E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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:lol: That almost made coffee come out of my nose. I got the funniest picture in my head too.

Were you drinking coffee or is that just a really cool party trick? :D
oh man, now i´m imagining camine in a tarzan outfit...
sorry, i have to go wash out my brain now or something...:D

Dagnammit me too now!! Not that I'd normally complain but I'm SUPPOSED to be working.
oh man, now i´m imagining camine in a tarzan outfit...
Oh dear, I already have a hard time focussing this afternoon, and that's all I need...a mental picture of Carmine in a loin cloth....::swoooon:: :devil:
Vague! We demand numbers. :D

He should just register a screenname and post here. It would probably make things easier on him.

At one of the other boards I visit, one of the actors visits almost everyday. He loves discussing politics and discovered the joy of debating politics on the internet. :lol: A few other people from the show (Firefly, now cancelled, movie coming in Sept.) posted there occasionally as well. Kinda cool. Over at the Trek board some of the writers post.
He should just register a screenname and post here. It would probably make things easier on him.

Maybe he does post here, under the pretense of being a Locker Room groupie, and everytime he gets bored, he comes here and writes "shower scene! shower scene! shower scene!" so he can enjoy reading our responses and walk away with a smile having just been reassured that he is the hottest man alive. Wouldn't that be funny? I would totally do that if I were him.

You raise a good point though - it probably would be easier on him to just post here because I bet a lot of people write the same things and he finds himself responding to essentially the same e-mail over and over and over again. Of course, that would take away the joy of receiving a personal response from him, but it would be easier on him.
^He'd have fun posting with us. :devil: If he's a Locker Room Groupie, I think I'd die laughing. He'd never live that down! :lol:
Maybe he does post here, under the pretense of being a Locker Room groupie, and everytime he gets bored, he comes here and writes "shower scene! shower scene! shower scene!" so he can enjoy reading our responses and walk away with a smile having just been reassured that he is the hottest man alive. Wouldn't that be funny? I would totally do that if I were him.

What username do you think he would/should use?
Maybe he already is here and has tried to put us of the scent, and blend in, by pretending he's female. He could have a username of something like...I don't know...er, let me think... MrsGiovinazzo perhaps? ;) :lol:

Was the actor and the writers who posted on the other boards up front with who they were, Top41 ? Or were they 'found out'?
^The actors/writers on other boards I've been at have all been upfront about their identities. The only exceptions I've seen have been people on staff (usually not writers) who went by anonymous screennames so that they could give out spoilers and stuff like that. But again, those people let others know they worked for the shows in question; they just didn't give away their real names.
^The actors/writers on other boards I've been at have all been upfront about their identities.
That's really cool. Had the same experience with an actor (I'll not go into that publicly here) on another board, and eventhough he admitted his identity at a certain point, he did get into trouble because of that, it had some dire consequences for the show he was on! :(. I can imagine producers wouldn't always be too thrilled about having actors/writers mingling on message boards, for the fear of spilling too much info...

However, the actor did have fun, said he felt comfortable talking to us, because he felt he was (his words): one of the gang. It was a blast as long as it lasted :).

D'ya think we'd be completely out of bounds inviting Carmine over (if he's not already here)? He wouldn't have to reveal his identity... just have fun... which is why we're all here, right? :)
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