EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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I'd actually love to see Natalia grab his face, puckering his lips while she teases him about his big lips ...lovingly mind you, like she adores them, cause you know she does... then maybe she can make the comment about her lip size & the whole baby thing. :p

Aww! *imagines about EDeN babies with Eric's lips* Though I do think Eric might ruin the moment by commenting that her lips may be small, but she has a talented mouth so he's not complaining... I wish TPTB would do a scenario like this if they go back to the EDeN drawing board.
she has a talented mouth so he's not complaining...

:guffaw::drool: Slipping into gutterville are we....or just me :shifty:?!

Yeah, I don't think Eric minds them small at all...obviously...& she didn't seem to mind his big froo-froo lips :D
Regardless the lip size, they're undeniably a gorgeous couple.

Methinks he likes being over her shoulder...do you...;)

Up close & personal I would say!!! :D
it looks like hes lookin down her shirt! lol i just want to see what they have in store for us! more i look at that pic the more i know hes lookin down her shirt!
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:guffaw::drool: Slipping into gutterville are we....or just me :shifty:?!

Uh-oh... I've really gotta stop making comments like that! I meant something completely un-gutter worthy when I said that, but I'll leave that up to your imagination. But not that I think about it, I think that Eric would say that her mouth has many talents!

it looks like hes lookin down her shirt!

You just hit the nail on the head there! Why didn't I notice that before?
OHHHHH...so her mouth is talented ...uh...because she can sing!!?? I feel so ashamed now...um...ok no I don't.

it looks like hes lookin down her shirt! lol i just want to see what they have in store for us! more i look at that pic the more i know hes lookin down her shirt!

:guffaw:Way to go, usually Im the one in gutterville with these two (obviously) & I have NEVER even noticed that!!! But you're right...it does look like he's getting a peak at the twinkies, huh?! Like he hasn't seen them before ....*ahem* anyway...

I'm more anxious for mid season to come along....or 1/4 season?
All I know is they cannot possibly leave Natalia doing the same-o-same-o forever...so...that's what Im waiting (impatiently) for!!!

I love that she has her gun now & it's kinda left to our imagination as to how good she is at this point... & she's showing concern for Eric, so hopefully we'll get some more "playtime" with all that - it's really the only thing we have to work with since the finale!!

I just really hope this isn't one of those signs like they pulled with Speed & his gun cleaning; if this whole "Nat struggles with shooting" is what kills her I'll be forever done with this show. There would be nothing left enjoyable for me.
Although if tptb want to make her just get shot (& live), bleed heavily in Eric's arms & surface those EDeN feelings.... then Im all for that! :p
I want one of those moments where he's cradling her in his arms, slow-motion with some sappy violins or piano music in the background with Eric screaming 'TALIAAAAAA!!!!
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Looks to me like he's staring at her neck. Maybe he's thinking about how much he wants to kiss her neck? :lol: Can't you just see Eric being all silly and doing that Dracula voice and saying, "I want to kiss your neck!" :lol:
OHHHHH...so her mouth is talented ...uh...because she can sing!!?? I feel so ashamed now...um...ok no I don't.

'Cause she has a way with words! You know that she's not one to back down from a fight and she can hold her own against Eric... oh and don't worry, I think gutterville must have been in the back of my mind when I wrote that comment! *reads comments on Nat being killed* Oh god no... she's gotta live! If it's just a non-fatal shot, then it could be an opportunity for a good EDeN moment. There's been a drought so far and we're sick to death of it. *pokes TPTB*

Looks to me like he's staring at her neck. Maybe he's thinking about how much he wants to kiss her neck? :lol: Can't you just see Eric being all silly and doing that Dracula voice and saying, "I want to kiss your neck!" :lol:

Dude, that's genius! Methinks that Eric would make a very sexy vampire, even though I've never heard of a Cuban vampire... but it helps that he's half Russian. I don't think Natalia would mind though!
'Cause she has a way with words! You know that she's not one to back down from a fight and she can hold her own against Eric...

okkkkaaayyy...I getcha now ;) and yes you are correct - she does have a way with words, I just - ya know - wasn't thinking about that part of it :alienblush:
In all seriousness, that is something about the character that I enjoy. She can be an angel at times but if you piss her off she gives that "don't f**k with me" look....haha I love it!!!

