E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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I kinda know what the 4th box is. I asked, Carmine told me it's supposed to be a place for an journal of sorts, writings, poetry, screenplays and one other thing, I forget what he said now. So that part of the mystery is over for me, I just wanna SEE it now. He said it's coming together, the time to put it up just has to come.
Posted by Aglarelen:
I've yet to get up the courage to write him. Everything I put down sounds stupid to me. I'll just have to keep trying since he's actually responding. :D

Same here. I can't think of anything to say that wouldn't sound really stupid. :D
Posted by xxbandgeekxx:
My pretty icon was made by aglarelen

I know this is OT, but...Wow the icon looks great against that dark blue-grey. I'm still amazed every time I see one of my icons used by someone. :eek: :p *blushes*

Sorry, I now return you to your regularly scheduled subject matter.
i asked that but i didn't get an answer, he proberly couldn't be bothered to answer the same question, cause i know i couldn't.
has anyone sent an email an had no reply.
i wanna send another one, but i don't wanna send to many, but i have got loads i wanna ask him. :p
well time for work, speak to you later,

I'm gonna start signing mine with
"Who loves ya baby?"
We'll see what kind of response that warrants. :lol:

Kidding. I don't have the balls to do that...Ever.
haha good one, i might start my email by calling him a 'Hot chunck of man' . i sent an email asking if the cat on his website is his! I still waiting for a reply! :rolleyes:
I am fighting the urge as well to say something like that if I decide to e-mail him again.

I have many friends that I e-mail that I write things like, you sexy thang or you have a damn fine ass, etc... (which Carmine does!)
LOL you ladies are so funny! If I could say ANYTHING to him, I'd probably say: "Carmine, fly me out and give me one night with you and I promise you won't let me leave." But that is only in my dreams!
Check this out:

Thanks for all the input on the Reruns.  So tell us what concerns you most in our new episode "Crimes and Misdemeanors" - Mac's anger with Danny, OR Aiden thinking she's too hot for Danny? email  your thoughts to carmine@carminegiovinazzo.com

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, clearly it's much more troubling that Aiden thinks she's hotter than Danny then it was that he got in big trouble with the boss. Geez, insecure much??? Sorry, that cracked me up. :lol:
I know, it totally cracked me up. What will the next one be? "So, do you like my hair better with the blond highlights or without?" :lol:
"Does this coat go well with my eyes? Does my CSI case clash with my outfit?"

I'm feeling a bit Catholic today so I'm gonna keep my mouth shut except to say, in Carmine's defense, I bet there are people out there that are more worried about the Danny/Aiden aspect of things. :lol:
I love the weekly emails. Next week will be something like So...we repeated. Again. Is it ticking you off yet or what? (you must say that line in your head with the accent, it makes it sound better) :lol:

Or... Should Danny just give it up with Aiden and bang Maka instead?

Like I said, I love the weekly emails. Next week's shall be interesting.
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