E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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TalaAmazing how you did that - smokin' hot object of my desire is lying suggestively next to the sign and all I see is your name. Damn you. Damn you. Damn you. :D

Hahahahahaha! :devil:

Thanks, everyone. The idea came from knick when she Photoshopped my real name over "Italians" back when... Then I realized my handle already has all the letters I need from "Italian"... did a little cropping, pasting, blurring... and BOOM! :D

There's nothing a little Photoshop can't do. ;)

You should get tala to make your avvie, Dream!. She's a whiz at Photoshop!
But hmm... i know she'll be busy for a while.

I'd be happy to! Except I'm bad at sourcing out photos, so you'll have to send them to me. :)

You should get tala to make your avvie, Dream!. She's a whiz at Photoshop!
But hmm... i know she'll be busy for a while.


I'd be happy to! Except I'm bad at sourcing out photos, so you'll have to send them to me.

OOOH that's brilliant...I'll send you something and see what you can do with it kay? Thanks man...I might even get a Carmine birthday present after all! :D
Thanks man...I might even get a Carmine birthday present after all!

Anytime! Will get it to you in a couple of hours...

:D Thanks, Angie!

I just love what Photoshop can do... the possibilities are endless!

I just noticed your banner... VERY NICE!
he's reserved a spot just for you! :D :D
allrighty I'll troop over...

share? Carmie?
I don't know if I can... :p

(I've also gotten into a bad habit of calling him "Carmie" it sounds better than it looks... :))
:lol: Sharing is a bit difficult in this case, isn't it? What am I saying?! It's a blast if you're among us locker room groupies!
It probably got buried under a whole pile of newer emails. That's what I think happened to the one I sent him first, the second one I sent took a couple days
allrighty I'll troop over...

share? Carmie?
I don't know if I can... :p

(I've also gotten into a bad habit of calling him "Carmie" it sounds better than it looks... :))

Oh, god, please don't take this the wrong way, but Carmie??? :lol: That's just wrong. It hurts my eyes! His name really, really doesn't lend itself to any nicknames.

So what have people been writing to him? Post your e-mails or excepts here if you've written him lately.
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