EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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Maybe Eric needs to show her some techniques. I could see her throwing him down & pinning him ...Im sure he would enjoy it:devil:

I think she started training after she divorced Nick... she'd want to learn how to defend herself after what she's been through. Oh, and doublehelix is right, I meant to say Tae Kwon Doe... I mistook it for karate, but I do know that she has a black belt. I would love to see her flip Eric though... Eric would be all cocky and challenge her and then Natalia would flip him effortlessly without breaking a sweat. For some reason, I can she her straddling him after that, smirk down at him and say, "Who's the man now?"
All the same...she needs to be kicking some bad-man boody, black belt or not!!! Maybe Eric needs to show her some techniques. I could see her throwing him down & pinning him ...Im sure he would enjoy it

I can totally see them sparring with each other. That would be fun to see!

I would love to see her flip Eric though... Eric would be all cocky and challenge her and then Natalia would flip him effortlessly without breaking a sweat. For some reason, I can she her straddling him after that, smirk down at him and say, "Who's the man now?"

:lol: I can see that too! :)
I would love to see her flip Eric though... Eric would be all cocky and challenge her and then Natalia would flip him effortlessly without breaking a sweat. For some reason, I can she her straddling him after that, smirk down at him and say, "Who's the man now?"

:guffaw:That's exactly how I was imagining it!!! I can totally picture it!!! Yeah, TPTB need to do that...any kind of fun scene like that. I really miss the fun stuff, ya know. Im so sick of the drama:rolleyes:

Ok, Im not really...I love it sometimes...but DAMN, I need a break OK - I want some EDeN fun flirty scenes; happy, happy, joy, joy....then some good & steamy (;)@Doublehelix) making up...then they can throw on the drama.

I was watching 'Dead Air' last night......:brickwall:THEY:brickwall:DIDN'T:brickwall:WANNA:brickwall:BREAK:brickwall:UPPP!!!!!
Poor Natalia was about to cry right before she said, they had a chance & he blew it; & Eric was just a jealous IDIOT & stuck his foot in his mouth. It just ticks me off that they never explained to each other what was really going on there. TPTB badly needs to let them clear the air 'cause it was too damn obvious that neither wanted it to end.
I absloutely hate how TPTB just left them dangling as a couple, not only then, but later too after Nickhead showed up.
TPTB need to get a visit from the continuity fairy!!:rolleyes:
after Nickhead showed up.

:guffaw:Love that play on words, MJ! Awesome! I wish they had used that on the show! Too funny!

The funniest thing (ironically speaking) about that episode is that Eric actually loaned Ryan the money to take Natalia out. Even though Eric didn't want to break up with her.
I personally think he felt guilty after what Natalia said about them not ever going out in public. Well, hell Honey, he liked you so much he wanted you all to himself in PRIVATE so deal with it!!! :p

Obviously it never really bothered her that they stayed in watching movies & having cocktails;)
What actually donned on me when I watched it again was that the title was 'dead air', & the guy who kept sobbing that he just wanted his girl back (hmm, sounds a little like Eric, huh) his name was Rick. So I put together this: Eric/Rick - dead air/air-rick = Dead Eric! :D

I really don't know if that was supposed to be any kind of parallel or not, but when I put them together I snickered cause the whole epi was about triangles.The one guy wanted her back;)
Then the whole triangle with EDeN that left Eric in the end losing Natalia; it just seemed fitting.
Note to Eric: OPEN MOUTH-REMOVE FOOT.:rolleyes:
As I tend to remember it, neither really wanted to break up. Natalia just wanted to "slow down". BLASTED ERIC DELKO AND HIS FRAGILE EGO!!
You are very correct, Doublehelix !!! NEITHER wanted the break up, & Eric wasn't the one who pushed the "slowing down" bit either...that was Natalia! Im only assuming it freaked her out a bit that her abusive ex was in jail & she thought she could have been pregnant.

