EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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**bumps in**

Ok it's been ages since I haven't posted here:scream:

Anyway "Internal Affairs" was one of my fav. episodes because of a lot of reasons*coughs*
Anyway I just loved the scene when Eric got out from the elevator and told Natalia what happened.
I think the face he had when the doors were closing was pierceless.
Definetly there's something going on between these two but they're denying it.

When he was in Nick's apartmentet...well I loved it when he was practically breathing on the CSI's neck:lol: I loved that moment too much especially when he told her what she had to do.
I loved how he was able to remain professional despite the moment. I mean they were investigating on Nick, the ex-abusive husband of his true love....Talia.

At first when he punched Nick I was "Oh no...you can't be violent with him. He's not worth it". But then I thought about it and I'd love a man who fights for me. In my opinion it is one of the best things ever...well till certain limits;)

But I have to say that at the end I would have loved to see Eric comforting Natalia, although I still loved the end of the episode (it was so touching). But still I think it would have been a little bit more perfect.
I mean he knows her far better than anyone else and I'm pretty sure he knew everything about Nick and her reactions to him.
This time she had to face the death of a person , who, despite the events, she had married and loved for a while (I think she got married with him for some reason;)). I think that another man, she loved, like Eric would have been better to comfort to her and yeah to show his love for her:) not that H wasn't perfect, 'cause gosh I loved it too.
Natalia said that she thought Eric was working & that's why she hadn't invited him

Oh, that's right. I forgot about that. :lol: But, why wasn't Ryan working too? I thought they were both on the same shift? Was it Ryan's day off or something? :lol: I think the writers just like to confuse the heck out of us. :lol:

The fight.
It originally started with Eric thinking Nickhead was there to harass Natalia. Nickhead kept egging him on & getting in Eric's face ...

Nick: you're just another sorry sap trying to get laid like everyone else
Eric: *gets closer to Nicks face* You're pushin' it
Nick: what's wrong, Eric, test tube too small ?

Then, yeah, WAMMO!:p

Oh, okay. So, it was Eric trying to protect Nat. I figured as much. I don't know why my memory sucks so much about these things. Maybe cause I blocked Nick Townsend out. :lol: The dialouge is funny though. hehe... test tube. Very clever, Nick. :lol: I liked it too. I bet Eric had just been itching to kick his butt ever since he came on the scene.

Eden need to be back together pronto! :)
Hi Florry... and of course, MJ, doublehelix and GNRFan. Man, you guys have been busy... I have never seen longer posts! I like it though. Let me see if I can keep up with you guys.

At first when he punched Nick

He punched Nickhead?! *random thought alert* Oh by the way, I love the new moniker for the ex-husband. I personally would have gone for Cue Ball 'cause of the bald head though. It looks good on some men, but on him it looks creepy and stereotypically I-am-the-man-and-you-will-not-cross-me-or-else-you're-in-for-a-beating. Man, that's too long.

*shakes head* I'm afraid to say that I didn't see that one. *smacks herself on the forehead* Aw man, I've gotta see that episode... why do I always miss the good moments? Still, that does show that he still cares for Natalia because in any other case, he would have remained totally professional, no matter how much the guy pissed him off. I like the fact that he would still continue to have her back, even though they weren't together anymore. Maybe it's about time that changed.
Yeah, it seems I ruffled a few feathers with my post regarding Ryan, Eric, Nat and what transpired on the "Dead Air" epi.

Sorry folks! No offense was intended.
Nickhead and Cue Ball... :lol: I wish I could come up with a nickname for him, but I can't. :lol:

Man, I just hope the writers get things straight this time. I'm just sick of all the jerking us around. It's not hard to see that Eden belong together.

Let's see if we can get a semi-new topic going in here... um... I kind of think that when Natalia said to Eric that Calleigh liked him that she was fishing to try and find out if Eric still had feelings for her (Nat). What do you all think?

And no offense taken, I'm just very protective (overly so) of Ryan. :lol: :) Not to mention I was tired and cranky. So, I apologize for being so grumpy/cranky. I missed my coffee yesterday. :lol:

Speaking of coffee, what kind do you think Eden drink? Black? Cream and Sugar? Irish Coffees (when they're off duty)? Certain flavors (vanilla, irish cream-no alcohol, hazelnutt, amaretto, etc...)

Curse of the Coffin was on the other night. Man that ep was funny. Ryan and Eric in the graveyard teasing each other about being scared. Then when the table went kablooie and Nat screamed.... the look on Calleigh's face was funny. I wish Eric had been there too though. I would have liked to have seen if he would have ran over to the Nat and been like "are you okay, Talia?" :lol:

I keep yawning and it's only 7pm. Looks like it's coffee time. I'll be back later. :)
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Here ya go Karu .... I don't have the caps of the fists flying but there are some at randomscribblings.


Oh damn, I didn't think it was that big. My bad:alienblush:

To answer GNRFans question...

I do believe Natalia was fishing around to see what Eric's response would be, & that she was jealous. I actually just went on & on to Doublehelix about this topic in Pm, but I suppose I'll bore you with how I saw it.

What I noticed was, that the initial look on her face was not "playful" at first. She came across in her own Natalia-non-chalant kinda way. Her eyes wondered around the room & down at the table, as if she was a bit worried about what he would say.

I won't go too far into it, to avoid speaking of other ships, but the main point is that she did bring it up to him....and it was not her saying "go get her boy"!

Natalia wasn't there looking for lab gossip from a co-worker. First of all, that's ridiculous...she isn't a 12 year old:rolleyes: SHE IS HIS EX-LOVER!!!! PLAIN & SIMPLE!!!!
You don't go to your EX to question another woman's interest in him unless you're jealous & looking for answers. You just don't.

