E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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This thread has gotten interesting... :lol:

Has anyone e-mailed/heard from Carmine lately?
ah, i must be an "interesting" magnet...

i haven't heard from him

No nudes yet. Sorry guys. New caps up on the site later today though. I know... it's not the same. It'll tide you over though. ;)
good guess... probably the most accurate answer you can come up with...

could someone say hi from me please.

I want to email him but i can't get my email thing sorted. Bloody thing is really annoying me now. :(
Still no reply yet, but it's all good. I think in a way it will be more fun if I forget that I emailed him and then when his note pops up in my inbox it will be more of a pleasant surprise...much like a warm shower. ;)
yeah that's how I was after I e-mailed Carmine. I got busy doing other things and forgot about it and one day when I opened my e-mail and there it was an e-mail from the man himself *faints* I nearly screamed I was so excited!
Still no reply yet, but it's all good. I think in a way it will be more fun if I forget that I emailed him and then when his note pops up in my inbox it will be more of a pleasant surprise...much like a warm shower. ;)

that what happened to me, i sent an email back in april an i had given up on getting a reply then "Boom" i got one.

do like the way i got a bit of danny in? :p
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