I personally thought Nat made it totally clear when Ryan asked her out...she said "well you know Im seeing someone right". That to me pretty much says that she really wasn't wanting to date other people, she just wanted Eric, as she tried explaining to Eric she was "just trying to put up some boundaries".

TPTB have to make things so difficult. The entire scene where they "break up", they could have easily cleared the air. Instead they threw in them going back & forth saying one or the other gave the go ahead. Why the hell couldn't they have just talked about it more & then realized that they were both being STUPID & apologize.:rolleyes:

Im so sorry, but I blame poor Ryan for the majority of it, because if he hadn't have had this "vibe" then none of it would've been so complicated.
For that matter, maybe Ryan needs to be the one to go to Eric & explain after all these years what really happened & clear the air for them!! I'd actually love to see him butt in this time...be a good friend to both of them & play a little matchmaker:)
I still think it was part of Ryan's UC to find the mole as well as partly Natalia being forced by the feds to get info on the lab. So for that, I blame the feds. they created the whole mole situtation. Natalia didn't want to do it, but they made her.

But, I would like to see Ryan scheming to get Eden back together. I think he does in a sense feel responsible for their break up. But, I don't think he wanted to do it, but it was his job to find the mole and he knew no other way of doing it, I guess.
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I actually tend to think Ryan's competitive instincts were playing a role there. Ryan and Eric DO NOT have the same relationship Eric and Speedle had. Even to this day there seems to be a tinge of animosity between them. To Eric, Ryan will always, and I do mean ALWAYS, be the guy who replaced Speed.

Ryan sees Eric is good with the ladies. He also sees Eric having some kind of relationship with the very attractive Ms. Boa Vista. When Eric implies that he's no longer interested in her, Ryan swoops in to grab "the prize".

MJ is right. Blame Ryan for wanting to show up Eric. But also blame Eric for being a flake.
When Eric implies that he's no longer interested in her, Ryan swoops in to grab "the prize".

I just don't think Ryan is a "swoop in for the prize" kind of guy. That would imply that he thinks of women as nothing more than trophies. And Ryan is just not that type of guy. That type of guy would not be nervous when asking a girl out. Ryan was nervous with Natalia just like he was with Alexx and the eye thing. Then he told Horatio "I don't think I can keep this up". So, with him being nervous in both cases, I have just believe that it was part of his assignment.

Ryan is competitive job wise, sure. He wasn't trying to one up Eric where Natalia was concerned. If that were the case, there would have been more. But, there wasn't. They went out that one time and that was it, no mention of it ever again. Well, that is until Eric found out that Nat was the mole and in his anger blurted out his own paranoia that he wasn't the only one Nat had slept with to get inside info.

Ryan probably didn't think Nat was the mole. She was too good at hiding it. The fact that she'd been in abusive relationship (abused women can become very skilled at hiding their "secret") made it easier for her to hide the fact that she was the mole. So, Ryan didn't know she was the mole. He later thought it was Cooper. I'm sure he told Natalia some things in confidence, probably the part about the caratitis, but at the time, Cooper was the only one he remembered telling. That says to me that he had already forgotten all about his little "date" with Natalia, which just gives more proof to me that it was all part of his UC assignment.

Besides, I'm sure that Ryan knew full well that Natalia only appeared to be accepting the date because she was peeved at Eric for saying she was "cleared for landing". 'Cause she point blank told Ryan she was seeing someone. That's when Ryan told her that he talked to that person who said they weren't any longer seeing each other. As soon as he said that, she said "okay, we can go out". I'm sure he knew she was only accepting cause she was mad at Eric. I'm sure Ryan knew she wasn't actually interested in dating him for real just as I'm sure he knew that her feelings for Eric were not gone. Ryan isn't the type of guy who would want a girl who doesn't really want him, who really still has feelings for someone else.

