E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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The first time it only took one day. The second one (when apparently he was on sabbatical) took substantially longer (no idea of time though... just a LONG time)
It's awesome that you get an E-mail back!
I wanna send him a mail but I don't know what to say in that mail... :confused:
does anyone know something???

and that pussy is sweat! :)
EllaJ luv your avatar, it just accentuates that beautiful man's blue eyes so well.....

is anyone else going to e-mail Carmine?
i got a reply, the cat on his website is his, CDG is cat person, i knew it.

Awww I LOVE cats!! And I guy with a cat is just the sexiest thing. Espscially when that guy is Carmine :D Is it wrong to be jealous of a cat? :confused:
nope i am also jealous of that cat, i sent that email back in april, an i thought he was not gonna reply to it as it was not csi related. but he did, so i can now sleep knowing that piece of information.
it is kinda funny knowin that the cdg, who i watch on the tv every week actually emailed back!
hee hee. Somehow I think that it could be considered really over the top, (being jealous of a cat) but this cat belongs to one of the sexiest men alive. that cat has no idea how lucky it is.
Dear Carmine,

Can we see you nekkid? Preferrably in the shower?

The Locker Room Groupies


Don't worry, I'm not really gonna send it... :lol:

I had to laugh at that. It would be crazy if you did.
I'm still procrastinating. I'm such a dork sometimes. I was wondering about the cat too so I'm glad someone asked. I have 3 cats and a dog. I'm definitely a cat person. I reckon people who like cats are alright. Carmine just got more brownie points. :D :D :D :D
I emailed him and he never got back. It's been two months too. :/

Oh well, I guess that happens when you've got a bunch of people (mostly girls I'm positive) emailing one guy and he's responding and shooting at the same time.
Thanks ThumpyG...I was making Danny avatars yesterday :D I'm still trying to figure out how to use photoshop though... I love his blue eyes too

I emailed him a week ago I think but I won't be too crushed if he doesn't respond :) hehe
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