E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Man I don't know what I'm going to do when school starts up again!! I won't be able to check this place out until I get home each day!! Thats going to really suck!
Dear Carmine

I got a platinum rabbit and named it after you!! You both rock!!! Thank you for my nights of pleasure.



Dear Bliss

Just named my right hand Bliss ... and thank you .


Amazing how quickly he'll respond if something catches his attention. :lol:

PMSL!!!!!! If that's a potential response I'll do it!! Maybe tone it down somewhat! I'll let you know if I get a reply (not going to even bother crossing my fingers - probably get straight into the 'potential stalker beware' folder!). :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ok draft 1

I have a (insert item not allowed to talk about) which I named after you so just wanted to say a quick thanks for many a fun night!
Lol!! Just hoping that piece of info might put a wee smile on your face.
I will email you a thoughtful and sensible email in due course but I'm new to all this pc stuff and have just been reading the locker room. (They dared me to send this - honest!) I can't believe you read that forum (and now quickly apologise if anything I may have written that has scared you!)
Anyway - loving your web site.
Keep up the good work ........

both of you ;-) !!!!

Bliss x x

SubJ: The Heart Beats On Knowing An Affair Can Never Have An Ending
Cute, but I'm a big fan of putting myself in someone else's shoes before I send them an e-mail. Like, how would I feel if someone told me he had named his sex toy after me? :lol:

I think he does like to hear about feedback from the show, though. ;)
how would I feel if someone told me he had named his sex toy after me? :lol:

Yes, you are always the voice of reason Top . Personally, I'd just wanna know the model name of the sex toy that had been named after me. If it's something like the "Ugly B**ch 2000", I'd respond with a cease and desist letter threatening a defamation action. However, if it's the "Super Duper ****s-Like-a-Champ Inflatible Dream Girl", I'd be tickled to death and seek marketing rights. :D

Okay, someone smack me please, I've got far too much to do to be reading this right now. :(
The Meter's head is spinning right now, like a football (soccerball for us Americans ;) ) kicked by David Beckham.

Allow me to go into un-fun-gal/mod mode: I was only half joking about putting yourselves in Carmine's shoes. Writing him suggestive/sketchy e-mails probably isn't the best way to get him to write back or charm him. Flirting is fun, but keep it tasteful. I'm sure he likes hearing about episode feedback, that you've seen his movies, and yes, that you think he's a hottie. Sex toys? Probably not so much. Go for classy or cute, not graphic.

Whatever you write him is of course your business, and if you want to write him about sex toys, well that is your business, but I do ask that you don't post about it here. Seriously. Or Christian will have my hide. ;)

Thanks. :)
Yikes, I go to take a nap and I come back to find my co-mod being all serious and stuff! :eek:

But she's right, folks. And if I might add, things have gotten a wee bit sketchier around this place (and the Locker Room) in the past couple of weeks. I have been slightly hesitant in attempting to reign this in since I, too, love a little dirty talk when it comes to a nice hunk of man flesh. However, the general conversation has steadily started pushing it's limits and I feel the need to caution against going overboard.

The reason I love the NY forum so much and was ecstatic to be moved to co-mod here is because the atmosphere has always struck me as rather more mature than the other forums. Everybody in here knows how to take and handle the jokes, which is why conversation has been allowed to delve into the slightly more risque.

Now, I'm not saying anyone's in trouble nor am I trying to shame us all or even, God forbid, turn this forum into a bunch of posting nuns. However, I do want to ask that, before things go farther and Christian indeed has both mine and Top's hides, we look at our posts carefully before submitting. Shower scenes, mild fantasies, heavy use of the PG-13-o-Meter's censorship? That's cool. Sex toys and the like? Not so much.

Err, I hope that didn't bring anyone down or anything... Look! Danny!

wow. I sure haven't posted in a while. Hmmm, yeah, always a treat when I come to the locker room and any Carmine thread.
Top and Bitten - your point is very well taken. As for anyone sending sexually explicit e-mails, I want it to be known that my support is completely in jest and I'm sure Bliss's drafts are purely for sport. No one in their right mind would seriously include reference to a sex toy.

Err, I hope that didn't bring anyone down or anything... Look! Danny!


Thanks for the hot pic, Bitten . You've got a nice "bad girls, but I still love you, so here's a cookie" leadership style.
Well, just to let everyone know...I just e-mailed him not too long ago, and ladies, though fighting the temptation, it was tasteful :)

Anywho, I'll let you know if I get any...thing :p ;)

Unfortunately, I do have a problem with navigating around his site though. Some things work, and some things don't. I can't access his photos or artwork...A shame really...Is there something I'm not doing right?
Err, I hope that didn't bring anyone down or anything... Look! Danny!


Thanks for the hot pic, Bitten . You've got a nice "bad girls, but I still love you, so here's a cookie" leadership style.

At least he still loves us... that's important right? ;)
Thanks for the hot pic, Bitten . You've got a nice "bad girls, but I still love you, so here's a cookie" leadership style.

At least he still loves us... that's important right? ;)

That's all that matters, but by "he" are you referring to Bitten or Danny, 'cause I think Bitten is a chick (unless I've badly misread her posts).
thanks for letting me know Kickknack. I've been wondering for a while now.

I wonder what made him start doing it? I mean most people would just take them off. :)

Thanks pic is gorgeous, he has enticing eyes.
I have to commend you Top and Bitten I don't know if I'd want the job of reminding people of the rules...you guys both did it with class and while I'm not a mod I have to agree...I much prefer suggestion and then let my imagination do the rest...I don't really need graphics... :devil: nor do I need to share MY graphic imagination...it's for me only... :lol:

My main point is ladies I totally agree with and support what you are saying...I like the mature aspect of discussing this show as well and thank you for defining that line between suggestion and soft porn... :D
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