E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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I use Yahoo and i've tried to send an email using it but i won't work. It keeps coming up that its trying to connect to hotmail and it won't send it. *starts kicking machine in disgust* :mad:

Its good that he's replying to your emails. It shows that he really cares about his fans. :)
Turns out, I also received an e-mail from cdg yesterday. I just didn't check that e-mail account until a few minutes ago. Yay! Hearing from him makes me feel like a giddy schoolgirl with a big ass grin that simply cannot be wiped from my face. However, his response caused me to ponder the wisdom of a question I asked him and I now feel like a jackass for asking. I will share the question and his response and I'm looking for honest opinion from you ladies as to whether or not my question was unintentionally insulting.

Basically, I analogized the Locker Room to a construction site and let me give you some background as to why I drew that connection. I specialize in commercial liability defense and construction defect litigation falls within that practice area. So, while most of us girls have had the experience of walking past a construction site and receiving a little attention from the gentlemen working at the site, I encounter this as a regular part of my job. Nothing makes me feel more "loved" (for lack of a better word at the moment) than a morning spent at a construction site doing a site inspection. I did one last Wednesday morning before the chat with with cdg and sat down at the computer that evening with "fond" memories of my morning of sexual harrassment. I thought of cdg and wondered if his visits to the Locker Room make him feel the way my visits to construction sites make me feel. So, with that in mind, here is my e-mail to him and his response:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: CSI Files chat

Hi Carmine

I want to thank you for taking the time to chat with your "devoted" (we prefer to avoid the more accurate word "obsessed") fans at CSI Files last night. That was so incredibly cool of you. You were such a good sport about all of the questions (no, I'm not picturing you commando
right now, honest). Your sense of humor really came through. I'm sure it must be a bit overwhelming and kinda weird that so many people talk about you and your character on message boards. I am curious though - when you say you're "flattered" by the constant discussion of a shower
scene for Danny, are you truly flattered or is it in the same sense that a woman feels "flattered" after walking past a construction site?

CDG's Response:
thanks...it's a little different than a woman in front of a
construction site

At first I thought, "Dude, every trip you take to the Locker Room is exactly like a walk past a construction site." Perhaps men and women just internalize objectifying remarks differently. Personally, leering glances, whistles, and cat calls from strangers make my skin crawl (don't get me wrong, I love attention of that variety from men I know as much as the next girl). Then the underlying insult inherent in my question struck me upside the head. The attention I receive at a construction site has never included mention of my legal prowess or complimented my courtroom skills. Of course this attention is unflattering because it nothing more than a testosterone-driven response to visual stimuli. Quite to the contrary, the Locker Room groupies are not clamoring for a shower scene for Danny solely on the basis of Carmine's good looks. We are genuinely fans of his TV/film work, artwork, incredible talent in a variety of areas, interesting biography, great sense of humor, etc. Therefore, CDG is correct - our desire for a shower scene is a little different than a woman walking past a construction site.

Underlying my question is the sentiment that we're only interested in seeing him naked, which simply isn't the case (for any true fan, anyway). I feel like a complete idiot for asking him that. Do any of you see an insult in that analogy, or think he took it as an insult? Be honest. Sorry this was so damn long.
Underlying my question is the sentiment that we're only interested in seeing him naked, which simply isn't the case

It isn't? Wait. I didn't get that memo.

Just kidding. Carmine is indeed a fine actor but honestly, even though he's answered questions and seems to have a nice sense of humor, I don't know him. Therefore it's a little hard for me to do more than admire his looks. And, as midnight_tiptoes is fond of saying, if he was a three hundred pound ugly man he most likely wouldn't have as large a fanbase.

Fact is, we're human, and instinct prompts us to judge based on looks, no matter how hard we try to beat it into the heads of schoolchildren that it's somehow "wrong."

That said, I don't think there was insult in your question, as it was merely asking his take on the whole situation. The proverbial "trip past the construction site" is known for being merely objectifying and thus distasteful to women. You were asking if that's how he felt about the attentions of the Locker Room Groupies, regardless of whether we discuss his talent or not. As for his reply, well, considering his commando taunt in chat, I think it's possible that he could have meant it in the way that it's not distasteful to him for us to ogle him the way we do.
As for his reply, well, considering his commando taunt in chat, I think it's possible that he could have meant it in the way that it's not distasteful to him for us to ogle him the way we do.

That's how I interpreted it as well. But as Bitten said, we don't know him so we can't really be sure. If it'll make you feel any better, why not write him back and apologize if he was offended by your question? I'm willing to bet he wasn't... but for your own piece of mind, a quick note to him can't hurt any. :)
I don't think it was insulting...seems like you just asked if that's how he felt, like someone objectified by the opposite sex (I don't know if I worded that right; forgive me, it's been a long day), and if he considered it an insult. When a woman is subjected to catcalls walking past a construction site, she is only one of many women who will get that treatment from those guys that day; the next woman who walks by will be catcalled as well, and the next woman, and so on; in a sense, then, these men objectify all women. That's how I see it, maybe that's how he sees it. I don't know, as I don't know him either. And what some women see as objectifying and insulting, other women may see as an ego boost (I don't know; I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone else, so construction workers are pretty respectful. I guess a guy wouldn't want to say "nice boobs" to his wife's cousin!)

