"Why I get hungry after reading your posts - I do not know
I'd like to see at least
one of those bolder "at home" gestures though. :drool:
I think there's a lot of potential for these characters because everything they went through in thier relationship was left sorta "unfinished". Like we said before...lots of plotholes!! Too many, in my opinion. For the most part though, these 2 just have what it takes to pull off being a true couple, just as they did before.
A little angst here & there, some love here & there, loads of sexual chemistry written all over it ...which is a MUST on this show & EDEN HAS IT!!!
That is what makes a "perfect" TVcouple!!
"I love you - you're perfect =
" I love you (one day) - don't piss me off (the next day) - I was wrong, I love you again - you're hot - now OFF TO THE BEDROOM TO MAKE UP :devil: = uhmm yeah, way more enjoyable to watch!
Nat just has the best attitude too sometimes :lol: They can both throw out the "tude" & I love that, cause Nat doesn't hold back & Eric always winds up feeling like crap & knows he's wrong (sometimes vice versa) - enter: puppy dog eyes & lots of this :devil::drool::devil:!!!