E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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ok so you guys know i am from scotland and haven't seen Tanglewood!

but i sent him an email about another ep and he replyed saying he appreciated it from one so far away! can you say happy that he cares what his fans think!!

see he should really know that he has a world wide appeal! ;)
I think I will email him again and see what happens. All that I have to think about now is what I am going to say to him. Oh well I will come up with something. I always do. For better or for worse.
Yes, I haven't heard back yet either... from the 2nd time hehe. I am sure he's getting busy now!
same goes for me...i have yet to receive a reply from him...perhaps i'll try my luck once more. :D hopefully i get lucky *rubs hands in glee*
That was short-lived. :p What's the matter, Carmine--getting lazy? :lol:

He probably can't keep up with the e-mails--I wouldn't feel bad if you don't get a reply. Their hiatus is probably only a few weeks away at most--maybe he'll respond more regularly then.
Yeah, I'm not upset, he did write back once, I am sure he's just getting swamped now.
It's probably not that he's getting "swamped" really. I'd guess that he's only getting between 50-75 emails a day, and I think even that's on the high side. I have no doubt that he's reading them all, but maybe he's going to start doing a group response on his site. To which I say, if he does, we all get together and make a group email. :lol:
I'm sure he is "swamped" because with his schedule he probably can't check his emails constantly and they have a way of building up. I'd let him be and give him a break....
When I said swamped, I meant hundreds of emails a day. I understand that his schedule is probably crazy and that emails are building up...I've got no problem with waiting for anything. I don't really even care that he's not responding. Just knowing that he's reading what we all have to say is great to me, the reply is the added bonus.
that is why I haven't e-mailed him again. I figure that until he has time to take a breather that I will do my very best to leave the hotness alone. this is very hard to do, especially since over in the locker room there are some oh so hot Danny pics with sex toys. enough said there.
Does anyone know which Dostoevsky (Dostoyevsky) book Carmine's e-mail quote comes from? My brain keeps telling me Crime and Punishment, but I haven't read it in years.

It has been like a couple of days and he hasn't emailed me back yet. It is so sad. It must be the amount of emails that he is recieving. Yeah that's it.
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