E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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I'm not all that worried about him knowing my name. I doubt that it'll be used for anything bad..however, if I start getting junk mail because I got signed up on some lists, I'll know exactly who to go after. :lol:
Udjat, I cannot possibly let any more of my tricks become of use for the public. Just something to think about...he just may be in need of a consolation email later on today. Actually, I wouldn't do that. Wouldn't want to put salt in any wounds. I'm still pissed there was no NY love this morning.
Aw man, I don't think I'll ever write him again... :confused:
You can't do that! :eek: Your e-mails are too amusing! :D

He's probably sitting there laughing at our Carmine-attention-catching techniques.
Or the mere fact that we've spent 14 pages-and counting-trying to come up with them! :lol:

Nah, just kidding, be yourself is what I say!
That's probably the best technique, right there!

And my real name shows up in my e-mails too... I don't really care... not like he'll remember it, anyway! (Or know how to pronounce it, for that matter! :D)
In fact, I've realized that you can actually find out just about everything about me merely by typing my name into a search engine. How embarassing.
LMAO! You've made me curious! :lol: Fortunately nothing much to find on me, just some of my art! He could check out the website of where I work... and he'd be sooooo amazed at what I do, who knows what might happen... Yeah, right! :rolleyes:

As funny as it would be...I am a married woman! Geez, like I would need that temptation...
Same here...... married I mean... well, almost!

Aw man, I don't think I'll ever write him again... :confused:
Ah no, don't do that. He'll miss you! Just keep writing him, k? ;)
Off topic a bit, but did Eads get a nod in the supporting actor category? It looks like even the original CSI got snubbed in the main categories.
No he didn't. There was like 3 nods for CSI, none for the actors. The one for Grave Danger was only for outstanding direction. The other 2 plus one for Miami were for direction, editing and music editing. All three shows were seriously snubbed.
Nah, just kidding, be yourself is what I say!
That's probably the best technique, right there!


Yep! I mean, good golly, my subject was "hi there!" Truth is, i had sent him a previous email, and it was long and a whole analysis of tanglewood and he didn't reply. then Tala tells me he replied to some of you same time he should've replied to me. so i said, what the heck, just email him a short one! i've got absolutely nothing to lose! and look what i got! sigh!
Well, nobody really likes to read long, long emails though. Short, sweet and to the point is what I use. I prefer some humor interjected into it too. I'll tell you guys right now, I told him shortly after the chat, that I was betting you all $5 that he'd be late. :lol:
knick, that's a sigh of happiness, I hope! :lol:


knick? knick?

*shakes head at sight of knick who has fainted in front of her*
Okay, okay, okay. I/we won't stop writing him. Even if we never get a reply again - I'll/we'll do it just to make you ladies happy. :)

Udjat - you really think he'd miss me? Naaahhh... But it'd be kinda sweet if he did! :p

As far as Carmine-catching-techniques... jeepers, I don't know! I mean, Dream and I had some pretty long ones that he responded to. But then again, he didn't respond to at least 2 of those. Although, maybe he knows my e-mail addy by now, because he actually responded to one that got sent to his own Spam folder! Weird.

Anyway, ladies of this thread, take hope. He's still responding to many of us, which means we haven't completely inundated his inbox just yet. For those of you who haven't got a response yet, don't dispair. As has been pointed out earlier - it's most likely not personal. I'm sure he loves you all, he just doesn't always know how to say it...

Or something.... :lol:
Well, nobody really likes to read long, long emails though. Short, sweet and to the point is what I use. I prefer some humor interjected into it too. I'll tell you guys right now, I told him shortly after the chat, that I was betting you all $5 that he'd be late. :lol:

:lol: What did he say to that?
He didn't even mention it, but I know for damn sure there was no way he could have missed it.:lol: It was within the first 2 sentences. And then, in true Carmine fashion, he responded with a thanks, an elipse(...)-that habit needs to be broken, and then answered the question I asked him. I think he appreciates that we can be real with him and not be all like "OMG! Iloveyousobad!" We save that for the Locker Room. :lol:
*shakes head at sight of knick who has fainted in front of her*

:confused: *knickknack regains consciousness*

yes of course it's a sigh of happiness! sheer, utter happiness! :D :lol: :D

*knickknack faints yet again*
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