Plus, Ryan also said that he was sensing vibes from Natalia. Ryan is one of those type of people that has great attention to detail (see a few paragraphs below for more on that). And if Ryan says that he was sensing vibes from Natalia, then I don't doubt his instincts on that. That makes me believe that Nat was possibly sending those in order to get closer to him to get some dirt on the lab like the feds wanted her to (whether she liked the job or not).

Ryan just convienently leaves his wallet on the dresser? No, I don't think so. He created that whole situation to make Eric mad, sure. But not for a competitive reason. He did it cause he figured if Eric's the mole then when he gets mad, he'll tell the feds or someone that Natalia and Ryan are dating... which could cause some problems. It was a test to see if Eric or Natalia were the moles. Eric passed and apparently Natalia successfully hid the fact from Ryan that she was the actual mole.

When Ryan asked Eric to borrow money for his date with Natalia, there was this look on his face (and trust me, I study his face quite well, probably over study it :lol: ... its hard not to :lol:) ... in his eyes that seemed to be saying "I hate this" meaning he hated having to deceive his co-workers that way. So, I believe it was part of his UC to find the mole. There are more signs that point to that than there are of Ryan just wanting to compete with Eric.

Ryan is OCD. OCD's are very observant, overly so in fact. They tend to notice nearly every single detail. I do not honestly think that Ryan wouldn't realize or wouldn't see the signs that he'd be rebound guy. Nor do I think that he, being OCD would enjoy being rebound guy (regardless of whether he was trying to compete with Eric or not). OCDs like everything to be in order, not chaos and everything neat rather than messy. And being rebound guy would be very chaotic and messy. So that is just another piece of evidence that tells me that this was part of Ryan's assignment to uncover the mole's identity.

So, I blame the feds for making Natalia be the mole and for setting up the whole operation to begin with. If they hadn't sent in a mole, there wouldn't be that many leaks and Ryan wouldn't have had to go UC. And maybe Eric wouldn't have been paranoid and jealous and Eden wouldn't have broken up (providing that they kept their relationship a secret from Stetler lol).

I cannot and do not blame Eric for being jealous or paranoid. Nor do I blame Natalia for being upset with Eric for saying she was "cleared for landing". And I can't blame Ryan for trying to do his job to draw out the mole. I'm not saying Ryan doesn't think she's attractive (you'd have to be dead or blind not to see that she's pretty), but I honestly do not believe that his asking her out was anything more than him being assigned to draw out the mole.

I do not and will not EVER blame Ryan for Eden's breakup. And it's not just because he's my very favorite character, but also because I do not honestly believe it was his fault. I believe that he was just doing his job (trying to draw out the mole). He made up that whole caratitis thing in order to draw out the mole. He had to decieve Alexx in order to do his job. He hated every minute of it as well. He may have done the whole thing with Eden the way he did it because he needed Eric to think he was being competitive in case Eric was the mole or in case Natalia was. He couldn't let them know that he was investigating everyone in the lab to find the mole. He's just that convincing and that's precisely why Horatio chose him to help with the whole thing in "Going Ballistic".

Ryan is the type of guy who would wait for a girl to get over her past relationship before dating him. He's just not the type of guy to want to go out with a girl who just broke up with her bf less than a week earlier. At that stage, a girl is almost always still comparing new guy to last guy cause they're not completely healed from last relationship yet. Ryan doesn't strike me as the type of guy who would want to be compared to the last boyfriend. And he wouldn't knowingly and willingly take that on either I don't think.

And I also don't think that Eric still thinks of Ryan as the guy who replaced Speedle. I think Eric only lashed out at first because he was grieving for his best friend. And also, he was guarded at first because he didn't want to get close to this new guy and then feel this way if something bad happened to him as well. I think his driving in "Nailed" proved that. :lol: He was driving fast, trying to calm Ryan, putting his hand on him to console him cause he had become friends with Ryan and didn't want him to die as Speed did.

