E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Brummie, what did his email say? And what did you say? I have a need for the details in matters such as these. :lol:

i asked if the cat on his website belonged to him?
and he said, " Yes, Mooky is the cat. Laughing!"
short and sweet!
I am still planning to email him...I am still not sure what to say. I'll come up with some 'rough drafts' and run them past a friend to see if they sound stupid or not. LOL!
That's great that he's a cat person. I like cats, too. Oh to be his cat and be lavished all that attention!
ETA: To think his cat may also have been lucky enough to see him naked!
Damn, good point, his cat has probably seen him naked. like I stated earlier, that is one lucky pussy cat!

I now want to be Carmine's pussy. ;) (cat) :devil:
I have a draft in my Outbox that's been there forever. It gets edited from time-to-time. By the time I decide to send it, if I ever do, it will either be an epic novel or a mass of blathering incoherencies. The later is most likely, hence my decision not to email Carmine.

FYI, all this talk about cats has made me realise I am, in fact, the biggest pussy here.
FYI, all this talk about cats has made me realise I am, in fact, the biggest pussy here.
Awww, so not true!

OK, I'll try again (urge you to send an e-mail, coz you should!): G'on, you can do it! You can!!!! Go, csi007!!! :)
I keep trying to send an email. Firstly i get the courage and then i send it but there's something wrong with my email account and it won't send. :(

Someone say hi to him for me.
csi007, you will spend more time writing drafts and they will never say what you think they ought to say. Just go with the flow, write what you feel and just do it!~ :) I know you can!
I don't understand why you guys are making such a big deal out of emailing him. Just say what you want to, get it all out and then read back over it and add in little things here and there. And as for getting a response in a timely fashion, he's very touch and go as to how often he reads and responds. The last two emails I sent him were back in mid-April and I never heard anything back until June.
I don't understand why you guys are making such a big deal out of emailing him. Just say what you want to, get it all out and then read back over it and add in little things here and there. And as for getting a response in a timely fashion, he's very touch and go as to how often he reads and responds. The last two emails I sent him were back in mid-April and I never heard anything back until June.
Exactly! D'ya think I reread the message I sent over and over? Actually, I think I should have, since I'm slightly dyslectic, but oh well :rolleyes:...ofcourse it did help that I didn't know then, that he was actually reading and replying to the messages himself. But I doubt I would have done it differently now that I know...

This is to everyone planning to write to Carmine: He is only human you know, like all of us here...shouldn't make a difference, right? :)
I sent one!! It was long, rambling and made very little sense but hey, he has no idea who I am so at least if I made a fool of myself it was with a total stranger! Was kinda fun though and now I can play the "check my inbox every five seconds just in case he already got it and replied to it even though I only sent it five minutes ago" game :D
Good for you mrsfinn, now that wasn't too hard, was it?

Anyhoo, better a long and rambling mail, rather than saying something like Me mrsfinn, you Carmine! followed by a strange grunt, at least he'll know we're not superficial...well, not that superficial :D.
Argh I've checked my inbox five times already. Someone take my computer away from me. Udjat, the urge to write something along those lines was quite strong but if I'm gonna grunt at Carmine (SO unladylike I know) I'd much rather do it in person ;)
Argh I've checked my inbox five times already. Someone take my computer away from me. Udjat, the urge to write something along those lines was quite strong but if I'm gonna grunt at Carmine (SO unladylike I know) I'd much rather do it in person ;)
So true :devil:
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