E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Thanks for the welcome! Much appreciated!
Yer welcome!

Anyway - I hope you get a chance to catch up on the eps in tulip-y dutchland. My grandparents are from Holland so yay for holland!
Hope so too, looks like I'll have to wait until september... if I'm lucky! :(

Hey if your grandparents are Dutch, you by any chance from b.c.? Loads of Dutchies in b.c. I noticed!
Hi everyone! I'm kind of new here but I met some of you during the chat yesterday. :)

Udjat, I know how you feel, I'm from the Philippines and they just started CSI:NY here last April. In fact, Tanglewood was this week's episode and Crime and Misdemeanor's about 6 weeks away! Although thanks to what Carmine mentioned about On the Job during the chat, I guess we now know who really shot the cop. :rolleyes:

Dream and kmfx, your letters are excellent!

Haven't emailed him myself yet. Should I wait till the season ends over here and put all my thoughts into one long letter? What do you guys think?

And when was the last time anyone's gotten email from him?
Hi everyone! I'm kind of new here but I met some of you during the chat yesterday. :)

Welcome aboard Tala!

Udjat, I know how you feel, I'm from the Philippines and they just started CSI:NY here last April.
Finally someone who understands me, although Dylan who is also aboard, knows how it feels as well!

Haven't emailed him myself yet. Should I wait till the season ends over here and put all my thoughts into one long letter? What do you guys think?

Do whatever you feel comfortable with, either way Carmine's gonna love the feedback he receives! :)

And when was the last time anyone's gotten email from him?
't was the beginning of June for me! Dunno 'bout other peops!
Thanks for the welcome and the advice, Udjat! I'll try to send out an email one of these days.

Oh guys, there's a contest on AXN Asia to win a trip to the set of CSI:NY! :D

You've to vote for who you'd want to capture with your Nokia 6680. So far, Carmine has only 3% of the votes out of everyone in the cast! :eek:
^How is that possible? :lol: Clearly they've never visited our website. :lol: Carmine seems to be the most popular here. I've kind of always wondered if that was true of NY fans in general, or if it's just that all the Carmine fans find their way here.
Dream and kmfx - loved your second e-mail to Carmine as well. You ladies make a nice writing team. Frankly, I think it merited more than a one line response. But I guess his e-mail must have gotten flooded by the time you hit him the second time around. I liked your observation about Danny being too passionate to be afraid of love. Post more. Post more. I'm nosey and like your e-mails. They're funny and well thought out. :)
Welcome Tala!

Oh guys, there's a contest on AXN Asia to win a trip to the set of CSI:NY! :D You've to vote for who you'd want to capture with your Nokia 6680. So far, Carmine has only 3% of the votes out of everyone in the cast! :eek:

You've gotta be kidding. Only 3%??? Wait until the Locker Room groupies get a hold of that site. It's interesting how a person can be so appealing to one demographic, but less appealing to others. I wonder where he is most appreciated. I'd vote for the US, but I know there are many Candaian and European fans on this site who would beg to differ.
Wow! I'm flattered by how much you guys seem to like our emails! Thanks so much! Let me answer some of you and then I'll post the third one...

MrsG - Thanks for the compliments and wanting to read more of our stuff! Very kind of you!

Udjat - I'm in Manitoba, actually. We have a little pocket of dutchies out here! Thanks for liking our stuff!

Tala - welcome! my hubby is from the phillipines - I feel so....interconnected! :D lol thanks for the compliments! My advice re: writing is go for it! talk a lot about his acting - he seems to like that. and don't freak if he doesn't e-mail back right away - the guy is busy!

EllaJ - thanks for thinking them hilarious!
okay - here's the one we wrote after 'on the job'...
From: carmine giovinazzo

You girls are classic....what a way with words..thanks

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: wow - look at you go

You, my boy, have been holding out on us. You didn't tell us that you were just cutting your teeth on all the previous NY episodes and that you were going to reveal your real acting chops
in this episode. No, seriously, we were both ready to vomit just because of the anxiety you portrayed! We don't think we've ever watched a television show before in which one of the characters could break our hearts just by giving a look to the camera. It took all our energy just to remember to breathe.

