E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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^Probably Crime & Punishment. I can't say for sure--I'm ashamed to say I haven't read any Dostovesky. I'm much more up on Tolstoy and Turgenev. Or I was...I read most of my classics in high school and college.

Anyone know the quote? Hey, someone could always e-mail him to ask! What did he write you, JDonne?
I have been racking my brain trying to figure out where that quote came from. I have crime and punishment, although I have yet to get through all of it. I even googled the quote and got nothing.
Posted by Top41:
^Probably Crime & Punishment. I can't say for sure--I'm ashamed to say I haven't read any Dostovesky. I'm much more up on Tolstoy and Turgenev. Or I was...I read most of my classics in high school and college.

Anyone know the quote? Hey, someone could always e-mail him to ask! What did he write you, JDonne?

He thanked me for the nude pictures, asked for more at my convenience; and said yes I could have his baby! Sorry, I'm in a weird mood. :lol:

He said my e-mail was beautifully written and wonderfully appreciated. That was the opening, I can't remember the rest, but I know it involved keeping in touch and not hesitating to write again.

Posted by Top41:
^Wow, cool! :D What did you say to him?

Here is what I wrote:

Often mentioned on a CSI message board is a link to your unofficial website; there I found a call for response to the Tanglewood episode.

The end scene in Tanglewood was masterfully played, and added intrigue to a worthy television drama. The intrigue stems from a portrait of Danny that exists within my mind. He always seemed the streetwise kid peppered with a touch of naiveté, yet always on the path of right, how ordinary an observation. The fault was mine; only with deeper reflection did I see the refinements of an intricate character.

The final bow of your head left the viewer distressing about Danny's future and the safety of a popular character. I saw in that bow the self-inflicted grief and guilt so often visited upon children who fear the disapproval of a parent or parental figure. The viewers in just a few episodes have seen how desperately Danny desires Mac’s praise, and in one moment, we saw Danny’s hopes falter and a specter of shame creep into his mask of bravado. There is no doubt that Danny is smart and tough, but he is also a man of conviction and emotion harboring a troubled past; the mix is intoxicating. Here’s hoping the writers do justice to your tormented portrayal. You deserve applause and my many thanks for allowing me to see the soul behind the science.

Now on a less adult note and more of a giggling schoolgirl note – your smile kills me.

i sent him a email and got a reply, and i then sent another one and got no reply. it must be over wellming to recieve loads of emails from from groupies that want to see him naked in the shower, i think would be a little freaked out, but i suppose it comes with the job.
It is getting to be the end of the first season, and he's probably really busy. I'm thinking...and hoping that nobody mentioned the whole shower thing and was mature about the whole thing. Unless....he's checked this place out and is freaked out. But I doubt it. :)
i think he would find it really funny.
it is only harmless fun, good point about the end of the season i didn't think about that.
he proberly responds every month or something! :p
Posted by lookaboomerang:
I'm kinda hoping for a site update sometime this week. I'm so so interested in the 4th Box...he's killing me over here! :lol:

Yeah, I'm wondering about that 4th Box too, but then again I'm a curious kitty. :lol:

I've yet to get up the courage to write him. Everything I put down sounds stupid to me. I'll just have to keep trying since he's actually responding. :D
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