Looks to me like he's staring at her neck. Maybe he's thinking about how much he wants to kiss her neck? :lol:

Well, ya know, he does seem to like nuzzling her neck ('Silencer' anyone);)

I could see the Dracula bit, too, and oddly I think it would be a total turn on :lol: I looove Vampire movies - 'Lost Boys' & 'Queen of the Damned' are my 2 faves.....*imagines EDeN in a vampire scenario* -yeah, that would definitly make Eric droolworthy for me once again. **thuddd**

Someone really needs to do manips cause these scenario/pics would be :drool:

EDIT: Funny after typing that, I just noticed in my banner of EDeN scenes - he's near her neck in almost all of them & she's in his, in several as well...*winkywinky*
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I could see the Dracula bit, too, and oddly I think it would be a total turn on :lol: I looove Vampire movies - 'Lost Boys' & 'Queen of the Damned' are my 2 faves.....*imagines EDeN in a vampire scenario* -yeah, that would definitly make Eric droolworthy for me once again. **thuddd**

*snickers* Like I told you, I've never heard of a Cuban vampire... but since there's such things as Russian vampires and since Eric's part Russian, it could work. I just think he has a thing for nuzzling her neck... is it a fetish thing or do you think he's just being affectionate? *reads what she just wrote* Okay, now that was probably gutterville worthy...
Remember when we were all going back & forth (in the social group) as to the psychological reason WHY Eric always stands so close to her? Maybe it's all about his love for nibbling on her long, slender, nibbleworthy neck?!!:D

I have to admit, that statement from the above post now has me wondering what his Natalia fetishes are.....that's a whole nother topic for us to speculate on!!!!!

Is it a fetish, you ask? Maybe...but we've seen Eric's behaviour (& his "affection" as well) around other women, & honestly, it seems to be ONLY Nat's neck that he creeps up on!! So, based on the history from what we've seen with Eric & the opposite sex - I think it's more about his affection for her.
I don't know exactly what it is, but for some unknown reason, he must always be within a few feet from her, whether beside her or behind her...or in front like in 'Deep Freeze' ;)

Methinks Eric Delko still has a weak spot for his 'Talia.
Weel since the beginning Eric had a..uh thing with being near Natalia...I was watching season and....*closes eyes and daydreams*..well you gotta love this season....at least I do....the chemistry between them is so...so..so...I can't find the right words!!!
*pokes TPTB* Hey we want back good old EDeN scenes! We want them back!
Remember when we were all going back & forth (in the social group) as to the psychological reason WHY Eric always stands so close to her? Maybe it's all about his love for nibbling on her long, slender, nibbleworthy neck?!!:D

Hmm, you may be onto something there... you know how every man has a female body part or feature that they prefer, so I think that Eric likes Natalia's neck! Maybe it's not a fetish, but it's slowly starting to become one...

nati! *tackles* Man it's good to have you back... you're starting to poke TPTB too. *pokes them too* Maybe they'll pay attention if more people are poking them!
Well lately, after watching s.04 again, they started getting more and more on my nerves cause of the situation in s.6....I am mean it cannot possibly be the same people writing...
About the neck fetish now...I don't think it is a fetish...I just think it's the part of her body that he prefers, it's normal especially for guys...
Yeah, they need to hand the pen over to someone else for a change. It's past suckish at this point :rolleyes:

The thing is, we know they have it in them so they just need to get back to it & conclude on what they originally started...that being Eric WITH NATALIA...ya know, *pokes ptb* that love story that you did FIRST....NATALIA!!! The lady who pre-bullet-in-the-brain Eric was absolutely crazy about....the one still there in the lab....the one who clearly still cares for this man, & he cares for her....AAAND the one who owns the body that Eric Delko loves to stand so close to!!! :hugegrin:
...does anyone else think that new smiley looks like Charlie Brown high as a kite...

EDIT: I just took another peek at that pic...look at Eric's lips...he's not only adoring her neck, he's blowing on it too.....*snickers*
EDIT: I just took another peek at that pic...look at Eric's lips...he's not only adoring her neck, he's blowing on it too.....*snickers*

*snickers* You're starting to poke TPTB too MJ... I've created another monster! But seriously, he's blowing on her neck? I've gotta see that episode again! But I do have a theory on that... Natalia is usually unflappably professional in the lab and he's trying to push a button or two 'cause she's more fun when she's all fired up. So while she's 'mad' at him, he'll be smirking all the way. Did that make sense by the way?
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