E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Dear Carmine

I got a platinum rabbit and named it after you!! You both rock!!! Thank you for my nights of pleasure.



Dear Bliss

Just named my right hand Bliss ... and thank you .


Amazing how quickly he'll respond if something catches his attention. :lol:
Dear Bliss

Just named my right hand Bliss ... and thank you .

ROFLMAO!!!!!! MrsG., I was wondering whether you had a slow start this week? Glad to see this is not the case! :D
Not disappointing at all! :lol:
Never a slow start from me. I was working on a fanfic yesterday, so was a little more quiet than usual. Sadly, today is shaping up to be a quiet day from me too because it's only 6am my time and I've already been in the office for nearly 2 hours. I kid you not. Have to file a huge motion today and am currently paying the price for too much time spent in the Locker Room last week. Ah, what a girl will do to talk dirty about Carmine. Crazy.
Awww, MrsG., I feel for you, I really do! Been in the office since 4am?

I have to say though, I'm finding it hard myself to stay away from this place while at work. And eventhough things are fairly quiet at work right now (work in Clinical Research and all the physicians involved are on holiday...yay!), I'm sure I will have to pay the price myself... sooner or later! :p. Later methinks, when they all return from holiday! Blech! :(

But it's all for a greater good: Carmine! :D

What kind of fanfic are ya writing btw?
Been in the office since 4am?
Yep. My own fault though. The partner who supervises my cases has already peeked his head into my office, seemingly impressed by my diligence. I would be soooo embarrassed if he had any clue as to the cause of the predicament I got myself into ... and yet, I continue to toggle back into this site in between breaks in my actual writing. What the hell is my problem??? Okay, seriously now, I won't be back in here again for hours ... really, really I won't ... I hope I won't. Smack me if you see me here.

I'm sure I will have to pay the price myself... sooner or later! :p.
And yet it's a price we're all willing to pay. The man should feel ridiculously flattered.

What kind of fanfic are ya writing btw?
Well, it has a legal twist. Female lead is a D.A. who is prosecuting a case that relies on evidence Danny mishandled. Starts out with a solid premise, then deteriorates into porn (gee, there's a surprise), so I'll have to work on it a bit. It is intended as a tribute to the Locker Room and contains many references to Locker Room discussions. Hope ya'll like it when it's done. It is hardcore dirty, dirty, dirty. :devil:
Okay, seriously now, I won't be back in here again for hours ... really, really I won't ... I hope I won't. Smack me if you see me here.
You better believe it. I'll make sure the Robospanker is waiting for you! :D Just beware, you!

And yet it's a price we're all willing to pay. The man should feel ridiculously flattered.
He had better read this thread and see for himself how dedicated we are! If he doesn't, I'll hunt him down... and I'll bring the Robospanker with me! :p

It is intended as a tribute to the Locker Room and contains many references to Locker Room discussions. Hope ya'll like it when it's done. It is hardcore dirty, dirty, dirty. :devil:
Yikes... can't wait! ;)
Mrs. G you are insanely hilarious! You rock!!! Can't wait to read your fanfic (and everyone else's for that matter)... as for the work thing, :lol:... you remind me of me! Knick can vouch for that!
^I hear ya! Thing is I do work really hard (Yeah, people don't have to believe me, but it's true! :)), but when I tune into this site from time to time during the day, my mind just turns to blubber! I wonder why? :lol:
^Yes, we're all hard workers! But Udjat, it's time to reprimand the cause of the occasional brain-turns-to-blubber moments. Get the robospanker ready, I'll hunt down Danny and bring him to you...
I asked him how he keeps his glasses on his forehead when he pushes them up. What kind of a daft question was that? :lol:

I'm still waiting for a reply.

It depends on the pads of your glasses, and your forehead actually. And i think guys have an easier time cos of the shape of their foreheads. My cousin does it so easily. And because of him (my cuz), I've gotten the habit of doing it as well... but my shades stay up more easily than my prescription glasses do.

Well, I've answered your question, but I still hope Carmine answers you!

*Crosses fingers for Crazy4Danny !
Oh Mrs.G!!!

You made me squeal too loud I think I woke up the household!

Yeah I realised sticking your glasses on your forehead is kinda hard to do... unless you have a really sticky forehead perhaps knickknack is right... it's probably the shape of a guy's head.
I love coming in here!
Welcome, Bliss...your proposed letter is too funny! I love it!
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