E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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I guess not. :) I'd be afraid of sounding dumb though. I think everyone has already complimented him on "On the Job" and "Tanglewood". I guess I'll ahve to wait until next season for another great Danny episode/Carmine performance.
At least we can be assured that there WILL be a number of those, because he hasn't disappointed thus far. I think we had an advantage because the first email we sent we had no idea HE would write back so we just wrote whatever. Then after that he seemed to enjoy our writing so we kept going, either way he asked for emails so I'm sure he'll appreciated anything you send.

Love the Avatar by the way. :)
Are you guys friends from school?

Sorry I didn't see this question before, yes we are. We met in college a few years ago.

But I am with you guys...the more Danny the better!

That's true too, we hope for more Danny in the second season...basically because they've hinted at so much hidden in his past that frankly I think they OWE us SOMETHING! :)

Yeah. I guess you got lucky and e-mailed him before the big onslaught of e-mails.

Thank you.

Yeah we probably did, to be honest I'm still a bit blown away by it all, I'm waiting for someone to pinch me and say 'actually it was just me writing you back' :lol:

You are quite welcome :D
Ladies, what a wonderful e-mail you sent him after "On the Job"! That's fantastic. I love reading your e-mails more than his. They're very dramatic and fun and do capture what watching the show is like!

By all means show us the fourth one...
Top41 and Mrs.G...wow...glad you enjoy them...we love watching the show and actually have fun writing the reveiws... :lol: We'll most likely continue into the second season whether he writes us back or not...ahahaha

This last one is a bit shorter but he still seemed to feel the need to respond...albeit he didn't say much...maybe he can learn and write us longer ones next year! :lol: :D :lol: Personally I think he should at LEAST have said 'quite well written' I'm a fan of consistency! :D

Thanks girls...well written
ceesau(life in balance)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: ah, the sweet smell of consistency!

So it's come to it at last, the season finale, who would have thought we'd stick with it this long...yeah you're right we knew we would too. ;o)

Best part of the episode, besides the fact that Mac went on a date, was Aiden bugging Danny about his Psych Eval. It was nice to see that she was following up and looking out for him, especially since, let's be honest, he probably wouldn't have done it if she didn't nag, wait not nag, uh, voice her concern. So good on Aiden for doing that and way to go Danny for actually following through on it.

We have to admit we were somewhat reminded of the rebellious son seeking forgiveness when Danny asked Mac if they were okay and there was that stab (right in the heart) when Mac said 'We'll see'...ah the pain of disappointing one's superiors. Again another one of those moments when you feel what Danny is feeling, without him saying a word, well done!

This finale leaves us with questions, yet we are placated enough to go into the summer reruns without too much trepidation. Danny still has a job (we are ready to carry out our threat of never watching the show again if he is forced to leave, you just let us know), Mac is finally going on a date, so is Stella for that matter, Hawkes wants to be in the field (SWEET, we like that move) and Aiden, well Aiden we don't know much about Aiden...how about that's a goal in the second season? We find out more about Aiden, while they tell us what is up with Danny and Tanglewood and will the Danny/Mac alliance ever be mended?Because naturally we need and enjoy all the Danny backstory, we really can't get enough.

We're sure we're in for another fantastic roller coaster season in the fall and in the meantime, we will refresh our memories about the previous episodes by watching re-runs all summer.

Wow, is this the shortest review we've written yet? We think it might be!

Anyway, have a great summer!
Thanks for all the welcomes, guys! And the email advice!

Regarding the poll, yup, Mac's got 24%, Aiden 9%, Flack 5% Stella 4%, Danny 3%, Hawkes, 1%. Shocking, isn't it? Where Danny falls... Yeah, voters obviously aren't a part of this forum! Tsk, they're missing out.

Oh well, less competition for me in my region, I guess! :lol: :D

kmfx, what part of the Philippines is your husband from? That's so cool.
Add all that up together and you get 46%. Where is the other 54%?
maybe Chad got the other 54% of the votes. :lol: yeah, in which parallel universe could that happen?! but then again; those poll results are prettty weird...*suspense music plays in the background*
Dream and kmfx - Loved that e-mail as well. I'm with Top41 in that I enjoy reading your e-mails more than his responses. Keep them coming - even the ones he didn't respond to. They're fun to read. As a little aside, I'm always amused by his use of "ceesau (life in balance)" because, while I'm sure that does mean "life in balance" in some language, it is Chinese (Cantonese, to be specific) and pronounced say-sow (rhymes with cow) for "wash your hands". Proof that he does indeed need a shower. :D
:lol:Mrs.G I absolutely LOVE how you managed to turn his use of 'ceesau' into him needing to take a shower! That's just priceless man...I couldn't agree more by the way...*shrugs* okay if you wanna read more here's another one...I think it was for the episode 'The Closer'

Subect: dangerous very dangerous
...which of course we find devastatingly appealing...moving
along to more important things like...

