E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Posted by jesstiger81:

I'll stroke his....er...ego.

Believe me, we've all been doing that for months. :lol: Like I said, if he's read/seen the Locker Room thread, he knows he has fans here. Let's hope it doesn't go to his head. There's nothing less sexy than a big ego.

Yeah, I consider myself a Claymate. I mean, I don't own 923847329837 t shirts, and I don't have all of his magazine pictures glued on my walls. I have the calendar, a HUGE photobucket, 2 concert programs (they were awesome!) and a t shirt, then I have my message boards. I'm not sure what you mean by B-side. One single he has is Bridge Over Troubled Water/This is the Night and the other one has The Way/Solitaire. Are you a Claymate?

Oh, cool--you've seen him in concert! Awesome!! I'd love to see him. By B-side I mean the second song on the single, although I think some of those are just dual releases (both songs are important). I wish I had them but I do love the album. I might get the Xmas one when Dec. rolls around. I really love his voice. I guess I'm not a Claymate because I don't belong to any of the groups, but I'm one in spirit cause I love the guy!

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
*Waves* Hi Carmine! :lol:

But seriously, I mean, if it was me I'd have Googled myself months ago, I just assume he's done the same thing. :lol:

Yeah, no kidding: Hi Carmine! Keep up the good work, don't get a big ego, eat your fruits and vegetables...oh, and if you ever get offered a part as a male stripper with a heart of gold, take it. :lol:

Heh, I love Google. I wonder if the Locker Room shows up on that for him because it's under his name. Too funny! :D
Posted by Top41:
Oh, cool--you've seen him in concert! Awesome!! I'd love to see him. By B-side I mean the second song on the single, although I think some of those are just dual releases (both songs are important). I wish I had them but I do love the album. I might get the Xmas one when Dec. rolls around. I really love his voice. I guess I'm not a Claymate because I don't belong to any of the groups, but I'm one in spirit cause I love the guy!

Girl you don't have to be on any message boards to be a Claymate! You just have to love him! But, if you ever want a large board that has all kinds of stuff, go to www.aikenforums.com WOW! It's huge.

Hi Carmine! Thanks for stopping by!

I'm sure he doesn't let it get to him. He's probably laughing at us right now. He thinks we're cute.
Yay! Some fellow Claymates! I adore him, he's my favorite singer, too. I don't have all of that memorabilia either, but I do have his albums, and I also frequent his messageboards. I can't wait for his new album this year!!

Anyway, back on subject, now that some of you have received replies, I think I might write to Carmine!
Write him Chrissy! Maybe the select few of us will be the only ones and we can be his little personal show advisory board! HEHE.
^It's sound advice, really. A good career move. I'm just looking out for Carmine's career...

Posted by jesstiger81:

Girl you don't have to be on any message boards to be a Claymate! You just have to love him! But, if you ever want a large board that has all kinds of stuff, go to www.aikenforums.com WOW! It's huge.

Cool! I will have to check that out! I'm usually so busy with this site and the Trek site that I don't have much time to check out other boards, but I will swing by there and see what's up. I definitely want to hear about his new album!

Hi Carmine! Thanks for stopping by!

I'm sure he doesn't let it get to him. He's probably laughing at us right now. He thinks we're cute.

We are cute! :D Personally, I think we're the best group of gals a guy could ask for as fans. :D
:lol: Oh to see my Danny boy stripping. well, my day is now complete.

*blows carmine a kiss* carmine, you know that you love us here in the locker room. your life wouldn't be as entertaining without us in it, stroking your ego ;) please take that how you may.

hmmmm I just might have to e-mail him back.......
Gosh, can you not use the word 'stroking' please??? LOL... just kidding. Don't you think we're crazy Carmine?

Oh god, I just pictured him stripping.... yeesh.
I have no doubt in my mind that Carmine thinks that we are insane. hey, but we are fun! isn't that all that matters?

heh heh everyone knows that stoking his ego is just the tip of the iceberg for me.......I can show him what I really want to be... oops! PG-13 O METER does it again!
Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
No kidding! Along with wanting to see him nekkid, we're smart and witty. We bring the funny.

We do bring the funny. And the clever. And, occasionally, the PG-13-o-Meter. :lol:

Posted by ThumpyG:
I have no doubt in my mind that Carmine thinks that we are insane. hey, but we are fun! isn't that all that matters?

I doubt he thinks we're insane...maybe entertaining, or quirky or a little weird, but probably not insane. :lol: Otherwise, I doubt he'd have put an e-mail address up for people to mail him at. No one likes to get missives from the looney bin! :lol:
"Thank you so much....the feedback is appreciated, keep writing to me as I find
it inspiring....carmine"

OMG >_< i juss got outrageously happy =D
^That's sweet!

Maybe the guy likes getting e-mail or something. :confused: :lol:
Hey, I know I do! I love getting email! Especially from him! I really wish I could get it from Clay too... my life would be complete.
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