Edited: I also think that after the ep where Eric sees Speed in that hallucination, I think that gave him somewhat of the closure he needed regarding Speed's death. I think that after that especially, Eric began to get closer to Ryan. I think he knew that Speed wouldn't want him to take his death out on the new guy. Ryan couldn't help that the lab needed a new CSI after Speed's death. What happened to Speed wasn't Ryan's fault. So, there's no reason for Eric to take it out on Ryan. I think seeing Speed made Eric realize this which is why they've played it as them being closer now... even more so than in "Nailed".

And sure, they don't have that best friendship that he and Speed had, but I do think that Eric considers Ryan a friend. I think he's still a little guarded because he's afraid to get too attached (for lack of a better word). He doesn't want to lose his best friend again, therefore he may be holding back some. But, I think given some more time, he and Ryan could become even better friends than they are now... though no doubt this whole H "death" thing will cause some tension amongst the team members. Especially if like was indicated at the end of "going ballistic", Ryan is helping H stage his "death". And if H doesn't let Eric know, Eric will probably be angry with both H and Ryan for keeping it from him.
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I actually tend to think Ryan's competitive instincts were playing a role there.

Completely agreed! Natalia did not have the intention of inviting Ryan to her party to "spy", but as I saw it, she was just being a friend. If anyone recalls that epi where she invites him, it's also the one where Calleigh asks Ryan out for a beer after work. It sorta just showed that co-workers can hang out outside of the lab without it being a romantic thing.

Going back to Natalia's intentions; she was there as the mole to report if there was any wrongdoing in the lab!! Having Ryan over for a party full of friends & being in a relationship with Eric outside of the lab was not going to give her the info she would have needed if her intention was to destroy the team's credibility! If that was the case, she would have been hitting up Calleigh to go shopping, or out bull-riding with Frank or something.

As for Ryan, I see it as exactly what Doublehelix pointed out. He was trying to find out who the mole was, but just as Natalia's position, Ryan wouldn't have found that out by asking her out to see a wrestling match & dinner. Having said that, though, I don't believe there were any kind of strong feelings there on the Ryan/Natalia angle. Surely, TPTB would have played on it if there were supposed to be.

She was the new girl, he thought she was attractive & wanted to ask her out, then saw in 'Silencer' that her & Eric had something already in motion. This combined with the competiton that he & Delko have, it simply just bugged him. If anyone also recalls the conversation in 'silencer'; Ryan notes that she showed up at his crime scene & seemed "interested". Eric then said "she was probably looking for me".

That "crime scene" that she showed up at was in 'Shattered'. An episode that aired a month or so before 'Payback', when the viewers saw they were together.
So, apparently her & Eric started thier thing long before we actually got to see it! Considering at that time her & Eric were already seeing each other, she was most likely there at Ryan's crime scene, NOT because she was interested in him but because she was there doing a little "mole" digging.

However anyone looks at it, it was still all a crock of $H1TTe misunderstandings & they NEVER should have broken up because of it. :(

EDIT: Ok, I just saw you're post GNRFan, sorry. I absolutely do not want an argument over this. It's just discussion.:) I respect your admiration for Ryan & Im not trying to say he's a terrible guy, but in that one situation, I did see him as the instigater.
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Nah, no arguments. Just a healthy debate. :)

I think mostly it was that the writers didn't really know where to go with it.

To clarify an earlier comment, I never meant that Nat inviting Ryan to the party was a way to get inside info. I meant that she could have been semi-flirting with him at said party to get him to feel more comfortable and maybe spill some big secret (wrong-doing at the lab, etc). I don't think she was there just to find wrong doing within the lab, but with the employees themselves. Cause if an employee has done something wrong, the lab (according to Calleigh in "Death Pool") could lose its accredidation (sorry for the spelling- how do you actually spell this word? :lol:). Plus, it's possible that even at this point Ryan may have had his gambling issues and someone higher up could have been suspicious of him in that regard. So, it's not hard for me to believe that she might be investigating that angle as well.

