretend that EDeN never happened, I just won't because it's all bogus bullshit from what they did in season 4 & early 5.
That would be just proof to me that tptb have become desperate & can't use thier own creativity to make stories. I can't stand inconsistancy, especially when it comes to 2 people that have had a real romantic history. So no. If they choose to make EDeN's past magically disappear with Natalia still right there wandering around the lab pretending to just be Eric's friend & pretending that nothing happened between them - then "F" this show. I don't go for that crap.

I don't strictly watch for EDeN, or any other couple, but It's everyone's interaction/bonds that drew me into this show from the very start & if they can't keep up with what they originally started with the characters, who they are, & what they are to each other - then I'll kiss this show goodbye.

EDeN had something good & NATURAL, it wasn't forced or brought upon from whiney message board teens - they are something that truly was original & TPTB saw the chemistry immediatly or they wouldn't have had them intimately involved so quickly. I don't think that they toy around with sexual involvement, so whatever they have up thier sleeves they need to just get it done, because I KNOW there was a reason why they built EDeN WHEN they did, knocked it down WHEN they did, & I KNOW that sometime, somewhere, & somehow SOMETHING will happen & it's going to resurface...no matter what else is going on in Eric's life. ;)
Guess, can I please remind you that when talking about other board members and ships, that it should be kept civil.

just shoot me now! ugh can we not get just one scene???? i sware if they end up gettin together i dont know what ill do. its so frustratin. i think they do it on purpose! lol jk i actually thought that nat was gonna get hurt in that doctors place when it showed her diggin through that thing from the inside but nothin happened. o well gotta wait till next week for somethin new! (crosses fingers)
*Mod steps in*
Okay guys, please remember to put all discussion of episodes that have not yet aired in spoiler boxes. That includes tonight's episode. ;) Thank you :D

*steps out*
The episode had me laughing my ass off. Seriously, it didn't upset me, I got more of a giggle at how plain stupid it was.

I didn't expect to see any E/N interaction anyway - quite frankly I didn't even want to on this occasion ;)

I think we'll all have to continue suffering til the season is over. At this point, I don't see any Natalia (even alone) for the rest of the season. Which sucks, but I have my suspicion that next season will be more of her & more of EDeN. TPTB are telling thier little story here (the non-eden one) that I believe will lead somewhere that most aren't expecting ;) Let them get it out of thier system, cause the stories will eventually switch & roll into something new....they can only play on things for a certain amount of time, so hang in there....I am.

Plus we have to keep in mind how TPTB works. What may seem impossible & far-fetched right now DOES NOT mean that LATER they can't turn it around when new stories come into play. You all MUST keep this in mind - TPTB have very funny ways, you know, & if there is one thing that we can say certain about EDeN, a truth that sits with them - it is that THEY WERE CANON , TPTB DID play this out!!

I would like to go back to mentioning the whole "physical contact" topic, because in last night's episode I think it really proved something, & ya know - it was not Eric's "words". :rolleyes:
Do you all recall Eric's reaction when Marisol, his beloved sister who he LOVED dearly was in the hospital? Do you all recall how he stood right close to her face, squeezing her hand, telling her to fight while practically in tears????
What did we see with him last night? Was he in tears? no. Was he begging for a life to be saved? no. Did he use any physical contact/emotion at all, stroke her hair?, gently touch her face?, hold onto her hand or get near her face or body? no, no, no, no.
Did TPTB even use camera angles to focus on any body launguage? no!
Do you all see what Im saying here? I don't consider him taking her hand while she's awake & swinging it back & forth as a genuine lovingly physical gesture. It's just something to think about. There's a saying about how words can only mean so much - they are words & they're easily said (especially when given an ultimatum) - showing love with physical, emotional contact & certain body launguage says a whole hell of a lot more. It's not a sex thing, it's not copping a feel or anything like that - but it can be shown in so many ways that I feel tptb aren't elaborating, or putting any focus on.

