E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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ahahaha I KNOWWW. wen i saw that reply in my inbox i almost freakeddd!!
Sounds like he's replying to a lot of people--cool! :D
Carmine if u read this..IM NOT CRAZY!!!!! IM NOT CRAZY!

Just bored...

**sits back and waits for the onslaught of posters to come into this thread and claim to be Carmine**

If Carmine is one of us, he's waaaaaay too good at imitating a twenty-something woman. :lol:
I emailed him : :)

Hi Carmine!

I just want to say that you have an incredible talent in acting.And
that you make csi :New york very interesting.I can't wait to see
more of the character 'Danny Messer' ..And uhm,well good look
in everything you want to do in the future!

By by!


Dont have a response yet offcourse :)

PS: Do you have any plans for movies or other series ?
Ok brats. Finally, some time to myself! Here's my email from Carmine

Dear Michelle

thanks for checking out the show, viewing my website and taking the
time to actually send me an email -

I've finally had a chance to respond o all the people who - like
yourself - appreciate the work we do -

We are presently wrapping up the first season and I'm looking forward
to finding time to answer all my emails - though at times its seems like
an impossible task -

I'm planning on keeping my website up to date with new information and
I'm also taking suggestions on what peole would like to see on the site
in the future - once again thanks for the email - stay tuned and stay
in touch
I am totally going to email him and then see what happens. That is just like totally kool and sweet that he takes time out of his day to email his loyal fans. Not very many stars do that. That shows that he cares about us. He cares about me. Awww.
He'll respond! I emailed him Tuesday and got a response at 9:04 am on Wednesday morning. He's efficient and punctual! I love that man. *swoon*
His e-mail on his website has got to be out of control, especially with all of us writing him. at least he knows that he is sincerely loved and lusted after! I might e-mail him again, just so I can see carmine giovinazzo in my inbox! I about passed out when I saw it the first time!

If he is responding individually to all of them, he is that much sweeter and kinder of a person. no wonder we all are in love with this man!
I was at school when I got mine. I had all I could do not to let out one giant squee-ing noise. :lol: But yeah, he's amazing. I wonder how many he's getting a day? Cause I've emailed him twice and he's written back within a day both times.
Sqeeeeee! He just emailed me back! It was short but sweet. I have one question...after his name at the end of the email, there was a signature of sorts. It says, and I quote, "ceesau(life in balance)". I'm just wondering what the signifigance of this is, and why the spelling is different. Just curious, is this on the end of any of the other emails?
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