E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Dream and kmfx, two more great e-mails! You guys are really good, and you crack me up, too. I'm with you guys on wanting more development for Aiden as well. If you've got more e-mails, bring 'em on! :D

As a little aside, I'm always amused by his use of "ceesau (life in balance)" because, while I'm sure that does mean "life in balance" in some language, it is Chinese (Cantonese, to be specific) and pronounced say-sow (rhymes with cow) for "wash your hands". Proof that he does indeed need a shower. :D

MrsGiovinazzo that was tres impressive! Managing to bring his little signature thing back to the shower scene? Girl, you rule! There should be some kind of Locker Room award for that. :D
Thanks Top41 I'm sure kmfx would agree with me in saying we totally didn't expect others to enjoy our offhand humour so much. We're gonna get all big headed here or something...ahaha

Mrs.Giovinazzo should definitely get some sort of award...that was a brilliant connection...As for more emails...I think there's at least one more...lol I'll have to check and post it soon... :D
Mrs. G, you definitely deserve an award for that one!

Dream and kmfx... your letters have me laughing all the time, doesn't even matter to me that I haven't seen most of the eps you've written about.

Speaking of writing... he emailed me a while ago. :)
As a little aside, I'm always amused by his use of "ceesau (life in balance)" because, while I'm sure that does mean "life in balance" in some language, it is Chinese (Cantonese, to be specific) and pronounced say-sow (rhymes with cow) for "wash your hands". Proof that he does indeed need a shower. :D

MrsGiovinazzo that was tres impressive! Managing to bring his little signature thing back to the shower scene? Girl, you rule! There should be some kind of Locker Room award for that. :D


Thanks! It's all about the shower scene, baby!
Dream and kmfx - keep those e-mails coming. Love 'em!

Dream and tala - Thanks for appreciating my abilities to use my non-native tongue to take us back to the shower scene. I figure that since his hands are apparently dirty, other parts must be as well.

tala - You've got a Carmine e-mail you're holding out on us? Cough it up.
MrsG - I would definitely give you an award, but all I have is a cookie. :lol:

tala - I'd love to tell you where my hubby is from, but I can never remember. an island north of manila. I know that narrows it down a lot, but it's the best I can do. his native tongue is capapanga (sorry for butchering the spelling, i did it phonetically) i don't know if that helps at all. anyway, he hasn't been back in 15 years if you can believe it!

dream - ditto to everything! lol i'm so far behind!

top41 - thanks for the kudos. it would be awesome if he would use his writing skills in answering our e-mails, but apparantly we only amuse him - maybe we should try harder to provoke him! :lol: unless he's a one-finger typer - does anyone know from his chat the other day?

I found the last e-mail for all y'all. This one is re: the episode right before 'On the Job' and involves a little more delirum on the part of dream and I. and now that i read it again, maybe it is more provoking! hey - I'd love to see what other people wrote! have it up, folks!

Subject: funny haha or funny weird?

We'll take either, really. :)

So, great episode last night! Aside from the fact that Danny wasn't in it nearly enough, it really was quite stellar. So, how shall we work out this review? How about something bad followed by something good? Okay, let's go with that.

So the first badness is this - Mac has a mighty short memory. How is it that he manages to rip Danny a new one a few weeks ago and then they're all hunky-dory this week? Like nothing ever happened. What's up with the writers hanging on to these 'ace' cards to haul out in future episodes?! We're not asking for a resolution, we're asking for consistency! Same with Stella - rips her a new one DURING the episode and then is all like - oh Stella, I couldn't stay mad at you, you're so pretty! Okay, maybe he didn't say that, but you get the idea.

Now for the good - GREAT LINE! (Danny) 'This kid's about to wet his pants over here.' BUAHHAHAHAHA! That was fantastic. We also really liked the cocky 'How you doing?' when Danny
was serving the warrant to the guy with the most steroided muscles ever. We of course didn't notice the muscles during this bit, but later on (when Mac was giving his 'I don't even have to touch you to scare the crap out of you' speech). Granted, Mac being a Marine and all, we'd be
scared no matter what - regardless of the baby face!

