E.R. - Emergency Room!

Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Yeah (If I recall right) and wasn't Mark yelling "i love you" and Susan couldn't hear him?

I just realised they are showing some season..11 or 10 reruns in the afternoons :D Just saw the eppy where Abby pretended she had accidental needle sting so she could give those HIV drugs to that poor woman.
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

This might be a good season as so far it has actually kept me interested. I did like how Kerry finally put someone else before herself by defending Luka, otherwise he wouldn't have a job.
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

I don't know what the story was behind that guy. I know there's a kind of law suit or something? But why? Luka hired the guy? But what did the guy do wrong?
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Anyone in here? :eek:

DaWacko said:

I just realised they are showing some season..11 or 10 reruns in the afternoons :D Just saw the eppy where Abby pretended she had accidental needle sting so she could give those HIV drugs to that poor woman.

I saw that episode last thursday! :) I loved the episode.

I watched the 3rd episode of season 13 (forgot the name :lol:) and I thought it was great. I loved the Don't sneak-a-peak at my tits, Morris-scene. :D
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Well im here :)

DaWacko said:
Yeah (If I recall right) and wasn't Mark yelling "i love you" and Susan couldn't hear him?

I loved that episode, but it was so sad. I used to be a real Mark/Susan shipper. But in the end i did like Mark and Elizabeth, and their daughter was sweet.

My favourite episode was probably that one and Secrets and Lies.

Is season 13 the new season?
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Oh, I love Ella. She's so sweet!

And yes, season thirteen is the new season. I really like it so far, though they could focus on the patients a little more.
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Am glad to hear s13 is a good season, should get it here next year some time.

That episode when Ella accidentally took some of Marks other daughters pills, was so heartbreaking, the acting was so good.

Are their any new doctors/nurses in s13?
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

CSIangel17 said:
Well im here :)

DaWacko said:
Yeah (If I recall right) and wasn't Mark yelling "i love you" and Susan couldn't hear him?

I loved that episode, but it was so sad. I used to be a real Mark/Susan shipper. But in the end i did like Mark and Elizabeth, and their daughter was sweet.

My favourite episode was probably that one and Secrets and Lies.

Is season 13 the new season?

Ohhh. 'Secrets and Lies' was one of the best episodes I've seen so far! It was so funny and yet it had serious moments too. That's what I love about ER; it has the right amount of humour and drama.

I was laughing so much when Carter was trying hard to break the door open and then when he succeeded, he went: 'Got it!'. And then Gallant said: 'Great. Now we're criminals.' LOL.
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Lol i forgot all about that bit, that was hilarious, it was such a great ep, when ER does comedy it does it really well.

It does emotional stuff really well too though, like when Kerry was going to have her baby taken away, and i cant remember teh episode name, but it was when Susan befriends this guy whos going to die and he teaches her to make cranes, and when he passes away she throws them all into the river and watches them float away, was so sad.

But i love Jerry, all his lines are hilarious, and Morris is funny too in his own way :)
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

To be honest, I really wasnt all that shocked when it was revealed that Morris was a child molester...he was always rather creepy to me.
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

EWwwwwww No surely not....How can that be!!!

Is there going to be spoilers on this thread as I'm not sure if I want to know.
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

Astrid said:
Is there going to be spoilers on this thread as I'm not sure if I want to know.
To answer your question regarding spoilers. Any spoilers regarding episodes that have not yet aired in the US have to be put into the spoiler code, unless there is a spoiler warning in the title of the thread. :)
Re: E.R.- emergency room!!

The day before yesterday I saw the episode where Mark died and it indeed was very, very sad. But so beautiful and well-acted! I just loved this part where Elizabeth arrived at the house and sits on the bed with Ella, as Mark wakes up. And then Ella starts giggling. It was just too cute! I was all going: 'Whee!' :D