Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

Springmoon said:
Yes, that's very true. And worse for ka990 having to ship them stateside from the UK. It would have been cool though, to see Flack wearing one from week to week. I would then prance into work the next day (yes, I did say "prance") and announce that Eddie Cahill wore one of my ties on the previous night's episode and my geekdom would be complete.

I thinkth that to be a dream for many of us here. :D

Dreary, I am tied between the "Red/Blue/Something" and the "Cirucs" ties. Oh, did I just make a pun? :eek: :D
Whoa... little did I expect so many people replying and liking them fugly ties. :lol: Thanks for the input! Now all I have to do is work on scamming my bro into lending me his camera, and think of something to write to go with the picture. :D

Thanks again, everyone! I'm off to the circus! :D
OK folks - new closing date! I've been asked to extend the project so now the closing date is 31st July so you all have more time to dig out fugly ties, cameras etc and get your thinking caps on! :D

This has certainly got a lot of you interested! :lol: and I hope the new closing date will help get a lot more stuff for Eddie/Flack :)
The circus tie is awesome for this! but the second one is also very good! It's just that the circus one is funny!

Hmm, I still haven't had any idea of what to write to Flack...I'm glad the date was extended. And I am still wondering if I can get enoug bravure to take that damn picture...
CSI_Dani said:
The circus tie is awesome for this! but the second one is also very good! It's just that the circus one is funny!

Hmm, I still haven't had any idea of what to write to Flack...I'm glad the date was extended. And I am still wondering if I can get enoug bravure to take that damn picture...

Don't worry if you don't want to take a picture - you won't be the only one!!

Just send me a note for Flack if you want, which doesn't have to mention his fugly ties - it can just be a fan letter if that's what you want to write. ;)
I haven't decided yet if I'm gonna send a picture out either . . . maybe just a pic of the tie.
I already picked one out. My brother has a Superman tie, and you know, he's SuperFlack!, so I thought it appropriate. ;)

If I don't end up taking a picture, I will for sure be sending out a letter . . . however, now that the dates been extended my brother will be back from Europe with the camera so I really have no excuse. :/
Awesome job with the fugly tie pics, Dreary, and thanks for posting them. It's fun to see what other people come up with. My vote is for tie #2 as fugliest.

I posted in the LA Trip thread and will post here too. I asked ka990 to extend the deadline until after the LA trip because I want to have a little fun with the project during the trip -- get a group photo of all the girls coming on the trip in their fugliest ties and take individual pics of girls in fugly ties out at the Hollywood hot spots. Might as well incorporate a little Eddie love into the group trip. :D

EDIT: Thanks for extending the deadline, ka990.
lisagc said:
I haven't decided yet if I'm gonna send a picture out either . . . maybe just a pic of the tie.
I already picked one out. My brother has a Superman tie, and you know, he's SuperFlack!, so I thought it appropriate. ;)

If I don't end up taking a picture, I will for sure be sending out a letter . . . however, now that the dates been extended my brother will be back from Europe with the camera so I really have no excuse. :/

Since we can all agree on Det. Don "Super" Flack, maybe this ideal can be used as your project? Take the Superman tie, and tape a paper to it which has a SF in place of the normal S. Then maybe hold up a sign which reads, "SuperFlack!" :D

Just an idea...... :lol:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Awesome job with the fugly tie pics, Dreary, and thanks for posting them. It's fun to see what other people come up with. My vote is for tie #2 as fugliest.

I posted in the LA Trip thread and will post here too. I asked ka990 to extend the deadline until after the LA trip because I want to have a little fun with the project during the trip -- get a group photo of all the girls coming on the trip in their fugliest ties and take individual pics of girls in fugly ties out at the Hollywood hot spots. Might as well incorporate a little Eddie love into the group trip. :D

EDIT: Thanks for extending the deadline, ka990.

No probs - I'm just wondering what photos I'm going to get .. :eek: ;)