In the case of the Locker Room, he might see it differently because it's (for a lack of better word) special. He may know that not every actor evokes the kind of response he does in the Locker Room. I don't know about all of you, but I don't go on the website for, say, Ben Affleck (nothing wrong with him; I'm just using him as an example) and call for a shower scene in his next movie. Maybe if we did spend all day at various websites for a million actors asking for shower scenes, then we would be objectifying all men. In this case, the attention is all for Carmine, so maybe it is flattering...just as you feel more special if that guy you like at work gives you compliments and says nice things to you alone, instead of making comments to all women at work. Then you feel just like one of the herd, and may feel like an object, as though he isn't particular and any woman would do. Maybe he sees the Locker Room for what it is...a bunch of girls having fun, no seriousness, but on the other hand, the compliments he gets here are genuine. The guys at construction sites aren't being genuine because they treat all women who walk by the same way.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now! I didn't mean for it to be so long, and I hope I made some sense!!
MrsG et al:

Great being a girl, isn't it? I don't think you have anything to worry about - his responses are vague and do provide a lot of opportunity to read into them, but don't forget that he's a guy! They don't tend to overanalyze things as much as we women do. Or maybe he does, who knows? I don't know him personally either! All I know is that he seemed to have no trouble flashing us his rear in Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss, which I think is as close to the desired shower scene as we've seen so far!

My personal thought is that catcalls from construction workers is a little different from on-line ego stroking. My and Dream's e-mails were full of sexual innuendos on top of our admiration for his talent, but he never seemed to take any offense. Does he ever feel objectified? Probably. Does he care? Maybe, maybe not. He's obviously as good at provoking us as we are him (ie the commando comment), so I wouldn't think too much about it. I'm sure he'll e-mail you back again! :)
MrsGiovinazzo, I wouldn't worry at all about him being offended. It really seems more like he's actually saying the Locker Room isn't offensive to him in the way that constructive site behavior can be offensive to women. Basically, I think that was his way of saying he's cool with it. :cool:

At any rate, it's his choice to read the Locker Room. It's not as if it's somewhere he has to stop by, so he must at least be amused by it (as he said in the chat).

And I ain't stopping the wolf-whistling in the Locker Room either way. :lol: ;)
Thanks ladies. I probably just spent way too much time overanalyzing that. Plus, I'm sure that with the quantity of e-mails the man receives, he doesn't have the time to see anything other than the very surface level of a question. Besides, who the hell would take the time to e-mail him an insult? So, that all being said, yes his incredible good looks do form the foundation for our quest for a shower scene for Danny and, as I've yet to meet a man who minded being objectified by a bunch of horny women, I guess all is good.
He wouldn't have dropped the commando comment if he didn't love the objectification. The man's a tease! :lol: :devil:

E-mail tone can be hard to interpret, though, so I know where you're coming from MrsGiovinazzo. But I definitely think he was just trying to get across that he doesn't mind the objectification in the LR.
Dream & I are planning on writing a mid-summer 'hope you haven't forgot about us' e-mail in a few weeks. Maybe when I go visit her in BC this month...

Any suggestions for what we should say?

Since today I'm in an "it's okay to objectify him" state of mind, how about telling him that you ladies have been glued to the TV set all summer watching every re-run of CSI:NY in the hope that Danny had a full frontal nudity scene you missed last season? :devil:
First off I'm going to echo what everyone has been saying about the whole 'construction site' comment. I agree with this midnight_tiptoes if he were a three hundred pound guy, while he may be a good actor we wouldn't love him AS much...the fact that he's asthetically pleasing definitely makes one appreciate more than his acting prowess. That said if he was JUST pretty I'd merely look at him think 'huh he's hot' and move on. SO the combination of him being damn talented AND hot brings on the fanatic in me. Make sense? I hope so.

I of course agree with km_fx as well...we do share a brain after all. :)

Since today I'm in an "it's okay to objectify him" state of mind, how about telling him that you ladies have been glued to the TV set all summer watching every re-run of CSI:NY in the hope that Danny had a full frontal nudity scene you missed last season?

:lol: Mrs.Giovinazzo we'll have to take that idea into consideration...ahaha. I'm sure we'll come up with something...we always do...and we'll be sure to share it with you, response or not. ;)
^I meant to mention that I liked the latest e-mail you guys posted...it was great! :D

midnight_tiptoes has a point, but we shouldn't tell her that lest it go to her head. ;) :lol: Still, Dream, you're right...there's got to be more to a character than that he's hot. The young guy on The Inside is hot, but I haven't seen any character development for him, so it doesn't really register at any deep level.
Since today I'm in an "it's okay to objectify him" state of mind, how about telling him that you ladies have been glued to the TV set all summer watching every re-run of CSI:NY in the hope that Danny had a full frontal nudity scene you missed last season? :devil:

MrsG - LMAO! :lol: You slay me! All I need is an ass shot and I'm a happy camper! :devil:
All I need is an ass shot and I'm a happy camper! :devil:

The ass shot is definitely a crowd pleaser. I, for one, can never get enough of that man's sweet ass. But since we've seen it a hundred times, I'm hoping he'll turn around just once or that in the often prayed for shower scene the camera will go just an inch or two lower than expected. :p
All I need is an ass shot and I'm a happy camper! :devil:

The ass shot is definitely a crowd pleaser. I, for one, can never get enough of that man's sweet ass. But since we've seen it a hundred times, I'm hoping he'll turn around just once or that in the often prayed for shower scene the camera will go just an inch or two lower than expected. :p

I'm happy with an ass-shot too. :D And I'm always talking to the tv saying "Tilt down! Tilt down!" :lol:
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