E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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...i guess you could put it that way... for the sake of the phrase... i mean, come on! both guys are hot!
Exactly and hotness deserves nothing less than a faint or loss of breath...hotness must get it's due! LOL

Look at me so easily retreat to locker room talk!
Dream, that's totally cool! How many times have you written/gotten replies back? Sounds like you've struck up a correspondence!

I think it's great that he wants to hear from the fans, and that he did the chat last night. That's pretty rare. Most actors aren't so net-savvy.
Dream, that's totally cool! How many times have you written/gotten replies back? Sounds like you've struck up a correspondence!

I think it's great that he wants to hear from the fans, and that he did the chat last night. That's pretty rare. Most actors aren't so net-savvy.

Uh I think we've written him about a half a dozen times and gotten three or four responses...the last one was after the season finale...I guess we'll have to see if he has time next season what with I'm SURE is his overflowing inbox. But we weren't expecting ONE response so four is just fine by me! :D

I thinks it's awesome that he's taking time out to talk with his fans and the net-savvy thing is so true, most just leave internet stuff up to someone else.

Hotness aside (just for a moment) he really seems like a nice guy! :)

oh dear me. now everyone knows our vices...

sorry to barg in, all. but as Dream's e-mailing partner, I felt I ought to make my presence known.

I have all the e-mails filed away, of course. If anyone's interested...
Hey, sure, bring em out and let's see, kmfx! Welcome to you as well! :)

Dream, I agree. It's certainly really nice that he takes the time to e-mail fans. It definitely goes above and beyond the call of the job. :cool:

Are you guys friends from school?
here's the first one - just as a teaser...
From: carmine giovinazzo

That was quite adorable...I don't disagree with the fact that this statue guy was fairly weak to have danny take such an interest..you're right...but they're working the character development as best they can....as much as they can under the constraints of the powers that be... thanks again for your support, keep writing in
ceesau(life in balance)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: don't mess with our danny!

Okay, here's the thing: we (my friend & I) are not pleased with the CSI:NY writers. Last night's episode changed up Danny's character way too abruptly. NO EXPLANATION WHATSOEVER!! Seriously, we understood the motivations behind the move to make Danny more confrontational,
but what the dillyo! And not only do they do this to Danny, they attack our Mac too! Arrghh!

Okay, breathe. Calmness. Deep blue ocean. Avoid seagull crap.

And what a way to go - some dead homeless guy? What possible emotional connection could Danny have with homeless guys? Especially dead ones! If that Officer Omar Lily had asked Danny & Aiden ('I'm Burns, he's Messer.') to follow up, hey, that's cool, go against Mac's orders to
help out a fellow officer. But really, if Danny's going to pick fights, pick them better, for pity's sake! Our philosophy is 'never pick a fight you know you can't win.' Or some cheesy and dad-like saying like that.

Look, we know, we're getting worked up over a TV show. Cut us some slack. It's better than stressing out all the time about the rest of our lives! :)

So, while we're ranting - we don't dislike the depth they're giving Danny's character (it's what makes him so stinkin' hot in the first place) but at least warn us a little! Give him more character! We like character! Character is sexy! Danny is bloody sexy! (oops, did we say that out loud?) But really, could someone please advise the brilliant writers of CSI:NY that we WANT the show to continue forever and ever (and ever and ever) and we have all the time in the world for character development? Please, give us some reasons for upping the intensity (unless it's in the bedroom - then we don't care) or at least spend some time working it out for us!

Okay, quitting while we're ahead here. This e-mail is alread too long. Sorry. If you got this far, our kudos. Have a fantastic weekend. We look forward to the new episodes (and we don't mind re-runs either, especially when they involve Danny - oh wait, that's all the time!) :)

Hey, that's really cool! I like your letter, and his response. Good stuff.

You guys have a good point...all the conflict/character development doesn't have to happen right away, in the first season. But I am with you guys...the more Danny the better! :)
First of all welcome to kmfx and dream!

I can see why Carmine said that was quite adorable, it really was! :)

So jealous of the number of responses you got from him. I'd love to discuss Danny's character more with Carmine, but right now, apart from what I've read on the web, haven't seen the eps yet and I still know f### all 'bout the episodes ahead... damn Dutch television! :lol:
Thanks for the welcome! Much appreciated!

We're pretty thrilled about the responses we've been given - let me tell you, it was more than a little shocking when we got that first one. I think we giggled constantly for about a week. and felt like complete idiots because really - we never expected to act on our fangirl tendencies.

Anyway - I hope you get a chance to catch up on the eps in tulip-y dutchland. My grandparents are from Holland so yay for holland!
glad you like our e-mail to him! can you tell that we weren't really expecting him to read it? yeah, I ended up sending another one right after that telling him how embarrassed we were that he had actually gone through it. :p

Oh, and Dream & I do know each other from school. and we share a brain so it's kind of hard not to do things without each other - even e-mailing celebs!