And didn't Monica say in the ep where she was arrested... didn't she allude to the fact that the employees had made some mistakes that could get the lab shut down. "boyfriends who commit suicide in a firearms lab, employees with gambling habits, sisters with drug problems" or something to that effect. That says to me that they weren't just investigating wrong doings in the labs, but also the employees as well as the employees' family. And Peter I think it was said that Monica already had a mole in the lab. And Monica said "Boa Vista was useless". So, apparently in the longrun, Natalia chose to stick up for the lab rather than help bring it down. So, I have to give her (to use a "Clueless" word) "props" for that. :lol:

I think Natalia was and is really interested in Eric and was from the start. But, I also got the feeling that maybe the feds had something on her or a family member and that's why they were able to bully her into spying on the lab. It did seem like she didn't want to do it. In a sense, her and Ryan were somewhat in the same boat. :lol: Ryan didn't want to decieve anyone either. :lol: It's ironic, isn't it? I just had another thought. What if the purpose of that whole storyline was to parallel Natalia's being a mole with Ryan's being UC to find the mole? Hmm...

I totally believe that her and Ryan's "date" was not a romantic one. I think it was a "we'll go as friends" type of thing. I think Ryan and Natalia both may have wanted Delko to think otherwise though. Okay, maybe he did want to bug Eric a little (kind of like a little brother would hit on his older brother's gf just to bug him), I can buy that. But, in his defense, he did ask Eric's permission first. I'd give him at least two brownie points for that. :lol: He didn't go behind Eric's back and ask her out. Eric could have very well have said "no, we're still dating and I'm not cool with you and her going out in any context", but he didn't. Instead he as you put it, stuck his foot in his mouth. :lol:

I definitely don't think that Ryan saw her as a "prize" though. Yeah, he might have saw it as a way to annoy Eric (kind of how Han Solo knew Luke Skywalker had a crush on Princess Leia and said to Luke "so, what do you think? A princess and a guy like me? And Luke said "No, I don't." in an annoyed tone and Han turned away and smirked, knowing he had struck a nerve. :lol: ), but I do not think he saw Natalia as a "prize". Saying a guy sees a girl as a prize is essentially the same as saying he sees her as just another conquest. That's not who Ryan is. He's just not the "just another notch in the belt buckle" kind of guy. He's not smooth enough with the ladies to be that type of guy. :lol: Okay, I can kind of seeing the doing it to bug Eric bit, but not the seeing her as a prize part.

The money thing was just too obvious to me that something weird was going on. If he wanted to show Eric up, why wouldn't he just be like "I can pay for our date with my own money" rather than the lame excuse that he'd left his money at home. Come on, what guy actually does that? Most guys keep their money in their wallets until they spend it... unless its an excessive amount of money that they can't do that with. The writers just didn't explain any of that very well at all. Unless this was meant to be an insight into his gambling habit and he didn't have any money cause he'd gambled it away?

But, I am annoyed with the way the writers handled the whole situation. To me, it wasn't a very thought-out storyline. There were way too many holes in it. So, I blame the writers. :lol:

As far as the characters go, they all played a role in it regardless of their motives, right? :lol: I think all three were essentially victims of the system and of the feds (who are always screwing things up anyway). :lol: So the three of them share some of the blame. None of them are 100% innocent. Ryan shouldn't have been annoying Eric, Eric shouldn't have stuck his foot in his mouth and Nat shouldn't have out of anger at Eric agreed to go out with Ryan. I don't think Ryan deserves all of the blame. I think they all three played a role in it. :lol: Nat has 10% of the blame, Ryan and Eric both have 20% and the Feds (for trying to take down the lab to begin with) get the rest of the blame along with the writers for not thinking it out properly and filling the storyline with too many plot holes :lol:. Just to be fair. :/ The writers definitely deserve the blame. :lol: They've never been consistent... and the continuity on this show is very lacking. :lol:

But, if Natalia threw a party, how come she didn't invite Eric? When Eric questioned her about it, she blew it off as saying "it wasn't really a party, I just had some friends over". She had some friends over and invited Ryan but not Eric? Huh? That makes no sense to me. What is wrong with these writers? :lol:

It seems to me like the writers were not really sure where to go with any of this. Maybe they were testing the waters so to speak. Seeing if there was chemistry (romantic-wise) between the actors to see if there was possibly a way to do a triangle there, but it wasn't effective, didn't work... so they dropped it. My thing is, if you're gonna start something, end it well ... don't just act like it didn't happen. Execute it to the fullest extent. These writers just really annoy me sometimes. :lol:

You know what annoys me even more? They repeat themselves (to an extent). They turned around and did a very similar story with Maxine/Nick/Nat. Didn't Maxine ask Nat for permission to date Nick?

Ugh... these writers. :lol:

I think what it comes down to though (as far as the characters go), is that they all have flaws... but I think that they are all geniunely good people. I think it's also possible that Nat and Eric both has such strong feelings for each other that it scared them and that they each were pushing each other away in various ways due to their fears. Good grief, I'm psychoanalyzing everything. :lol: But, to recap, all three characters are flawed, but good people at heart. :)

The Feds on the otherhand... :lol: that Cole guy is just way too smug for his own dang good. :lol: And is it just me or does he look eerily similar to Vegas' undersheriff? :lol:

Boy, this topic sure has led to a nice debate though. At least it gives us something to talk about cause Lord knows we aren't getting any Eden related spoilers. :lol: . :lol:

Can someone please tell me though... what the heck was the point in having Maxine date Nick? Was it just to show that Nick was trying to make Nat jealous by dating a co-worker of hers? I just don't get that whole storyline. :lol: And it really bugs the heck out of me. :lol: Nick and Maxine... what an odd pairing. I did like that they gave Maxine more of a presence than just DNA girl though. :) And I liked how Eric showed he still had feelings for Natalia by fighting with Nick in that ep. :lol:

But, you're right, MJ. It was a load of crap and Eden never should have broken up because of it.

Edit: This post was longer than I intended it to be and I swear it looks shorter on the edit window. :lol:
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Okay. Moving on... no more Ryan/Nat talk from me. :)

I can't remember for the life of me why exactly Nick and Eric were fighting in Nick's last ep. Can anyone refresh my memory? Was Nick harassing Nat again and Eric was just defending her, or was there something else going on?

Whatever the reason, I think it showed that Eric still had feelings for Natalia.
Ok, first question. Natalia said that she thought Eric was working & that's why she hadn't invited him, & yes...blame the writers, it was poorly done even if it was just to put light on how Eric & Nat felt about each other; they should have allowed them to talk it out & clarify things.

The fight.
It originally started with Eric thinking Nickhead was there to harass Natalia. Nickhead kept egging him on & getting in Eric's face ...

Nick: you're just another sorry sap trying to get laid like everyone else
Eric: *gets closer to Nicks face* You're pushin' it
Nick: what's wrong, Eric, test tube too small ?

Then, yeah, WAMMO!:p

Nick threw the first punch but most definitily Eric was just waiting to kick his a$$!!!! I LOVED IT!!
I really believe Eric was trying to protect Natalia in that epi. He knew as soon as he got the call that Nick was dead, that it was possible Natalia was involved, & completely understood why. That's why he said "H, Im all over this" at the crime scene. He wanted to make sure the job was done right & Natalia wouldn't get into trouble.

Notice how he still stayed behind to watch the night shift girl look for prints!?! He was totally looking out for her, & he was the first to come out from the lab when they brought her in handcuffed & he was the first to go back in after they took her inside.

I always thought the look on Eric's face (in the elevator) after he told Nat he'd call her, was so sad, & he just stared at her as the elevator door closed. I think he knew what was coming for her & it definitly bothered him. 'Throwing Heat', the epi that followed, pretty much cleared up Eric's feelings in all that, he was quite pissed to see that guy jerk around his wife, or so Eric thought.
All the same, he did have feelings for her, there's no arguing there.
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