Speaking of shirtless... Are we ever gonna get to hunt for any rogue tattoos that Danny may have? Hint hint wink wink nudge nudge... CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE TANGLEWOOD EPS!!

Phew! Let's get back on track, though. ;) Second badness - Dream has an issue with the fact that Danny licks his lips all the time when he's concentrating. Frankly, it's distracting. Lovely, but distracting. How is she supposed to pay attention to what's going on in the plot with you licking your lips all the time? Honestly.

kmfx's sidebar - This is the first time Dream & I were able to watch an episode together in the same room. Let's see if you can figure out when she declared this: 'I have never wanted to be a heroin addict so bad in my entire life.' Any guesses? That's right - the lucky extra who got to lie there prone while Danny administered CPR (should've tilted the head back futher, kiddo - I just took a First Aid class, Danny was going about it all wrong). Oh, and she flopped dramatically on the couch too. It was quite hilario.

Dream's side bar - Yeah, well, kmfx kept yelling at the television that 'Why can't anyone figure out that it's the roommate's heroin! No one on these shows EVER listens to me!' It was sad and pathetic, to say the least. Her husband was curled in the fetal position, rocking back and forth going, 'Oh lord, it's in stereo!' Poor guy.

Needless to say, we will not be watching any future episodes in the same room together. :)

Okay, this is turning into an actual book. Chapter 3, verse 1 million or something crazy like that. We will end here and leave you wanting for more - just like the CSI:NY writers. Oh, they mock our pain! And we can't get enough!

Stay tuned for next's week's review of OH MY WORD, IF THEY GET RID OF DANNY WE WILL NEVER WATCH THIS SHOW AGAIN!!! (Subtitle: What's up with the ginormous bandaid on Danny's head?)

Thank you. That is all.
Dream and tala - Thanks for appreciating my abilities to use my non-native tongue to take us back to the shower scene. I figure that since his hands are apparently dirty, other parts must be as well.

That's just hilarious. :lol:

tala - You've got a Carmine e-mail you're holding out on us? Cough it up.

I finally got to see Tanglewood so I sent in my review. Clearly it didn't merit the same kind of attention Dream and kmfx's letters did :lol: but a reply's a reply, right?

Short and sweet. He said thanks and that he's so busy with acting that there isn't time for much else.

Hey, lookaboomerang got an e-mail, too.

kmfx, I know what province you're talking about, Pampanga. :) It's several hours north of Manila.
Dream has an issue with the fact that Danny licks his lips all the time when he's concentrating. Frankly, it's distracting. Lovely, but distracting. How is she supposed to pay attention to what's going on in the plot with you licking your lips all the time? Honestly.

Another great e-mail, guys! I LOVE that you mentioned the lip licking to him. I find it distracting as well, but in a good way. I vascilate between wishing I were his lip and wondering if he does that in bed. :devil:
Anyone else get an email last night? I did! Yahoo mail marked it as low spam though. :lol:

Sweet! I didn't..I just got the usual assortment of junk mail and story alerts from ff.net..
MrsGiovinazzo, it wasn't really anything special. I told him that I really enjoyed the chat the other night and was glad he did it. I also mentioned that I couldn't believe that he told us his underwear situation. :lol: I also asked him if he would be participating in that celebrity baseball game again this summer. He responded and said something along the lines of thanks and he's not sure about the baseball yet. Finished it up with the ever famous, cdg. :)
I LOVE that you mentioned the lip licking to him. I find it distracting as well, but in a good way. I vascilate between wishing I were his lip and wondering if he does that in bed.

MrsG - LMAO! Ah yes - one does have to wonder that, doesn't one?

Mmmmmmm.... lip nibbling. I think that's like 4 1/2 on the snogging scale or something like that (if anyone has read the diary of Georgia Nicholson, you'll know what I'm talking about).

Dream & I are planning on writing a mid-summer 'hope you haven't forgot about us' e-mail in a few weeks. Maybe when I go visit her in BC this month...

Any suggestions for what we should say?
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