E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he hangs around here from time to time. I like the mystery. Do you know what would happen if he did come right out and say that he did come here? Discussion would probably drop right down because nobody wants to say the wrong thing or sound crazed or something.
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he hangs around here from time to time. I like the mystery. Do you know what would happen if he did come right out and say that he did come here? Discussion would probably drop right down because nobody wants to say the wrong thing or sound crazed or something.
Well, I guess you got a point there. We'd have to stop talking trash, which I would really hate doing :( coz it's too much fun.

On the other hand, it's not the experience I've had in the past, but that might differ from person to person.

Mystery is good tho! :)

So Carmine, if you're here, don't be shy, we don't bite :devil:...hard :devil: :devil:... we're harmless, so join in the fun!
Discussion would probably drop right down...
well, gotta give it to ya there...
i mean, what would that be like; how would have the balls to say "shower scene, shower scene, shower scene!!!" to his face?!

hm, maybe a good solution to that problem (which actually doesn´t exist ´cause he´s no way commin´ here :D that´s always a good way to make the lurkers de-lurk :lol:) would be to open a topic where he could write and all that, BUT the "locker room" would be restricted area for him -> we neeeeeed our little dirty ditzy place!!! :D
Yeah I'm on a board where an actor for the show posts, he admits it. And its fun to talk to him. But it wopuld be cool, cause Carmine is an awesome actor.
It is a good point that when you know actors, writers, etc. are around, it can make discussion a little less...free perhaps? Not that anyone is saying anything mean or nasty (which is good!), just that the Locker Room might be a little more reserved otherwise. ;)

Of course, at Trek that's never stopped anyone. Believe me, the people over there will say whatever no matter who is reading/posting! :lol:

Carmine is of course as free as anyone else is to register/participate. Personally, I'd kind of like to see some of the writers register and post--that would be fun. It's always cool to hear from the people who actually conceived/wrote the episodes.
how would have the balls to say "shower scene, shower scene, shower scene!!!" to his face?!
I so would!!!.....ok, not! Well what does he expect looking as hot as he does, there's bound to be trash talk when you're looking like that :rolleyes:

BUT the "locker room" would be restricted area for him -> we neeeeeed our little dirty ditzy place!!! :D
Yeah, but can you restrict the Locker Room from anonymous users?

Aaaah, who are we trying to kid, he ain't coming in here. Wishful thinking! :(
Well, if he were to post here, talking about the shower scene might not be the best way to get him to respond. :lol: That said, the Locker Room is ours and if he's coming in there, well, what do you think would happen to a lone attractive male wandering around a girls' locker room? Cat calls galore. :lol:

I don't think any parts of the board are restricted, and I doubt we could do that with the LR thread. Anyone can read it. *shrug* Just have fun ladies--it's not like anyone is saying anything mean, and we've got the PG-13-o-Meter to keep us in check otherwise. ;)
Well, if he were to post here, talking about the shower scene might not be the best way to get him to respond. :lol: That said, the Locker Room is ours and if he's coming in there, well, what do you think would happen to a lone attractive male wandering around a girls' locker room? Cat calls galore. :lol:

I don't think any parts of the board are restricted, and I doubt we could do that with the LR thread. Anyone can read it. *shrug* Just have fun ladies--it's not like anyone is saying anything mean, and we've got the PG-13-o-Meter to keep us in check otherwise. ;)

That is true. :)
What username do you think he would/should use?
Maybe he already is here and has tried to put us of the scent, and blend in, by pretending he's female. He could have a username of something like...I don't know...er, let me think... MrsGiovinazzo perhaps? ;) :lol:

Hmmm, if I were really Carmine in disguise, I'd be in the shower right now carefully sudsing myself up in certain places so I could give everyone a play by play. :devil: Actually, I don't think MrsGiovinazzo would be the best username for him. I'd select something along the lines of "Assman" for him. :lol:
^Now if someone registers with the name Assman, we're so gonna laugh. :lol: Though it's probable we would have laughed anyway. Assman's a pretty funny username. :lol:
It probably wouldn't be in Carmine's best interests to post in here as himself. Many years ago I visited a board that Ben Affleck posted to almost daily back in the day before he was very well known. He was completely upfront about his identity and was very cool. He's far more intelligent than his public persona would suggest and the discussions were largely about great books, politics, etc. However, there was a contingent of much younger fans on the board who got really immature and started writing these long, rambling "I love you" type posts. It was actually kinda weird after a while, like they were unable to distinguish between him as a real person versus the roles he played. He was polite about it for a long time, but despite his attempts to veer away from that sort of post, the girls wouldn't let it go. Eventually, it deteriorated into some sort of "I love you/I want you" fest and he stopped posting. I felt bad for him because he tried really hard to maintain normal conversations, but some fans just aren't capable of that. I'd hate to see the same thing happen to Carmine.
^ that´s why there would be a separate thread! so we can continue with the "love you/lust you" craze over in the locker room and be normal outside it :D
Wow, Ben Affleck posted at his board once? Huh, that does kind of change my perception of him.

I guess it depends--over at the Firefly board Adam Baldwin posts very regularly, and I'm sure there's some of the "I love you!" stuff, but not a whole lot. Usually it's pretty intelligent convo, and he mainly sticks to the political threads.

That said, I'd probably say it would be a better idea to have writers posting here than actors.
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