E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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He wrote to me: Thanks Lori appreciate the support, keep letting me know what you think.... carmine.

heh heh I will definately keep letting him know what I really think :devil:

do you all think that he replied to all of these e-mails?
^Maybe he hasn't been hit with a deluge yet? It's cool that he's taking the time to respond to everyone's e-mails! :D
OMG I am psyched! I emailed him back! LOL... just to see!

Yeah, maybe a lot of people haven't emailed him... yet. But, I wlil keep emailing him as long as he keeps emailing back. Hey, I wonder if he has an instant message client!!!

That is so awesome of him to email us back even though he is so busy. I mean, I know they were one-liners, but still, he took the time to read and respond.
^What did you write him back?

Maybe he likes the attention. :lol: If he's brave enough to ask for e-mails after seeing the Locker Room (if he's seen it!), the man has some balls. :lol:
LOL Top... maybe he's just a genuine man who wants to know what his fans think! I love him anyways!!

I just asked him what goes into taping a show, and how long it takes. I told him I was a musician. I am glad to know I will not get an automated response! LOL.

Now... if I could only get Clay Aiken's email address... that's one I'll never have, he'd have to have like 15423987429387423 Gb of space for all the crazy women emailing him! I hope Carmine doesn't get flooded, I kinda like emailing him! Just to show him that I'm not a crazy fan.

Did you write? What did he respond?
Nah, I haven't written. I might, but then, it also kinda weirds me out that he may have read the Locker Room. What do you think, ladies? Has he seen it? It's cool if he has, I guess, but then I also like the idea that we can goof around and act like crazy chicks without any implications. Hopefully if he's seen it he knows it's all in good fun.

I freakin' love Clay Aiken's voice. And his album...I hope he does another one soon.
I don't think he reads the Locker Room... and if he does, he doesn't know that it's the same people probably. Of course, if he reads this particular post, he will! LOL.

Clay IS coming out with a new album in a couple months!!! He's working on it right now! I am on several message boards for him and I get tons o pictures and info!
Well, I cracked. I wrote him. I wasn't really planning on it but then I figured that if he really is reading them himself then I wanted to let him know I appreciate his talent. God, I hope I didn't sound like a dork. :lol:
^What did you write, Bitten? :D

Posted by jesstiger81:
I don't think he reads the Locker Room... and if he does, he doesn't know that it's the same people probably. Of course, if he reads this particular post, he will! LOL.

I imagine the man's deductive reasoning is probably fairly decent. After all, there are links to this site in the section where he mentions the e-mail thing. Oh, he might not be able to match up usernames and e-mails, but I'd guess he's got a pretty good idea. That is, if he's read the Locker Room.

Clay IS coming out with a new album in a couple months!!! He's working on it right now! I am on several message boards for him and I get tons o pictures and info!

Oooooh, sweet!! I can't wait! I love the first one--it's one of those albums I stick in my player every few weeks because I never get tired of it. Clay rules. Do you have the Christmas album, too?
Posted by Top41:
^What did you write, Bitten? :D

I wrote that I wanted to see his fine ass, nekkid!

J/k, I waxed on a bit about the character and his portrayal and things like that. I might have mentioned the shower scene in a brief joke cause I'm assuming he does read the thread. Like you said, he must have deductive skills and the links are there. Human nature to be curious. Doesn't bother me, I mean, I know we're joking and I should hope he's sensible enough to realize that, as well.
Girl, I have ALL of that man's albums! I even have both his singles! BOTW/TITN and The Way/Solitaire. LOVE HIM!!!! So, I have my singer, Clay, and my actor, Carmine. Two "C"s... weird, I like the boys at the beginning of the alphabet...
^My first huge high school crush was named Dan! He was a senior when I was a freshman...*sigh*

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

I wrote that I wanted to see his fine ass, nekkid!

J/k, I waxed on a bit about the character and his portrayal and things like that. I might have mentioned the shower scene in a brief joke cause I'm assuming he does read the thread. Like you said, he must have deductive skills and the links are there. Human nature to be curious. Doesn't bother me, I mean, I know we're joking and I should hope he's sensible enough to realize that, as well.

Heh, yeah, sounds like you and I are thinking along the same lines. The man has seen the Locker Room. And if he's handing out his e-mail address after that, either the shower stuff doesn't bother him (or it makes him laugh) or he likes the discussion he's seen here (either in that thread or elsewhere).

It's kind of funny--I mean, so many of these actors look at their jobs as just that, a job. They don't want to talk about them off hours. They go to work and then they're done. That he wants to actually talk to people who like the show suggests to me that he must be into it and excited about what's happening on it.

Either that or he's just been dumped and needs an ego stroke. :lol:

Maybe I shouldn't say that in case he's reading this. ;) :p

jess, are you a Claymate? I gotta say, I think that's one of the most fun fandom names that I've heard. Next to the Locker Room Groupies, of course. ;)

Do the singles have unreleased B-sides? I don't think Solitaire is on the album?
Posted by Top41:

Either that or he's just been dumped and needs an ego stroke. :lol:
I'll stroke his....er...ego.

jess, are you a Claymate? I gotta say, I think that's one of the most fun fandom names that I've heard. Next to the Locker Room Groupies, of course. ;)

Do the singles have unreleased B-sides? I don't think Solitaire is on the album?


Yeah, I consider myself a Claymate. I mean, I don't own 923847329837 t shirts, and I don't have all of his magazine pictures glued on my walls. I have the calendar, a HUGE photobucket, 2 concert programs (they were awesome!) and a t shirt, then I have my message boards. I'm not sure what you mean by B-side. One single he has is Bridge Over Troubled Water/This is the Night and the other one has The Way/Solitaire. Are you a Claymate?
Posted by Top41:
Maybe I shouldn't say that in case he's reading this. ;) :p

*Waves* Hi Carmine! :lol:

But seriously, I mean, if it was me I'd have Googled myself months ago, I just assume he's done the same thing. :lol:
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