E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Wow, Ben Affleck posted at his board once? Huh, that does kind of change my perception of him.

It was so long ago that, if I recall correctly, toward the end he mentioned the long hours he was working while filming Reindeer Games. I'm sure the Dolce & Gabbana wearing, Bently driving freak he later became would consider himself far too cool for that sort of thing.
^Yeah, honestly, I was never a big fan before (Matt and Ben remind me of two frat boys who lucked into fame), but the "B. Diddy" thing kinda totally ruined him completely. It is cool that he once posted to his board--I didn't know actors did that at all before seeing Adam online. I think it's cool. It makes me think a little better of old Affleck!
Hmmm, if I were really Carmine in disguise, I'd be in the shower right now carefully sudsing myself up in certain places so I could give everyone a play by play. :devil:

You're a tease. :lol: Well, until we get the shower scene you can hold his place, make sure the water's always at the correct temperature ready for when he wants to nip in. ;)
I'd select something along the lines of "Assman" for him. :lol:

Where's the class? :rolleyes: Could be a little more subtle and have something like Sweetcheeks. :D
Well, until we get the shower scene you can hold his place, make sure the water's always at the correct temperature ready for when he wants to nip in. ;)

Excellent plan. Does this mean I'm waiting in the shower when he's ready to get in? I'm all for that.

I'd select something along the lines of "Assman" for him. :lol:

Where's the class? :rolleyes: Could be a little more subtle and have something like Sweetcheeks. :D


I'm a girl of little class in that regard, my friend. Always been partial to the straight-up, blunt approach. Sweetcheeks is adorable though.
^He'd have fun posting with us. :devil: If he's a Locker Room Groupie, I think I'd die laughing. He'd never live that down! :lol:

i know i am late in replying.

but i would die laughing too!!! :lol:
sooo, if anyone with the names 'assman', sweetcheeks' or even, heh heh 'mrgiovinazzo' registers, we are in trouble, huh?
sooo, if anyone with the names 'assman', sweetcheeks' or even, heh heh 'mrgiovinazzo' registers, we are in trouble, huh?

I think he'd be the one in trouble. There are just too many naughty women in here for one guy to handle. His only hope for survival would be to hide behind the shower curtain.
Shower curtains are oh-so-thin. And the really good ones are see-through. :devil:
well the shower curtain in my house would be good for the locker room!

its see through with love hearts on it!

If he was in a shower with that curtain on it and tried to hide he would leave little to the imagination!! :devil: :lol:
OK, I did it...I emailed Carmine today. Now the waiting game begins. I just hope he doesn't think I'm stupid or anything.
I don't think so, CanadianCSIfan. I seriously doubt it. The fact that he actually asks for opinions on the show seems to say that he respects the views of the fans, and thinks their input is important. I think he probably appreciates the e-mail (or he probably wouldn't have asked for it) and his fans, hopefully. He's nice enough to e-mail back when he has a chance, the answers may be short but he probably gets a lot and time is limited. He sounds like a good guy.
Doing it now.... seriously!!!!! Procrastination Queen finally finds the time/courage. :D

EDIT: OMG DONE!!!!!! :eek: :lol:
Doing it now.... seriously!!!!! Procrastination Queen finally finds the time/courage. :D
EDIT: OMG DONE!!!!!! :eek: :lol:
Finally!!!!!!! :lol: Took ya long enough :p

What did ya write? And did it feel good? :D
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