E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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You guys, I got an email too. I'm in the computer lab at school, so I kind of had to bite my lips to keep from squeeing. :lol: I think we all got different emails cause mine is totally different than all of yours is.
Posted by Top41:
^That's sweet!

Maybe the guy likes getting e-mail or something. :confused: :lol:

Well, can you imagine being on the set for hours with not much to do but wait for your scene? Why not bring a laptop and kill some time? I doubt anyone here minds ;)
Posted by Khanada:
Well, can you imagine being on the set for hours with not much to do but wait for your scene? Why not bring a laptop and kill some time? I doubt anyone here minds ;)

Yeah, that's definitely possible. It's just kinda funny...heck, the guy is better at answering e-mails than I am! :lol:
I too broke down and sent an e-mail. A lot of intellect and a final dash of humor comprised the body of my e-mail. Not in hopes of a response, but because if he is interested enough to ask, then as a fan I'm compelled by the humility of his act. Although, I would have loved to ask that he plead with the writers for an extended shower scene, you know for the sake of humanity, not at all for titillation. ;)

when do yu think ur gonna email him next? cuz i dunno wen to reply to his msg cuz i really dont wanna bombard him with emails! ahaha
I'm not sure I'm going to even press my luck and respond. I might, but I'm still thinking about it. Out of curiosity, what did your email say?
"Thank you so much....the feedback is appreciated, keep writing to me as I find
it inspiring....carmine"

sounds sweet enuff ahaha

wat did he say in urs? =O
Well, he said mine was inspiring too... he better get creative!!
I don't care if he does send us a robotic answer... just seeing "carmine@carminegiovinazzo.com" in my inbox would make my day!
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