Her eye contact, or rather lack of, & her non-chalant way of just bringing it up spoke for itself; it was a lot like how Eric non-chalantly asked Natalia why he wasn't invited to her party. He came off as just "questioning" & playful about it. That is until later when it turned into Eric jealous as all get-out....he wasn't so playful about it then, was he?;)
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Here ya go Karu .... I don't have the caps of the fists flying but there are some at randomscribblings.

Woah. Now I really won't mess with Eric! *chuckles* Now I really have to see that episode... thanks again MJ! I really love the expression on Eric's face in the second photo. How did Natalia react to that? Did she even see it happen?
Woah. Now I really won't mess with Eric! *chuckles* Now I really have to see that episode... thanks again MJ! I really love the expression on Eric's face in the second photo. How did Natalia react to that? Did she even see it happen?

First pic looks like he's saying "back away from Natalia, you had your chance and you blew it" . :lol:

I can't remember if Nat saw it or not, but Ryan came in and pulled Eric off of Nick cause he didn't want Eric to get in trouble... and cause Nick was freakin' nuts and Ryan was probably worried that Nick would kill Eric or something. :lol: That's probably why Ryan himself didn't join in with Eric in the butt-kicking (since Nick was messing with Valera too). Man, Nick's lucky he was killed before Ryan found out that Nick attempted to assault Maxine. I think Ryan would have been grabbing his gun and going after the SOB. :lol:

Man, I'd love to see Eric/Nat go on a double date with Ryan/Valera. It would be freakin' hilarious. Valera and Nat seem to be pretty close and Ryan and Eric are getting there, slowly, but surely. :lol: What would this foursome do on their double date? I vote for playing laser tag. :lol: Or paintball. haha!
How did Natalia react to that? Did she even see it happen?

Unfortunatly, Natalia didn't witness the fight, nor do we know if she ever even heard about it, since she was in lock-up. I wish she would have been there though to see Eric go to bat for her! TPTB like leaving these 2 in the dark with each other, don't they :rolleyes:
Ooh I just slipped into Gutterville with that one:lol: Didn't mean too, anyway....

the fight was great & it tied in nicely later when it looked like Eric could have been the one who killed him, & I liked how Ryan immediatly thought that Eric could have been involved. I think he knew Eric could & would maybe take it too far considering who Nick was, & who Natalia was to Eric. That's his honey, & everyone knew it..even Jake. :D

Plus, I loved the look on both Horatio & Frank's face at the crime scene when they looked at Eric & told him he couldn't work the case. It was priceless.;)
Yeah, that was a good ep, though I don't really see the point of bringing Nick in just to kill him off so quickly. I think it would have been more interesting if they'd had Eric go to Nick's and get in a fight with him, but leave him alive... then they would have really been suspicious of Eric. :lol: And if he had, I couldn't blame him for wanting to pummel that guy. The guy was a snake and Eric knew it. :lol:

Yeah, I forgot Nat was already in lockup at that point. It's too bad she didn't get to witness this. Too bad and it's too sad. :lol: To tptb: Please give us more sweet, cute Eden scenes this coming season. Thank you! :)
I don't really see the point of bringing Nick in just to kill him off so quickly.

I didn't really either. I mean, of course they needed to get him out of Natalia's life for good, but his prescence didn't last long. I think they could have done much more with it.

Still, I believe the point was just to let Natalia officially move on & remove him permanently out of her life. Im sure if TPTB wanted to end EDeN for good they could have had Nick change his stripes & have Natalia stay with him. Obviously this wasn't thier intentions...thank god:)

It's most definitly time for her & Eric to pick up where they left off...before Nickhead showed up.
Remember what Natalia told Horatio..."this is what he does, he comes in & he ruins everything".
That's so sad for her!!:(
Her & Eric belong together, they both deserve someone who will really love them, & not just lead them on. Two people that have that kind of history should not just be left hanging - there's still so much there between them.

It was kind of a shame that Nick was such a jerk though cause I really like Rob Estes. He was hysterical as Jess' dad on Gilmore Girls. Hmm... maybe they could get Rob to come on Las Vegas (as a diff character of course). He'd probably fit right in. :lol:

If Natalia and Eric went to a karaoke bar, what songs do you think they would sing (solo and duets)?
If Natalia and Eric went to a karaoke bar, what songs do you think they would sing (solo and duets)?

i think they should do i need you by tim mcgraw and faith hill
I don't know that Tim/Faith song. The only "I need you" I can think of is the Leann Rimes one from that Jesus movie. :lol:

I really would like to see Nat consoling Eric if Eric thinks Horatio is dead. That would be perfect. I know everyone that thinks he's really dead will be upset, but Eric is/was his brother-in-law.
I agree, I think it would affect Eric differently than the others, just because of his own shooting , & he had to recall Marisol's death once again, then Speed's also...so I think all that is still pretty fresh on his mind. The thought of losing Horatio will be a kicker, & I hope Nat's there to comfort him.

Nice song choice (it's a fave) CSIMIAMIFAN24, & welcome to the thread...have a Midori cocktail.:)

I don't know but I could see them singing something funny, & being goofy about it. What's that Meatloaf song? "I wanna know right now...do you love me, will you love me forever, do ya need me.." :lol:
I could see them both a little shnockered, messing up the words & laughing about it through the whole song - Nat would start dancing:guffaw:

I bet those 2 had lots of laughs, they seem like the humorous couple type.
While I think they were probably very romantic & sexy during thier ..uh.."alone time" **cough:devil:cough* I could also imagine them falling off the couch & onto the floor!:D
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