You and Gary Sinise have a fabulous on-screen relationship. We just knew that Mac wouldn't be so mad at Danny if he didn't really care about him. If only Danny were as perceptive! He was just such a GUY this episode - 'I feel like everyone's talking about me and I don't have a chance to defend myself.' 'Who was bad-mouthing me?' Oh sweetheart, you need to let go of your notion that the whole world is out to get you (even though it seems like it is)! Our rational minds were pulled so far in we were feeling those emotions right along with him.

We loved the big-brother approach Flack took towards Danny too, and Danny's ensuing hostility. How can you say you feel so alone when Flack is right there telling you that you aren't? How can you say that no one's got your back when Flack is basically telling you that he and Aiden do? Oh Danny, so blinded by your frustration and sheer and utter terror!

And speaking of Aiden, how bad did we feel for her? Here she is, trying desperately to clear her friend and mentor of a potentially career-ending fiasco and worst-case-scenario Mac keeps shutting her down. It's like he had to convince himself that Danny did it so that he wouldn't be as traumatized if he really did. We lost count of how many times Mac stated - 'Danny killed that cop' or something along those lines. Like a knife to the heart every time and DAMN IT if Danny wasn't mimicking the looks on our faces every time! Oh, the pain and agony!

Man alive, they're not messing around with us on CSI:NY - the character development is happening so fast it's making our head spin. We guess being the last in the trio, they want to get viewers into it as quickly as possible but this roller coaster is almost more than we can handle!

So there you have it. You have us, hook, line and sinker. We thought we were addicted to the show before, but that was nothing. Now we need to know where this is gonna go. We need to know if Mac & Danny's relationship will ever really heal. Can Mac really trust Danny again? Will Danny ever earn the right to be back on the promotion grid? Will he be able to let this all go and be as good a CSI as he was before? Now it's a waiting game to see when the shit is really gonna hit the fan, so to speak. 'It's not an exoneration, it's a pass.' Mylanta, if that's not a set up for a can-open-worms-everywhere episode, NOTHING IS! And what happens when/if Aiden finds out that Danny's not all he appears to be? It's one thing to have your mentor disillusioned with you, it's quite another to have your mentee (Mento?) disillusioned with

We know we missed talking about Stella, but we were just so upset by what was happening to Danny that we couldn't focus on her. Even though there was a baby in this episode, our maternal buttons were all pushed by Danny, and make no mistake! For two 'helper' personalities like us, all this episode did was make us want to save Danny from himself. You have girls hanging all over you all the time, don't you?

We're okay, really. Still twitching because we forgot to breathe during the entire episode, but we'll be all right. Man, if this season leaves us on a cliffhanger, we might have some serious issues this summer. Especially if the cliffhanger involves Danny in any way.

Traumatized, but sincerely yours
Uh...since kmfx is ahead of me I'm just gonna say a repeat of everything she just said...ahaha

Welcome Tala I'm really glad you liked our emails and kmfx is right, just write what you think, he'll appreciate it as you can tell by what everyone else who has written him has said.

Mrs.Giovinazzo Glad you like the emails...we enjoy writing together...we write a lot actuaclly...don't we kmfx? ;)

Udjat I'm in BC for the summer actually, funny coincidence. I've also been to Holland, I spent a couple months there in 2000...I stayed in, umm, Amersfoort (I can't spell lol) and visited a lot of neighbouring places...I had fun.

EllaJ I'm happy someone else finds us amusing...ahaha we sometimes think we're the only ones! Okay I've said enough hope you like the 'On the Job' email...I think there's one more that he responded to...
Welcome to all of the new people!!! :)

Great e-mails. I doubt I would be able to sound that smart if I e-mailed him. :D
Hey NikkiH thanks for the welcome...it's been fun so far!

I don't know if we sounded smart, we just sorta blathered on like idiots :lol: I'm sure you could come up with something! I'm gonna assume he likes a compliment and if you compliment his acting he'd probably like that even more! *grin* No harm in trying right?
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