Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

I think I've been stalking long enough. I really want to contribute to this fan project.

Count me in....!!

Now, where's that fugly tie.
Thanks for all the interest in this - get those photos and messages to me and hopefully this will be one amazing project!! :D

I've had another couple of pm's about the messages I'm asking people to write - this project is primarily for Flack as we so recently did the hockey puck project for Eddie himself at the back end of last year so your fan letter should ideally be for the best dressed detective in the NYPD ;) but if you want to send me a message for Eddie then that's great too, but as Top previously mentioned, Eddie has a girlfriend so please be careful how you express your fan-love for him!! ;)

You can either just send me a photo of you wearing a fugly tie, a message or both a photo and message(s) if you wish, it's really up to you but the closing date is 31st July . My e-mail is ka-russ@supanet.com to save anyone looking on the first page!! :lol:
OK - this has nearly ended up on the second page of the boards again *types post frantically so it stays on 1st page!* ;) So far still only the one submission but a lot of great ideas still - please don't leave it until the last minute! Although the closing date is 31st July I hope to get things off to Eddie/Flack asap after that so get your submissions in!
lisagc said:
MissKraft said:
Since we can all agree on Det. Don "Super" Flack, maybe this ideal can be used as your project? Take the Superman tie, and tape a paper to it which has a SF in place of the normal S. Then maybe hold up a sign which reads, "SuperFlack!" :D

Just an idea...... :lol:

That's actually a really good idea, which I would do if it was a logo tie. But it's actually Superman flying and stuff . . . so the logos are way to small. BUT, this did give me the idea of maybe cutting Eddie's head out of a pcture and sticking it on a Superman body on the tie.
Or do you think thats too much?!? lol

Nope, not too much at all. Exactly perfect! :D

CSIVegasMiamiNY, I absolutely love your AoFT wallpaper! That must end up in the project! :eek:

Ka990, I cannot believe I am still the only submission! :eek: I believe we need to bring in Det. Taylor, in order to straighten out these slacking labrats. (preferably in wet clothing) ;) :devil:

As posted, somewhere in the beginning of this thread, I still like the "naked with tie" pic idea. You can have a "chest" shot, cutting off just before the... <you know>.... Mr. Flack does not need to see the whole tie, does he? :eek: :devil:

I am in a rare mood, for I have a painful bone scan appointment coming up and taking loads of painkillers for the insane pain..... wwwwweeeeeeeeeee! :D :lol:
I've been going picture crazy, snapping hundreds of me and my mates wearing fugly ties, but somehow they always go wrong. It's probaly the fact that Flack/Eddie is gonna see it *faints* But, I will get a pic in at least!!! Never fear, Jemma's here!!! (Actually, taht's probably the perfect time to fear! :lol:)
CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
I've been going picture crazy, snapping hundreds of me and my mates wearing fugly ties, but somehow they always go wrong. It's probaly the fact that Flack/Eddie is gonna see it *faints* But, I will get a pic in at least!!! Never fear, Jemma's here!!! (Actually, taht's probably the perfect time to fear! :lol:)

Funny. I would think knowing that Eddie/Flack would being viewing your pics, would be an inspiration for taking so many not messing them up. LOL! :lol: :D ;)

But, that is just me. :rolleyes:
MissKraft said: CSIVegasMiamiNY, I absolutely love your AoFT wallpaper! That must end up in the project! :eek:

I am in a rare mood, for I have a painful bone scan appointment coming up and taking loads of painkillers for the insane pain..... wwwwweeeeeeeeeee! :D :lol:

If it looks ok after any necessary "tweaking" I hope the AoFT wallpaper will be the scrapbook cover - it will serve as a warning to what will be in it! :lol:

Hope the scan goes ok and things are alright :)
ka990 said:
MissKraft said: CSIVegasMiamiNY, I absolutely love your AoFT wallpaper! That must end up in the project! :eek:

I am in a rare mood, for I have a painful bone scan appointment coming up and taking loads of painkillers for the insane pain..... wwwwweeeeeeeeeee! :D :lol:

If it looks ok after any necessary "tweaking" I hope the AoFT wallpaper will be the scrapbook cover - it will serve as a warning to what will be in it! :lol:

Hope the scan goes ok and things are alright :)

I am crossing my fingers for ya, kiddo! :D

I think Eddie/Flack needs all the "warnings" they can get! ;) :lol:
I'm gonna take more pictures, then y'all can help me decide which one is best. :D Gotta look nice for Eddie/Flack.
<3 <3 <3
I'm a strange duck...
Unfortunately due to a possible technological SNAFU at this end (there's always friggin' something to go wrong!) :( I might need anyone who wants to e-mail me a photo to send it in as small a jpeg file as possible - I will hopefully know whether or not the problem can be rectified towards the end of this week. This may mean that anyone wanting to send me one e-mail with lots of photos ( MrsG for instance after the forum trip!) might have to send each photo separately rather than in one big e-mail.

Sorry - I am trying to get it sorted and hopefully we'll be ok, I'm preparing for the worst but hoping for the best! :rolleyes:
ka990 said:
Unfortunately due to a possible technological SNAFU at this end (there's always friggin' something to go wrong!) :( I might need anyone who wants to e-mail me a photo to send it in as small a jpeg file as possible - I will hopefully know whether or not the problem can be rectified towards the end of this week. This may mean that anyone wanting to send me one e-mail with lots of photos ( MrsG for instance after the forum trip!) might have to send each photo separately rather than in one big e-mail.

Sorry - I am trying to get it sorted and hopefully we'll be ok, I'm preparing for the worst but hoping for the best! :rolleyes:

Even the best laid plans come unraveled. :D