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for letting us breathe this week. After our near coronaries last week it was a HUGE relief to be able to watch last night's entire episode with our eyes open and our hearts beating somewhat normally. We know, we know, we usually complain about the seeming lack of consistency from episode to episode that doesn't deal with any of the issues raised from the week before, but you know what? This week it really was a good thing and we've come to realize that professionals who respect each other would be able to work with each other despite any tension because that's just part of close human interaction. Why yes we are psychoanalyzing the characters, we like it, and we think we're good at it. :eek:)

We just finished reading the review of the episode on CSIfiles.com this morning which made the comment that you must have really charmed the writers for them to put so much of your own personal background into the episodes and we have to agree with a resounding 'ain't that the truth!' :eek:) The glaring semi-autobiographical lines made us smile several times as did the demonstration of your talent in the avenues of baseball, nice touch. The fact that we knew they were semi-autobiographical lines is a little strange (should one really know so much about a stranger?), but hey - that's what we get for checking every link on your site - it's there for the taking after all!

Anyway, we feel far less frenetic today so we'll just amble our way through this review and try not to think back on last week's trauma too much - which is another testament to the writers who give us such a gripping episode and to you who portrays it with such class that we can't seem to get it out of our heads. Also kudos to Danny for getting all sorts of back story, nice job! We comfortably know a bit more about him each week and we like that, we really do.

You really know how to push a girl's buttons, don't you? The witty banter, the calm way (unlike last week) you took down the Cracker-Jack-spitting-absentee-parolee ('There's only one thing I hate more than running - leaping. You are not my favorite person today.'), the macho way you showed off your baseball skills, despite the fact that you needed to ice your shoulder (we did, however, wonder why you didn't protest when Mac said, 'We need more power than that.' - for pity's sake! He clocked you at 84mph! Let's see him do better! ...Oh right he's the boss) and your easy flirtation with Aiden. Now you've pushed our maternal buttons AND our swooning buttons with a charm and ease that really shouldn't be present so comfortably in one person -dangerous ground, dear sir, dangerous ground.

On a quick sidenote (so sorry, we really are trying to focus solely on Danny, but all the characters are so stinkin' good on this show), we have to say that Mac is our favorite of the head CSIs. He has just the right blend of boss & human. He can be in charge, but he can admit when he might be wrong. He's as passionate about justice as Horatio, but doesn't think himself to be a superhero. He's as passionate about the evidence like Grissom, but you know you could have a human conversation with him. Also just when we may think he's too intense (due to his need for control when Danny and even Stella were out of line these last couple of weeks) he pulls out this caring human side that reminds us why he's such a great lead.

Have we mentioned lately that we LOVE CSI:NY? The strength of Danny's character development on its own has completely captivated us, but the show as a whole is just really fantastic. We promise you, we would not stoop to this obsessed fan level for just anyone! We really are much more...hold on here, we were about to call ourselves 'normal' but that's not right either. Ha! Normal! That's a good one! :eek:P

We are very sad that the season is coming to a close :'o( but we suppose we'll survive. Look forward to our review of next week's 'What you see is what you see' and then we may (or may not) write some reviews on some of the re-runs we missed, but we'll see how our summers pan out. If it gets to the point where we can recite all the lines from each episode, that may not be a good thing either!

Keep up the good work! We're already gearing up for next season's inevitable fireworks and hopefully some backstory on Aiden - I mean, she's SUPER cute and all, but we would love to know more about her!

Joy and bliss mixed with some temporary sadness,

:D There might be another email kickin' around somewhere I think...if you want to read that I'm sure I can find it...ahaha :p

Those emails are so cool. Well written indeedy, lucky people getting back those responses from Carmine.

*blush* :) Thank you so much. We really have a lot of fun writing them even when we don't get responses...although I have to admit we really like getting those too! :D
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