*turns away quickly* I'm oozing fangirl - nobody look! :lol:
Welcome Dream and kmfx ! Thanks for sharing all that great info. I have to agree with Carmine, your e-mail to him was adorable. Very insightful too. Post more. Post more. Pony up the other e-mails as well, please.
Aww. I remember my first email from Carmine. I was sitting in the computer lab at college and it took every fiber of my inner adult to not squee and have all those people look at me. I got home and this is how my conversation with my sister went:

Me: *casually plops on her bed* I got an email from Carmine today.
Her: Who?
Me: You know exactly who I'm talking about.
Her: No. I really don't.
Me: For god's sake, yes you do...Danny, ring a bell?
Her: Yeah. What did he email you for?
Me: Cause I emailed him first. But guess what though?
Her: What?
Me: He called me dear.
Her: Yeah right,let me see--
Her: Michelle, starting the email off with "Dear Michelle" does not constitute him calling you dear.

She has that special way of crushing me. :lol:
oh dear me. now everyone knows our vices...

sorry to barg in, all. but as Dream's e-mailing partner, I felt I ought to make my presence known.

I have all the e-mails filed away, of course. If anyone's interested...

I was counting down the minutes till you finally got your butt posting on here!

You had to bust out the 'quite adorable' one didn't you...we were 'quite funny' in the next one...I was almost disappointed when the third time he didn't use the word 'quite'...lol

*sigh* Life is complete kmfx has joined me in posting! :D

Hello to Udjat and Mrs.Giovinazzo thank you very much for your welcomes!!

We are happy to be here and join in the Carmine love! :D

You want other emails you say? I also happen to have them so here's the second one:

Thanks girls...quite funny
ceesau(life in balance)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: we don't buy it
In spite of the fact that we didn't actually get to watch last night's re-run of 'Til Death Do We Part', we thought we'd send your our thoughts on it anyway - and not just because you invited us to 'keep writing in' last week,
but because we read this little tidbit on csifiles.com this

"Seems actor Carmine Giovinazzo (Danny Messer) can't get
enough of his fans. The actor recently added a feature to his website where fans can e-mail him with comments about his performance on the show."

So we'll happily oblige, even if you are now so flooded by
e-mails your inbox won't hold them all and you won't be able to respond to any of them anymore. :eek:)

First of all, we thought it interesting that the episode
involving a Danny/Mac pair-up would run immediately after last week's tension between the two. It's like we needed to be reassured of their relationship or something. Well, consider us reassured. :eek:)

Okay, so the one thing that made us yell at the television was the fact that NOBODY remembered the stupid urban myth about the wedding dress off the dead person killing the bride with formeldahyde. Seriously, this was almost as bad as no one on Vegas knowing that a bear's gall bladder is an aphrodisiac! I mean honestly. Doesn't everyone know that?
Just kidding. It was interesting to see it done in 'real life'. Or fake real life or whatever you want to call it.

On to the subject of today's conversation - Danny! Suprise,

Now, what were we going to say? RIGHT! We like the flirtyness of the character. Geez man, get that sexy grin away from us, it give us very impure thoughts! Like right now, for instance, you're grinning right now, aren't you? STOP IT! We like a man with a dark sense of humor too, we
can't help it!

What else was there? Oh yeah. This is what we don't buy -
(Mac) 'It could happen to you, you know.' (Danny) 'What? Marriage?' (Mac) 'Love.' (Danny) 'Don't even say stuff like that, Mac, it's not even funny.' Kay, a guy who gets wicked passionate about people's misfortune couldn't help but fall in love at least once, in our humble opinions. Of course,
we do understand the protest, one must be macho and all. But yeah. Afraid of commitment, maybe, but afraid of love - come on.

So, we're happy. We're reassured that inspite of their fight
last week, Danny & Mac are still buddies. They're not going to get divorced and break up the family. Speaking of the family, are Danny & Aiden always gonna work together or are there plans to switch it up again? It's not that we mind - we really like their chemistry (and in a way, hope they don't 'get together' because then it just makes things kind of awkward) but it would be nice to see mentor and mentee (or is that Mento?) work a case together again. Oh, and do you think they'll ever have Stella & Aiden have a catfight? Two strong women, one small CSI - the fireworks could be

Okay, now we're just rambling again. We really need to learn
to quit while we're ahead. Wait, didn't we say that last time, too? Oh well. It's a good line. Have fun. BRING ON THE NEW CSI:NY!!!! Be prepared for a brand new review next week - same bat time, same bat place!


WHEW are we long winded!
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