Anyway, with EDeN we haven't had a lot of chances to see what's really there...they played it...then they put it in a cold case file to be "investigated" at a later time.
I will say though that I find it a little telling how comfortable he is physically with Nat. Whether it's a touch here or a touch there - it brings me back to the episode 'Chain Reaction' when he comes up behind her to see what she's working on - standing so close that she needs to ask for space. Oddly enough, look at how the camera angled THAT shot of them - her face & then his right next to hers - CLOSE UP & RIGHT IN THE CAMERA'S SHOT.....so why was THAT so focused on, huh?! Gosh, I don't dare need to go down memory lane of 'Deep freeze', or 'silencer' or 'skeletons'...it was there & we all know it. :p

Well, here's a toast to EDeN - my faith in them is not gone. :beer:
Oddly enough, look at how the camera angled THAT shot of them - her face & then his right next to hers - CLOSE UP & RIGHT IN THE CAMERA'S SHOT.....so why was THAT so focused on, huh?!

For once, I did notice that about the scene... honestly that scene in the hospital was not what the promos lead me to believe would happen. There was not much emotion and Eric seemed to be a little standoffish. It was such a stark contrast to the warm playful demeanour he had when he was around Natalia. *takes another look* And his hair still hasn't grown back! I think he needs to hang out with Natalia more 'cause I think that'll help his hair grow back in nicely.
:guffaw:For some reason that just gave me an image of Natalia & a "Delko" Chia Pet!!
Ya know, I will always say that until we get the hair back we'll never have the real Delko back! The baldness is a simple reminder to the world of viewers that this man has a bullet fragment lodged in his brain. :rolleyes:
He's not as sexy or cute this way, at all. That's really sad for me to say because he was for the longest time (before Natalia) he was my favorite (& hottest) character of the show. Right now - not even close.
His sexiness is so far gone without Natalia!!!

It was such a stark contrast to the warm playful demeanour he had when he was around Natalia.
So true. :p
The episode had me laughing my ass off. Seriously, it didn't upset me, I got more of a giggle at how plain stupid it was.

same here and the hospital scenes were a bit awkward or perhaps it was just me... though it was nice to see Alex again especially in the end with H.

Plus we have to keep in mind how TPTB works. What may seem impossible & far-fetched right now DOES NOT mean that LATER they can't turn it around when new stories come into play. You all MUST keep this in mind - TPTB have very funny ways, you know, & if there is one thing that we can say certain about EDeN, a truth that sits with them - it is that THEY WERE CANON , TPTB DID play this out!!

i hope you're right mjszud... because little by little im loosing interest with this tv show.. and hope they're not going to screw up EDeN like what they did to H&Y :(

** karu_mila and mjszud you two are right about Eric's hair.. He looked better then (season 4)! :D

i hope you're right mjszud... because little by little im loosing interest with this tv show..
I lost interest a long time ago. The only thing that keeps me in tune is for the pleasure of seeing Natalia in all her 3 scenes, & the waiting of her arcs. If it weren't for her still being there, I'd be done because there is no excitement on this show anymore.

Whether Im right or wrong - no one knows - I'm not TPTB whisperer. :p
I only make these assumptions based on what they've done before, by thier "pattern" so to speak.
If Eric & Nat had once just been the average case of close co-workers who harmlessly flirted along the way, then NO, I wouldn't likely see any future - however, we all know that EDeN was NEVER "just friends".

Yes, they ruined H/Y. But the difference is that Y left the show when they decided they needed H to stand alone - Natalia didn't leave, instead she was brought into the main cast. She's still there, & as far as I know she isn't going to go anywhere. If she was, then they would more than likely be playing her more so that they actually had a reason for the character to exit.
As we all know, they have not done anything (arc wise) with her since season 5.
I still believe that there is a reason for this & that TPTB are simply playing the waiting game with her, & her arcs.

It's a wait & see kinda thing, guys! All I know is that I for one haven't lost hope for them. I don't give much credit to TPTB for doing this "switch" - but, I also think there's a certain reason why they chose to do it when they did.

So convientantly after Eric was shot? Is it just coincidentally odd that in the epi where Eric was asked about his feelings he couldn't say it & the epi was titled - HEAD CASE? Not to mention that the aftermath of his shooting was slightly focused on in that epi .... coincidence?
Was it just coincidental that in this LAST epi he says it but doesn't show it & the title is called- WHEN SMOKE GET'S IN YOUR CSI'S -
What was the reference in that title? Well, it ties in with the fire but do you also see something else that it possibly ties in with?
The phrase that this title is played off of has meaning, & if you look at that meaning... well then you'll know what I mean. ;)

Maybe it's all just coincidental, & maybe it's not, but the timing & these titles seem to be rather fishy to me. *is suspicous of what TPTB have up thier sleeves*
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