E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Ladies, we've got a chronic fainter here. Shall we move her into the locker room and throw her into a cold shower to wake her up? :D

(Hmmm... might not be the cold water that'll wake her up but what she'll see when she's in there!) :lol:
Udjat - You know, my real name shows up in the e-mails Dream and I send him too. I sometimes wonder (probably just because I'm paranoid) if he's ever tried to Google me. Because I'm not hard to find. There's even a rather ridiculous picture of me to be had. In fact, I've realized that you can actually find out just about everything about me merely by typing my name into a search engine.

Interesting ... and what did you tell us your name is? Kidding. Actually, it never occurred to me to use anything but my real name when e-mailing him. I really don't think he'd take anything we have to say seriously if we hid behind the usernames we commonly use. But your comment about googling you did strike me as funny because, while I'm sure he isn't actually that curious about any of us, if he were so inclined he could learn literally everything about me. In California, consumer protection laws require attorneys personal information and background to be public record (and readily available on the state bar website) - yep, you got it, my home address and phone # is just sitting right there ... not that I wouldn't very willingly provide this info to the man on request anyway. Just funny how much info can be obtained on some of us with just a name.
LoL tala first off I just noticed that you changed the wording on that sign...freakin' brilliant! haha

If knickknack has a fainting problem I think sending her to the locker room may kill her...plus if she faints after you announce 'shower' she might get trampled...just a thought... :D

As for the other discussion in this thread I have to add my two cents because frankly that is what I do. Listen I know I'm coming at this from a 'he's emailed me' already and stuff but hear me out. He's just ONE guy, and while he is an exceptional piece of maleness, he is not actually a god...yeah I know this shocks you all but it's true. He can't answer all the emails and the more he gets I'm figuring the more he has to pick and choose who to reply to. He doesn't know any of us (at least as far as I know), so it's not a personal thing, it's a time thing.

I think he does have a spam filter, kmfx and I got a reply from a spammed email...there are so many variables as to why he doesn't repsond please, please, PLEASE don't take it personally...I'm going to get off of the soapbox now lookaboomerang don't leave your stuff lying around or I'll use it... :lol:
LoL tala first off I just noticed that you changed the wording on that sign...freakin' brilliant! haha
Why thank you, dream! Glad you like that little change. ;) I think of it as my way of being... subtly slutty. :lol:

If knickknack has a fainting problem I think sending her to the locker room may kill her...plus if she faints after you announce 'shower' she might get trampled...just a thought...
Yup. She's passed out there as we speak. :rolleyes: Right onto a pile of drool buckets. Not a pretty sight, I tell ya. :lol:

All this talk about the flood of e-mails has got me thinking... I mean, I'm sure there are others who have written him that aren't a part of this forum, but how many of us actually post here? Not that many, right? Twenty or less who just happen to post a lot? :D
Why thank you, dream! Glad you like that little change. I think of it as my way of being... subtly slutty.

Well good on ya for that! It was quite subtle, of course now all I see is that...ahaha

Yup. She's passed out there as we speak. Right onto a pile of drool buckets. Not a pretty sight, I tell ya.

Oh no that's has to be quite painful...and kind of gross if ya think about it...which I won't...lol

All this talk about the flood of e-mails has got me thinking... I mean, I'm sure there are others who have written him that aren't a part of this forum, but how many of us actually post here? Not that many, right? Twenty or less who just happen to post a lot?

This is true, because I think if it had reached epic proportions he wouldn't respond at all anymore. But I know that when I get even 10 emails from people who I know and love sometimes it takes me awhile to write back...I can't imagine getting even 20 from people I don't know and responding to all of them right away ya know?

Of course I'm not close to being famous so what the heck do I know? :p
Hmm...I thought my email was attention getting. :( And I used my 'real' email addy and not my hotmail one. I know it's not personal...but damn that was hard for me to do in the first place.
^ see it was never hard for us to write our emails, basically because the first one we sent we didn't think he'd read so we had already established a way of writing that seemed to entertain him...

GAH! That's it I'm flying down there! I'm gonna sit him down and get him to email all ya'll...after he's clean and showered of course...:devil:
Tala - Love what you did with the sign. :lol: I didn't notice that until Dream pointed it out. Now, like Dream, it's all I see. Amazing how you did that - smokin' hot object of my desire is lying suggestively next to the sign and all I see is your name. Damn you. Damn you. Damn you. :D
Holy cow, I didn't notice the words in the sign either until it was brought up. Good job Tala! :) What software did you use?
He didn't say much in the email, just said thanks but he coulda said nothing and just put the cdg part on there and I would have still been just as excited hehe.

Hehe I like the sig tala I didn't notice it either until it was pointed out hehe..
LoL tala first off I just noticed that you changed the wording on that sign...freakin' brilliant! haha

You should get tala to make your avvie, Dream!. She's a whiz at Photoshop!
But hmm... i know she'll be busy for a while. Tell you what- lemme know which pic of Carmine you want, and whatever other stuff you want, and lets see what we can do ;)
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